I'm wanna anonymously send pic related $1000.00. She has instagram but that's it. And no, I'm not joining instagram

I'm wanna anonymously send pic related $1000.00. She has instagram but that's it. And no, I'm not joining instagram.

Attached: IMG_7395.jpg (640x799, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Can you send me it? I'm cuter.

You should send that money to me. I need blepheroplasty surgery and I'm 2300 dollars short

You cannot deny that beta males are the worst things in existence.

How about sending 500 to me to help a poor slav replace his graphics card in-time for finals

>I'm wanna anonymously send pic related $1000.00
y tho

Who is her name on Instagram I'll ask her what her PayPal is for you

OP here,

Prove it, meaning, make my heart skip a beat.

Put it in your savings account instead

Just drop the @ name and I'll message her and show you what she says I'll say "someone is trying to send you money"

Attached: __inaba_yui_flyable_heart_drawn_by_itou_noiji__sample-6439a0d6ef72afcd5a1ab28511a153ec.jpg (850x637, 78K)

Too much money... might as well give some of it to a cute girl.

Haven't eaten in days. $300 will do wonders for me fren

why dont you send your money to that user begging for money

What is her Instagram OP

Attached: Ck3bX71UkAIBHCW.jpg (1200x673, 128K)

I'll get ban if I post contact info.

Shouldn't you be out looking for a job as opposed to begging on Jow Forums?

It's just her Instagram account faggot op

Everyday people post about fembot girls it's nothing new. It's just her public social media it's not like your posting her phone number retard.

Attached: __kiritani_riria_boku_to_koi_suru_ponkotsu_akuma_drawn_by_sayori__06b90337310bca5af04345361a3b6e99.j (1280x800, 391K)

I know her bitcoin wallet addres. Got bitcoin?

Don't fall for this he will post his own account, I will show you the real live messages from her .

No one is going to give you money, fish mouth slut.

Attached: fish-human-teeth.jpg (640x607, 60K)

she has the same face as so many other weak chinned girls, not a fan

Just a reminder that this girl is actually OP trying to get orbiters and she constantly posts herself here.

So I'm doing reverse image searches, I can't find this girl anywhere but this same picture being reposted on Jow Forums,
Something about the screams self post...
Op please prove me wrong otherwise I am assuming this is a self post.
Stop forcing this I can tell from all of the post no one's that into it sadly.

Attached: 949d71ce168068a73261711f0ac7625f-1024x768.png (1024x768, 1.22M)

Yes, I was doing reverse image search as well when a different user posted her picture for the first time. And yep, came up with the same results until yesterday somebody actually posted her instagram account. I was completely perplexed as to how this particular user was able to find her instagram.

Because it's you and you posted it yourself, just like you samefag in all these threads talking about how "beautiful" she is when your post gets ignored.

The girl isn't even that special looking and you nothing of her, and it's not like she has some kind of history here like Sunny or Ciara so it just doesn't make sense you would want to send her money.

I'm going to confirm that this is a self post, I am only bumping this thread because I want everyone here to be aware of this self poster.

Attached: lusciousnet_120_image00119_729632150.png (1024x576, 652K)

hey OP buy me a game instead you pathetic beta orbiter

It's already confirmed that op is self posting

Pathetic roast complimenting herself after everyone in the thread ignored her. Sad!

Why are you sending her $1000? What are you expecting to get out of it?

Stop it.


Attached: IMG_7410.jpg (2444x3182, 1.69M)

Prove it then op give up her Instagram and I will find her PayPal for you and then you must prove here that you sent a payment.

So far you have given your maiden a bad name you must save her like the white Knight you are.

Attached: 9 (1).jpg (960x540, 109K)

Then stop posting yourself, uggo.

OP just kys there was a thread yesterday over some dude that wanted to off himself because he didnt had enough money to pay his debts and you

just send a random roastie your fucking money this is some next level beta orbiting

It's the girl in the picture posting herself here trying to gain orbiters.

OP here,

How about this, if any fembot out there can make me fall in love with them (timestamp required) I'll give you the money instead. Deal?

Attached: IMG_7411.jpg (2366x2767, 1.29M)

What's that gotta do with me? I'm not responsible for digging anyone's grave.

im her OP now send it you wanna be my cuck dont you maybe next time if you give more ill think about sleeping with you instead of jamal next time

Attached: 1517614900970.jpg (326x326, 28K)

This is a trap
Post the girls Instagram faggot op

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op get cuckeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

Attached: big_1409556056_image.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

OP here,

I gotta get back to work (visual effects) but if any fembots out there want my money, keep this thread alive by posting a picture of yourself with timestamp.

Make me fall in love with you.


Donate the money to charity instead of some girl that will never know who you are or care about you. That's not how you get girl interested in you

Her instagram is emm.jc, check the archives.

Kinda cute but I wouldn't ever just give people that much money let alone a money grubbing roast

She's like a 3 at best. I'll never understand why so many of you losers are obsessed with her.

Fembot here,
you can give me your money now thx

Attached: 20180426_003558.jpg (2048x1152, 550K)

Id love to rape the shit out of her and cum all over her face

I just sent this
I am a girl myself so she is likely to trust me especially since I have a higher following than her.

Attached: Screenshot_20180425-174326.png (1440x2880, 133K)

who are you though is this fake

Still waiting for a reply from her

i see your a man well versed in the art of comedy as well good sir

Attached: hehhee.jpg (250x248, 6K)

Why do yellow fever girls have that particular look. Pretty similar to how yellow fever guys look like basedboys.

wtf i know this girl's friend. she follows me on insta. you're a fucking weirdo user

she lives in Tokyo, its still pretty early over here

Hey op almost there

Attached: Screenshot_20180425-183850.png (1440x2880, 294K)

Whats your own paypal? You must be better than OP

Well I tried
Its either 2 things
1: she's spooked/thinks it's bullshit
2: op is self posting and she's reading this right now playing dumb and in full damage control.

You decide

Attached: Screenshot_20180425-185037~2.png (1440x2229, 360K)

idk mate but it has to do with low test onions boybased basedboy cucky cucks little bitch boypussy, if i'm not mistaken

Who is the snitch? Or was it OP whole time?..

Attached: Screenshot_20180425-185446.png (1440x2880, 868K)

she made this thread, confirmed. now stop posting this trash, OP.

fuck OP's self posting fuck; I now want to give YOU money

dude I know her, she didn't self post. I linked her the thread cuz you guys are fucking weirdos

I am not here to self post just to lurk and help robots

Attached: Screenshot_20180425-185821.png (1440x2880, 454K)

okay, emma.


yeah this is totally emma

Attached: image.png (750x1334, 196K)

no you dumb retarded woman, I want YOU to post your paypal. Why the fuck you think I meant that I thought you were OP self-posting?

Sounds suspicious to me either way.

Thanks for exposing my image faggot
If anything I was just trying to help this girl get money
If anything I was trying to help whoever op is

most girls have multiple instagram accounts. what is this supposed to prove, retard?

Yes I understand that I'm saying I don't want to become a self poster here, I don't need a bad rep here.

Attached: __kiritani_riria_boku_to_koi_suru_ponkotsu_akuma_drawn_by_sayori__sample-fcc8c923ad4c373ca3ddcfad9c8 (850x550, 195K)

Lol please Emma did not make this thread herself?? If anyone of you even knew her properly or even followed her social media you would know she doesn't have time for bullshit like this lol

what is a person with that cleavage profile pic doing on k9r

Just stop posting Emma you're digging yourself deeper.

Give me your Instagram, I will contact you so you know it's me without me having to self post here

Attached: d318658e6ceb4c90410a9cb3e5b51449.jpg (1028x1500, 165K)

I don't want to give you money anymore because you have very disturbing Instagram profile picture!

If she is unwilling to post her PayPal I think this whole thing is a self post.
Good day gentleman

Attached: Screenshot_20180425-190953.png (1440x2880, 278K)

save it to buy a good dinner man
Or some liquor, I suggest gin it's my favorite

Attached: lusciousnet_konachancom-141011-blus_800419983.1024x0.jpg (1024x576, 100K)

pic related is me, gimme the money

Attached: idealwojak.png (1445x1361, 202K)

I want to be done posting in this thread until proof is shown.
Bye for now, I'm going to be lurking on other threads.

Attached: Screenshot_20180425-193128.png (1440x2880, 346K)

how about you just fall in live with me and we start a life together and love each other forever and ever instead?

Attached: IMG_2018325_47666.jpg (1920x2560, 384K)

She lives near me actually. Send it to my paypal I will give her myself.


>What am I, the neet keeper?

Gross absolutely gross oragano

those stretchmarks >:D

You seem cute . Although 2 things
>if you are a tranny kill yourself
>until i see your face i will assume the worst .
Altough i doubt you could go any lower than my standards lets see your face

>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums
>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums
>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums
>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums
>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums
If anything no face posting

Alright fine then i want her to tell me how her face looks . Hair color , eye color , face shape , lip shape , nose shape and then i cant get a decent idea of how she looks .

I'm not op but madly in love hun

I got her to make one
Here you go

Attached: Screenshot_20180425-200624.png (1440x2880, 537K)

>She has instagram but that's it
>She has instagram

Dude I wouldnt unless you like cock

stop working together with this whore to get her money and orbiters jesus christ. id like to say noone would fall for this obvious type of shill but there probably are some naive retards here who will

OP post proof of donation, otherwise self posting confirmed.

Working together? I have no benefit, I have stayed anonymous this whole time it's mostly for faggot op who keeps making threads everyday, I was just hoping to help him out/shut him up..or expose a self poster.

Attached: 001 (1).jpg (700x450, 101K)

I hate when the veil is broken.

Congratulations youve created a new whoreara

Attached: E9166A39-B478-4DF4-8568-A30412F0390D.jpg (750x747, 408K)

i'm literally the girl in the op...

Attached: 1521899239324_1524705660523_1524705702170.jpg (2560x1920, 478K)

Timestamp needed post it on your Instagram