How many of you have asperger's? How many of you think it fucking sucks?

How many of you have asperger's? How many of you think it fucking sucks?

How many of you would believe me if I told you, despite being an aspie and it sucking, that you can mechanically learn a lot of the things about the world around you and how people work that makes being an aspie less painful? Hell, that being an aspie does, in some respects, make you better than and more respectable to neurotypicals?

Do I have your attention, aspiebots?

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I am 22, professionally 'assessed' (though thankfully not officially diagnosed) to have aspergers' in second grade. I live in Miami, a more normie-filled city than many others, and I have lived in two other cities in the south and done a stint in army basic training

I've read lots of books, done lots of drugs, didn't lose my virginity till I was 20 and have had sex only twice since. But now I have an amount of friends who like me, an amount of acquaintances who think I'm cool, REALLY cool, I don't know how, and girls who actually have agreed to hang out with me more than once. I'm not a real authority, but I know my case is relatively unique; and luckily I have the mental tools to understand what has made me successful

I first began to notice my social skills were faltering in the beginning of high school. Luckily I had already been on Jow Forums for at least a year then, and came across the good fortune to have somebody post this image. This image was the first inkling that I had the power to change how people react to me, merely by changing the way I behaved

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This image, saved around the same time, first gave me the insight into the female brain that I use today. The thing about blindly following these guides, even if you have no real understanding of what you're doing, is that as you use this knowledge successfully you gleam information and social knowledge from the people you test these tips on. People react, their personalities warp those reactions, and eventually after enough times you can be able to reason how some kinds of people would react to some kinds of things. Getting insight into how girls work, also gives you insight as to how guys work, as guys inherently are trying to match their behavioral puzzle piece to how girls work so that sex can happen

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Of course, a trademark symptom of aspergers and other ASDs is the inability to read body language. It's really less of an inability, and more that your brain does not naturally wire itself into having this capability. Empathy is a complicated thing; body language is literally all the neurotypical needs to do what makes them chads and stacies. Body language you can think of as how emotions move the body; it helped a lot at first to look at people and visualize them as brains controlling their meat mechas, responding to stimuluses by using the appropriate body part to convey what the brain is feeling. Your understanding of body language will be mechanical at first, sure, but once you use the knowledge enough it becomes second nature. It's through this knowledge that I tell people (the ones I do tell, that is) that I only technically have asperger's; after all aspies can't read body language, right? I've also used this definition to deflected being called out on maybe being socially retarded

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another body language pic. There's lots of books on the subject; I only read one, from an FBI profiler, called 'how to read anyone' or something. I remember another book by that title, too. "How To Read Anyone' . I recommend you all read that, and "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini, and "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman gives you a meta-analysis of why people socialize, what makes a good socialization, and why people can be stupid

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I'm just throwing this one out there. Can I get some responses pls

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How do you guys deal with sensory issues?

Sensory issues stem from the fact that you don't stimulate naturally from your environment and what's in it. You receive, we receive, I believe, clear, unfiltered perceptions of what's happening around us at the expense of less background brain activity processing what is happening there. I've never suffered much with sensory issues, save for sensitive hearing , but I hear sunglasses helps. If you decide you do want to be that cool, you can wear them everywhere and tell anybody who tells you to take them off (who has an amount of non-social authority to tell you) to frig off on account of your autism. I've heard betting like a bead bracelet or a watch helps, and if you're feeling overwhelmed just fiddle with it a bit

Look guy who made that fucking 'I'm gonna kill people' thread (I hope he's not banned) and guy who encouraged him to kill himself: it's fucking possible! Come in here and ask things!

I do. It does. I know. I don't care.

I've got lots of theories on socializing
But idk how to do it for real

I got real mad at the last girl to talk to me so I don't think I'll ever lose my virginity

You think you don't care, but the fact that you respond to assert so says you do. People will say things they totally don't mean, just to convince themselves they mean it. They might even feel like they do but they don't. This happens to us too, because as non-human as we are we still very much have the same operating system as everyone else, at least

Our alexithymia might in theory make it hard to understand our own emotions, and ergo the emotions of others, but I'm telling you: we have a gift where we can make the things we do and perceive be absolutely not clouded at all by our own ego. We can be full-on matter-of-fact, and that is a powerful tool that we already have. You just have to learn it

Tell me about your theories. Tell me where they came from, and what they dictate

I have, I basically keep a mask on almost 24/7 and sometimes feel like I'm on autopilot mode. I can appear "normal" almost always until things get more close.
I agree with almost everything he says, who is he?

What happens when things get close? What if I told you that you didn't need a mask?

Assburgers is just made up.

You are just quarky people who have bad social skills.

And of course you can get better at those.

So op, duh.

It's basic friendship theories
Why and how
It's why I don't really bother going out places
I don't have the time and energy to deal with people
Idk how much that really works though

21. Have it. Confirmed that it sucks.

I wholeheartedly disagree with number 9
The more time I spend in a group the more I hate life

I had a mask pretty much until 2016. I watched Community, a show about Dan Harmon with an aspie character. He didn't have a mask, and he was definitely weird, but he wasn't a joke. He was a fleshed-out, successful character that taught me living without a mask was possible

So I spent 2016 molding my mask into my image. I wouldn't ditch it until next year, and I did socially falter without it some times that same year. But I now don't consider myself to have one; I couldn't have one in basic. By the time I was sent home in late 2016, I could feel how close I was to not needing it. So I threw it away

everybody point, point at him and laugh

Do you work, anonymooooose?

I start spilling the spaghetti. I'm also ironically pretty good at public speaking.
>what if I told you you didn't need the mask
Gave me a giggle m8.
And you're retarded.

>about Dan Harmon
I mean by, fuck

That whole mask thing you are describing is nothing special to you.

Everyone does that. It's normal.

Everybody spills spaghetti; an awkward moment is just what happens when two personalities don't quite know how to respond to each other. You can do your part to be less awkward by thinking of something to say, anything, as long as its relevant. That way you can be awkward, but trying. Being weird makes you more awkward because the weirder shit you say in response to something you and somebody else experiences, the less that person can think of to say in response. Awkwardness is not inherent with the person, it's just a conversational variable

I work and come home
I despise my co-workers so it would be torture to be friends with them

Aren't you the technically retarded one?

Although not really tho because it's a made up thing.

Of course it is. That doesn't make him an aspie. What makes him an aspie is how his brain isn't wired to seek out dopamine rushes from interaction with people, and because it doesn't his brain doesn't perceive socially positive experiences as viscerally and doesn't build up proper social skills through his social reward circuitry. This makes us awkward, quirky people

Why do you despise them? How do they feel about you?

All of them are too extroverted

You cant fix yourself you normie autism is unfixable none of these posts told me how to make myself normal. Its not body language its about me being weird and people always treating me like im retarded and hating me

Also I don't know how they feel about me
I think they're just being nice but I'd rather them fuck off

You sound like you have internalized judgements. You're going to need to get rid of those, because they'll hold you back. Extroverts aren't inherently bad people, and you'll find many of them are emotionally intelligent individuals who will go far in life

The good thing about extroverts is they don't have to like you to be nice to you. This is gonna sound crazy, but next time one of them goes outside to smoke a cigarette ask for one. They'll probably give it to you. Tell them you've had a rough day, and somebody gave you advice that smoking with someone is a good way to talk

Nicotine tickles acetylcholine receptors. Acetylcholine is a neuromodulator that affects messages, rather than being a message. When you exhale, shortly thereafter you will feel an otherwordly calm and focus, and might actually want to talk to that coworker

You despise your coworkers, but surely you have your curiosities about them. Explore them with this one. You don't have to like them to talk, but you might find once you talk you can like them

No, these posts didn't tell you how to be normal. There is no 'normal'. These posts are just supposed to give you insight, and if you can read what they say and tell me they're useless you're beyond helping, either because your head is that far up your ass or you're chrischan levels of autistic

I suggest you save the images, and just have them there. Read them one day when you're calmer. Here's another one

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You can't make yourself "normal". People still tell me I'm weird. But they respect me and like me, and really that's all you need

You don't know that for sure about him and neither does the doctor. They only THINK that is a cause and it's what they are going with.

Awkward people are awkward because they just are awkward.

There is such a thing as being normal. I dont care about sex at all. I have just never been socially successful because of my condition. I never have had normal friends. Your "advice" is not helpful because i its not about body language garbage. Its all social capacity

Listen dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Physiological differences between autistic brains and neurotypical brains have been observed. I don't know what you expect, or what you want to accomplish, by walking into a thread for aspies and telling us we don't exist. Go take your insecurities somewhere else

And i already go to the gym and eat healthy

2/5 of my images have been about body language. The rest have been advice that, if applied, will make you more socially capable. But you're not here, or responding to me, to listen. So I say again: save these pictures, and read them some other time when you're calmer

First of all, I'm not smoking anything

Second, I don't think extroverts are bad people
I just wanna punch them in the face whenever they're in it
When I was in college I had two extroverted roommates and being near them was a living hell
I'd try to comply but i only have so much energy to do so

>surely you have your curiosities about them
Not really
I don't give a fuck about people's personal lives
That's why I like this place

Tell me about what you mentioned in this post
Why did you get mad at her?

Because you guys are too smart to fall for this made up label.

I know it feels good and it makes you feel special and unique tho and maybe you need that.

Well she was talking to me out of the blue
And she mentioned the attractiveness of another male
I didn't show any signs of anger but I was completely ready to get the fuck out

Aw, does somebody not feel special and unique enough themselves? Gets mad because science gave a name to a cluster of neurosocial impediments and he can't claim it as an excuse for why he's a failure?

Your insecurities cloud your vision. She wanted to talk to you, tell you something that vulnerabilizes her, and instead you made yourself the vulnerable one

You want social skills? The first thing every chad and stacy does is learn how to hold back 95-98% of the time, because letting random shit start a fire in your belly causes you to drop potentially fruitful social scenarios such as that

To be fair, you may have suspected when she mentioned that, that she was just trying to rile you up. That's an even better reason to stay calm! Staying calm would get her respect, which makes it less likely she'll try to fuck with you. Although, chances are she really wasn't fucking with you, and even if she was the best thing to do is to just carry on like normal and look for other signs she's fucking with you in conversation (something I have yet to learn to do. at this point, I just don't care and keep talking)

>I'm Team Cap because of Chris Evans's butt
>I'm Team Iron Man because I want to jizz all over Scarlett Johansson's tits

The attractiveness comment didn't make me mad
It was the fact she said her interest in the topic was because of her attraction to someone

No I'd don't really want social skills

Suit yourself. Still, I suggest you save my images. Maybe they'll do you good one day

Seems awfully quick though
Just talking to me got her on my bad side

I mean it's kinda sad that I wouldn't even have a person to ask to be a best man or anyone to go to my funeral
But the amount of effort it takes just seems too much

Science gave it a name so it can charge you for therapy and medication.

And it makes it feel like its not all your fault. It's all because you have assburgers right. So go ahead and blame everything on it.

Poor you.

But don't worry, they can help with therapies and medication that don't really solve anything at all.

As an aspie I learned to fix some of the social problems i had by reading the 7 military classics of ancient china. Part of it talks about how to be a good leader. Good person. Make people like you. Etc. Applied these to everyday life an I started to get respect.

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I'm prescribing you nicotine. Seriously. The focus and the energy you get will make dealing with people less of a hassle

You sound like you don't enjoy life quite all that much, anyways. Plus you already exercise and eat healthy so the damage would be minimized. Get a pack of cigarettes, or make it a habit of bumming one from said coworkers, and then once you start getting worried about your lungs get a juul or something. Just... just don't go crazy with the juul, okay? I've wasted two months trying to get my tolerance back to normal

Oh hey he came back, 40 minutes later, and now he's assuming that I'm sad and blaming something on anything for no reason!

I don't need therapies and medications, and these guys don't either. Unless you count doing some serotonergic drugs and maybe getting a nicotine habit

That's good. How else have you been successful?

I absolutely hate smoking and I have a pretty addictive personality

Also I hate doing things I like with other people
Even people I like

Mechanically learning is the wrong term, more like observing and imitating. But I get your point and I am grateful for not being a total sperglord. It still sucks though.

Then you're just going to be fucking lonely and miserable your whole life. Look, I don't mean to be accusatory, but the ego is a powerful thing. It's likely you've trained yourself, to some extent, to not expect pleasure from doing pleasurable things with people so you don't

One thing I notice about my fellow aspie is he/she can be very very rigid and closeminded. Hell, I can be too. So to channel my dad, I'm gonna tell you to suck it up and do these happy things with people until you like it. Are you too hung up on minutae and minor bullshit to truly enjoy yourself? A cigarette will help that fall away. Hate smoking? Get a juul or one of those disposable e-cigs at your local grocer

Oh apparently he is physically incapable of doing that according to someone. He can't get pleasure from social interactions at all.

And just suck it up? That's your great expert advice?

And will you stop trying to get him to smoke and/or get him addicted to something.

Would you believe if I told you to fuck off Chad? Because you should get the fuck off my board youre not a robot and never were so of course you would come here spouting your wannabe sage bullshit piss all over us real aspies and call it holy water. Unironically kill yourself for thinking you could help anyone here with your normiesage advice.

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Up yours chad fake aspie.

The part of me that's aspie wants to pick apart exactly what's wrong with this post, such as no I never said we don't get pleasure from socializing, but the part of me that knows that won't accomplish anything is just going to tell you to fuck off. I have my reasons for my advice, reasons you won't understand because this thread isn't for you. So please go

I'm sorry you feel this way

I literally said a licensed professional assessed me to have a high probability of aspergers in second grade. I'm not fake, dude

Yes you are. Ive met tons of you everwhere
"Im aspie but ive had 20 gfs and everything its not impossible brah all youse gots to do is learn meaningless hand gestures and shower and eat healthy"

Why do I need to socialize though?
I find pleasure in talking to people anonymously over the internet and despise doing it in real life

I haven't had 20 gfs. I've had two girls who let me fuck them within hours of meeting (Im... rather attractive) then dropped my awkward, sexually incompetent ass. I've got orbiters who try desperately to get me to do something with them, which because I never plan on having to deal with that I fail to capitalize. if I wasn't an aspie, I could easily have a harem of a dozen girls right now. But my social incompetence means I can only imagine bedding three of them in the next few months

I might be successful, but I'm still more like you than 95% of the people I know

You want there to be nobody at your funeral? You mentioned it

Tested for learning disabilities when I was a child, never diagnosed, but I am very sure I have aspergers.

It's a sad thought but I don't want to do the things necessary to have people there
I don't care enough

You know what you should do then? Shrooms. Objectively tested to result in increased mental wellbeing even months after

plus it's fun. and you're depressed so you've got nothing to lose, right?

is there a difference between aspergers and homosexuality

I despise dick

it sucks cause you can't understand why everyone else is getting relationships and being social and you just cant do it and no one understands except maybe other asspies.

It's not that you can't do it, it's that you don't /need/ to do it. Your alexithymia prevents you from feeling the emotions that drive the normies to congregate and fuck

Its possible to look under it, and feel ghosts of those emotions tho. interested?

I don't know whether this is because of my Asperger's, but I don't really feel that bad about not having a social life or relationships. I see how loneliness is driving other people on this board insane, sometimes to the point of suicide and stuff, but being alone doesn't affect me that much, I feel.

I'm not getting high

I'm depressed but not because I don't have a ton of friends and go out a lot
Nothing beats spending time by myself

Asperger's is good because you're born without a hivemind. You have views, attitudes and tastes independent of the time and place you live in because you feel detached from the peer group.

You don't ever feel even a little bad about not having friends?

it seems very rare that aspies still like girls. are you diagnosed?

Okay, get this: shrooms don't get you high. Every drug puts you in a headspace disconnected from reality. But shrooms, and lsd, put you in a headspace that superconnects you to reality, even if you're behaving rather stupefied but that's because you've essentially overclocked your brain then set your serotonin systems on hyperdrive

It's a different experience from something like weed or mdma, and you won't regret it

What's weird is Aspies are Omega males who are often weak but low functioning autists are like Chad's but retarded and have lots of high testosterone and retard strength. Why the contrast?

I guess a bit, but it's nowhere near as bad as I see that it is for other people on this board. Another thing is that I don't hate normal people or women, which I see a lot of people on this board doing.

This is our superpower, listen to this user. You can literally be the trademark charming sociopath, except with a soul

That open mindedness is good. it's a key step to hypothetically becoming chad

I guess the thing is that I think a lot of Jow Forums users hate normal people for rejecting them, while I blame most of my issues on myself. I guess my biggest issue is my lack of self-control, so I often do stuff like spend too much time on Jow Forums, or eat too much junk food.

Are you me?
I feel exactly the same way
It's why I'm reluctant to indulge in that guy's suggestions of smoking and shrooms

I admit, they're kind of wtf. But on the facts side, you can't abuse hallucinogens, and if you get a vape it's not THAT bad to be addicted. You can always give it to your mom for a few days at a time like I do

Honestly, doing a hallucinogen might make you LESS prone to addiction. Might open a door in your subconscious that helps you disconnect from the need to get dopamine from junk food and Jow Forums 24/7

>It's why I'm reluctant to indulge in that guy's suggestions of smoking and shrooms

I don't even drink alcohol, because I know that it will mess me up.

Anti-depressants will probably do all I need done

I guarantee you it won't. in fact it'll be so underwhelming the first time you drink socially you'll just keep knocking them back until you black out

Two, three beers does anybody good

I doubt that, ask half the people on prozac. Which fries your serotonin systems by the way

Would you rather take something once an coast off those good feelings for weeks, or pop something synthetic from day to day that destabilizes one of your neurotransmitters?

The second time
How would I not overdo the first?

No asperger's, just ASD.

That exact reason is why it bothers me when people on the spectrum (excluding the really hopeless ones) get praised and cheered for the most mundane crap, if you can pass for normal you have no excuse for being useless.

People with Asperger's are bullied and mistreated into uselessness. Let me guess, you were diagnosed after 2010?

Dont do more than 2.5 or 3 grams. in fact you dont ever have to do more than that