Hello Mr. user, I'm Katie your court appointment sex therapist...

>Hello Mr. user, I'm Katie your court appointment sex therapist. I'm here to make sure your sexual frustration doesn't cause you to commit any acts of violence. Anyway, let's get you out of those pants so we can get started!

Attached: Katie.jpg (1529x2048, 395K)

Ughh why do I get the ugly oneee

Because you're ugly as shit too

I think you you just made a grammatical error. I'm sorry but there's no way I'll be able to get an erection now.

>I'm not interested lady. This is entirely too impersonal for me. I masturbate frequently enough and I have no history of violence.
>a better answer would be a real matchmaking service, or maybe lessons on romance and dating. Otherwise you'd have to seem really into me and would need to force me. Good luck with that.
implying I even show up to this appointment.

Hello, user. I am special agent Jackson. It seems you missed your sexual therapy appointment. My superiors are concerned you will commit acts of violence upon the general public. Would you mind answering a couple of questions?

Isn't there a hentai with this very premise?

That would not help you.

You know you want to be loved, not be taken care of.

Yes but would you answer why the court is worried about me when the most illegal thing I've ever done is go more than 70 mph on a highway?

Ogenki Clinic

this is the future you choose, deal with it

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actually my fetish is casual impersonal sex because my phobias have to do with intimacy and trust

if there was a level of anonymity similar to the one afforded by giving your SSN to DMV employees (there's a million of you coming in daily, they don't care, it's all the same, they won't remember) i would be so obscenely happy

Because you could snap at any moment. Now if you won't comply with your therapist you'll be hooked up to the incel milking machine.

Attached: milking-machine-500x500.jpg (500x500, 36K)

No, I'm sexy as fuck just misanthropic.

If thinking this helps you sleep at night, then good.

na du u ugly lol

A milking machine seems incredibly useless considering how frequently I masturbate. But there is no way I'm going to a therapist. also you didn't ask any questions even though I was willing to answer them. Also do I look like I'm on the verge of snapping? I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown because I'm talking to someone I perceive to be an authority figure, but I'm not on the verge of violence or insanity, just on the verge of becoming a shut-in.

um... how do you know my sexual inclinations more than me? how do you know my interpersonal issues better than me?

explain plis

Please come with us, sir.

Thats still not a question. who do you think I am? elliot rodger? Mr. Plinkett?


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Because this is bullshit and you know it. You're trying to convince yourself of some of your inclinations to avoid the issue. But you don't realize you've building walls all around yourself, walls which are even more terrible than the view you had on the outside when they were not raised. You've tried (or worst, perhaps succeeded) to convince yourself of a completely degenerate fetish that will never meet reality. How does that taste, now?

I'm not trying to be offensive but you need to realize that you're not helping yourself. You're trying to rationally justify your downfall, when you could do otherwise. I'm not saying the usual bullshit that you can better yourself and go meet girls. But you can still kill your desires if you know you can't fulfill them for example.

You're a robot only because you're trying to make sure you think you are one. You're the culprit, and the only victim is you, and even the possible people you could have made happy by meeting them if you weren't such a cuck with your wishful thinkings.

We have a code 5 incel. I repeat we have a code 5 incel. I need a 1 mile perimeter lockdown and the cage. I repeat I need the cage.

I didn't even say I wouldn't go with you I'm just asking you questions and asking you to ask me questions.

HQ do I have permission to implement the incel rendition protocol? We have a hostile subject.

I'm beginning to see pizza rolls here.

This is why you're a virgin.


Granted. Bag him and tag him. We'll prepare the pen at the facility.

He may be under the influence of illegal substances. He is seeing pizza rolls. Do I have authority to render him unconscious for transport if necessary?

Why are cockmilking factory things even a part of this fantasy. It's not like either option would help anyone. Seeing a government supplied whore willingly won't provide a feeling of love and will make the whore hate herself. seeing her under force will make the person subjected to it afraid of sex. nobody needs the cum from some random loser virgin.

It's a FUYCKLING REFERENCE YOU DIPSHIT COPS. The pizza roll is telling me to make you watch the star wars prequels while I explain how bad they are.

We are going to need 200 cc's of haloperidol! The subject is psychotic!



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Haloperidol? hold on I think I have some of that in my basement. let me go check. don't look in my basement though.

Katie please poop on my face, I want to smell your dirty butthole!

Virgins should be rounded up and put into camps.

>unzip the ol benis
>*teleports behind her*
>dick in butt
>"heh nothing personal, Kate"

Hello kate you are now my wife I love you may I impregnate you with my autistic seed??


Oh the humanity. If there is a God he will have to jerk me off for forgiveness.

Arbeit macht frei, you fuckin NEETs