Is purity a meme? Are there any girl over age of 18 who is still a virgin?
Is purity a meme? Are there any girl over age of 18 who is still a virgin?
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I am 20 and still a virgin (because I'm religious) and so are all the unmarried girls in my religion who grew up that way.
You need yo change your pedestal perception of women as being "pure" and "innocent" because they're white and blonde with blue eyes.
Having sex shouldn't make you "impure" anyhow unless you do it with more than one partner. But that goes for both men and women.
Yes. They're called Christians.
I know some of them but they have very high standards are not necessarily the best. They usually grew up in very religious families, overprotected, not very deep persons. Sad!
Yeah there are plenty. Are they as attractive as the women you fap too? No
Hmm, what's something all the women in your picture have in common?
>christian girls are pure
You mean because priests only rape boys?
Christian girls are the biggest whores after they taste their first cock. This is absolutely true without fail. I've met too many girls like this in college.
>christian girls are whores
not surprising since the laws are all in the OT which saul conveniently abrogated.
> Pic related.
are you cute though? Being ugly girl and remaining virgin past 20 is nothing to commend about.
Do you realize how much of a moron someone would have to be to see a jpeg of a clean, pretty woman and just assume she is pure or even a good person?
>I can't even believe this beautiful, highly desirable woman has SEX!
>She was smiling in da other jpeg!
Every single pic you see of a "pure" girl is really a foul-mouthed, vodka sucking, self-important animal that is impossible to live with. Zero exceptions. Never forget that.
Virginity is the meme. There are no pure humans. You shit and piss. You are not loving, selfless and compassionate 100% of the time, if ever. Your thoughts have wandered """impurities""". Free yourself from the shackles of your own mind and realize the only god is nature, and to be a virgin forever, as r9k knows ALL TOO WELL, is not natural.
they exist, but the older they get, their numbers decrease exponentially.
It's easier to find a 18yo virgin than finding a 25 yo virgin.
yeah, but an average girl with a group of friends
bascially normie girls lose their virginites on average at 19 years old
im taking normal girl, not a high school slut etc.
damn, he came right on the cross.
This is 100% true, include me in the screencap on r/Jow Forums
gnon is not subtle
I'm a virgin, but I wouldn't call myself pure.
One look at any of those girls and you know they aren't pure.
copest of copes
>I am 20 and still a virgin
>I'm religious
>I'm a girl
>on Jow Forums
I don't think that user was implying he was a girl, but rather the girls of his religion are virgins.
>takes it up the ass and sucks legions of cock
hehehehehehe at least I am still a virgin :3
>believing women who say they're virgins
>Is purity a meme?
I'm 24 and still a virgin.
I have issues with sex and I'm too afraid to do it.
>Is purity a meme?
No, it's biology.
>Are there any girl over age of 18 who is still a virgin?
Without a doubt. There are billions of women on this planet.
If they're religious Muslims then you can believe them. No one else has any reason to stay virgin so they're probably lying.
lmao @ people who see a picture of a hot chick and think she's "pure"
wow, op, it's almost like you collected a few pictures of porn stars in clothes and posted them online
What would possess a young woman to let a man cum on her face and then take pictures and share them?
I wish you were wrong but...
Those are not porn stars though.
what kind of autism do you have to have to expect a girl to be a virgin forever? Would you want to do that?
Who said she had to be a virgin forever? She has to be a virgin until she marries around the age of 13-16.
Literally zero. At midnight on the day of every girl's 16th birthday, Chad and Tyrone materializ in her bed and turn her into a whore
The girl in this pic is pure, PURE!
Mormons and feminists.
Chad reporting
Most grils will tell you they're "pure" even if they aren't
Purity is a meme.
Not in the west in any large number. Every woman under 30 has sent her nudes to someone.
When did women start to go from pure maidens to cum-dumpsters?
around age 12
t. mexican fattie india
Sure I will be, but I'm not tasting anyone's cock but my husband's. There's nothing "impure" about having natural sexual urges that our hormones dictate we should nor for having urges to ensure human survival.
The only problem is acting on them every time we have them rather than controlling them and using them appropriately.
People have both tried to take my virginity by force and by persuasion many MANY times. I don't think I'm attractive but apparently other people do.
All of these things are true. I should stop coming here though, you're right.
I have done neither. Nor will I until I'm married. Anal and oral are still sex.
>until she marries around the age of 13-16.
kek the absolute state of rednecks
That's just not true. They put on clothes like "cum dumpsters" because they seem popular but I have been 12 and 13 and 14 years old and done nothing, known nothing about sex, and not even had much of a strong interest in it.
Some girls start to become sexually active around 17 or 18, but that's usually only the 10/10 Stacies of the school.
Millenials (and, I assume, Gen Z) are having far less sex than people assume we're having and also in comparison to years past.
Lots of girls lose their virginity in college.
Try again, neither white, Mexican, nor Indian.
I was asking for a time in history where this type of behavior started.
I went to catholic school all my life and girls were whores, its not a matter of religion its more a matter of culture. Granted thats my own anecdotal experience but a lot of people observe the same thing
>neither white, Mexican, nor Indian.
same shit. You are a fat shitskin/niggress and that is enough to keep you unfuckable
Probably when the repercussions for doing so were taken away.
>I have done neither. Nor will I until I'm married
anal and oral are both impure sex acts
holy shit
I ain't fat though. And do you really think Tyrone cares? He'd fuck anyone.
They were only catholic by name but not in deed. There's a big difference between having convictions and actually acting on them.
>d do you really think Tyrone cares? He'd fuck anyone.
you are right on that one, but i remind you we mean "human women" not niggers, sory to be though
What's impure about them though? Just /b/ creative bud.
It's only dirty if the person is physically dirty and not your husband/wife.
Your sex life (assuming you'll ever have one) is about to be hella boring
Well said my friend. Well said AND original
Women will do some of the most degenerate shit with a guy as long as they perceive him as having enough value.
i'm guessing with the hippie/freedom shit in the 60's
>That's just not true. They put on clothes like "cum dumpsters" because they seem popular but I have been 12 and 13 and 14 years old and done nothing, known nothing about sex, and not even had much of a strong interest in it.
when i was in 7th grade, people were already fucking around
>Some girls start to become sexually active around 17 or 18, but that's usually only the 10/10 Stacies of the school.
in what fucking part of the world? by 9th/10th grade, everybody had a relationship and everybody had fucked someone
might be just me, but i have no faith in girls/women/humanity and every girl is a slut after age 12
Neither will lead to procreation and the fact that anal and oral are only mainstream now is a good indication of the lost of values that our society is having right now.
>to be a virgin forever, as r9k knows ALL TOO WELL, is not natural.
my current gf was a virgin when i met her and she was 21 at the time. we were both chubby when we were young and got more attractive after losing weight. she was also just against it and wanted to save our first time until 100 days into our relationship but i weedled it down to about a month i think
Those panties need to come off way quicker than that.
I fucking hate it when women make me wait because I know there are other guys who don't have to with her.
>only mainstream now
I hate to break it to ya m8 but people have been doing this kind of thing way before it was "cool". Society is declining but people have been bad always
Maybe they bragged to you about "fucking around" but they were probably lying to sound cool.
Being in a relationship as a kid very often just means hand holding and kissing and "getting to second base" which is considered a milestone for many kids of that age.
i do too, but i understood that it was something she was kind of scared and nervous about being a virgin at such a late age so i understood. it was only like 20 days in when i realized how long 100 days actually is and i started talking to her about a compromise
holy shit the autism. was ironic obviously, except is he was talking about niggresses.
But no ways millenials start fucking at 17. THOT 10/10 staceys start at 15 or 16. Normal ones start at 16 with their bf, or later like 17 or 18 . There is not such a difference in the start, but in the long run. I know because i am 18,5 and know when my old schoolmates lost virginity
>100 days
wtf bro why would you be bfs for that long w/o sex?
oops i switched the post numbers. The ironic is the 12 yo post. And the other is the autistic
Thata because youre a male
Autistic girls are just as promiscious as normal girls tbhdesu
for some reason i registered it as way less than 100 days and when i realized how long it actually was i talked to her about it and we did the deed a month into our relationship. it was a long month but i dont regret it, we're still going out and love each other
No tolerance. Do you think she would make a rich and guy wait? If she makes you wait it either means she thinks you're a nice guy, or she doesn't like you enough.
Some bitch made me wait 7 attempts before I got in to her pants and the sex was fucking shit.
I prefer a slut who lets me fuck her the first time I meet her over a girl who makes me wait a while.
Only a beta bitch boy would wait, if you're a man and you want something in life you have to take it. Take what you think belongs to you.
I'm well aware of the fact that certain things have always happened but I know that those same things are much worse now.
if thats your point of view you must have a poor image of women. it sounds like youve only met with girls that have skewed your view on them and i hope you find someone nice for once. you can keep on trying to sound tough and alpha on the internet but it's much better to find actual love bro, best of luck again
>Are there any girl over age of 18 who is still a virgin?
Any woman who says she is lies. They already start in middle school with older guys and work hard to reach three digit numbers berfore turning 20.
Even the most purehearted churchgoing girl I knew turned out to be a massive slut who had no problem to blow a few guys for weed after sunday curch mass.
Don't beieve them. Always assume that they had a multitue of dicks in their mouth since waking up.
Who are these sloots and why is there no more
These dumb whores believe someone else died for their sins. What do you expect?
I'm sorry but only a virgin or a guy who has fucked less than 3 women in his life cares about "purity.
>all these c*tholics realizing their women are whores
I'm not trying to sound tough or alpha, I'm just tired of getting a shitty deal. 7 attempts and after taking her out to dinner and eventually she just lays there? No. Not acceptable.
It's a matter of self respect. I know she's giving other guys a better time than she's giving me.
>my christian sect is more true than your christian sect
people like you are the reason we have molyposters.
>d-don't seek to find the better theology, its pointless anyway!
nigga do you realize that everybody in this thread is talking about protestant girls?
The only virgin I fucked told me she was 18.
But none of you have any more foundation for your doctrines in the bible than the others.
specifically what doctrines are unfounded?
inside every protestant is a catholic
inside every catholic is an orthodox
inside every orthodox is the love of Christ
Virgin brides are a meme. You can either remain MGTOW or settle for used goods.
being a slut that enjoys being used
femanon here I left my high school bf cause he was going nowhere with his life and after 4 years became a paranoid scitso . tfw he has a good job now and a new gf
Pretty sure the average of losing it in the US is 17. Anyway I know lots of 18+ year old virgins (myself included).
The price of a good woman is more than rubies
Date another schizo and do heroin together.
You are just misunderstanding the word purity. A pure person in 2018 is one who is pure of heart. Who's honest and their intentions are good. Sexual purity is a relic of slave morality anyway.
is this video real? sauce?
Source on these?
Especially left / right?
Tried image searching
here you go
I found that thread
Do you see something I don't, because I don't see the names of any of the women in the picture (top or bottom) or sources of the pornographic sets
Imogen Poots
>you will never be Mister Imogen Gay Poots
>you will never say "Mister Poots, I love your daughter."
>you will never fuck the Poots out of her
>you will never call her Pootie
>you will never put your arm around her waist and refer to your children as "All our little Pootses"
>you will never nickname various parts of her body Pootsie, Pootser, or Pootspoots
>you will never pant the name "Imogen Gay Poots, oh Imogen Gay Poots" in her ear as you make love to her
>you will never slip the ring on her finger and say "I guess you're Imogen Straight Poots now"
There was a 20y/o that was interested in me last year that was still a virgin, she was hispanic/japanese if any of you are collecting metrics
>of course I fucked it up
Fuckings mongs falling for bait, underage mongs believe the bait.
Hurr durr all girls are slags because i can't get laid