Why doesn't the USA legalize prostitution? I mean...

Why doesn't the USA legalize prostitution? I mean, think of all the lives that could have been saved if these mass shooters just had some sex?

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Cause red states, and "muh Christianity"

Congress should fix their broken mental health system. Your solution would only be temporal. The problem lies deeper than them wanting to get their dick wet.

>that guy

come on

Cause women who are prostitutes are innocent slaves.
You know its not because they want to get paid for getting laid.

Because smug leftist basedboys think that women who willingly chooses through her own consent to have sex someone is the same as abuse.

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Because the whores in denial i.e. normal women, would get upset that their pussy doesn't have as much buying power as it used to.
Women are pure fucking evil and they don't even care.
They would rather 100 thousand more shootings or truckings that have to fuck some beta nice guy faggot.

Because shaming is literally the only way society knows or wants to try and "fix" men who aren't operating as desired. The idea of ever having sympathy or offering help to men makes them angry for some reason.

you are such a fucking loser it's unreal. women don't owe you shit. getting girls is about bringing value to the table, what do you bring?

What do YOU bring?

This. The vast majority of these people have/had issues that ran far deeper than being incel.

That being said, prostitution should be legal for a number of reasons.

It happens whether it's legal or not, but with regulations in place, prostitutes can be protected from street violence, being exploited by pimps, and the spread of STDs can be reduced.

Basically, people wanting to be prostitutes would have to get some kind of registration. They would have to get medical exams on a regular basis to ensure that they're disease free. Their services would be taxed to cover this, as well as contraception. They would have to carry certification when working.

It wouldn't be perfect, but it would help the current situation quite a bit.

hes a nufag. we still get those even in times like this.

>Why doesn't the USA legalize prostitution? I mean, think of all the lives that could have been saved if these mass shooters just had some sex?
He was Canadian.

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my vagina, what else? that's all you want

r u there i want wagaina

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Fucking basedlet normal fag. get off my board.

Well, I live in reality for one? Average looking guy. Nothing special in the looks department. I make up for it with charisma, style, and intelligence. Women are just human beings like you and me. The sooner you realise that, start talking to them on a normal level, and take them off this pedestal
you seem to have erected then you will be able to get girls.

Look, I am a self-professed normie as you would call it. But this board has just become an echo chamber for views that are so detached from reality. Seriously user, get your shit together.

The problem is YOU.

Uh, progressives are anti-prostitution too. That's why Backpage got shut down (with 97 out of 100 yes votes in the Senate)-- they disguise it as intending to stop "human trafficking," but more often than not that refers to women doing sex work by their own volition.

She brings vagina, and that's literally all she needs.

You don't walk into the store looking to buy something you need then go to the register and say "why should I have to pay for this? I need this!". If you want something you must pay the price for it, and even in the age of turbo sluts good pussy is a very pricey necessity in high demand

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>Congress should fix their broken mental health system.

That's a nice platitude. How would they fix it?

I don't want sex. I want a family.

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affordable and accessible healthcare levied on higher corporate taxes. yeah, I said it.

that is all you are good for. You are nothing but a wet hole to fuck.

>this is the best Chad can get

There is no hope for me

>I make up for it with charisma, style, and intelligence.

I'm not being glib when I ask-- why are you here? Genuinely curious.

I dont put them in a pedestal
You do

where i'm at desu. i haven't even masturbated in like eight months. i just want to feel love and it's not real in the way that i want and i know it, but i can't stop the want or need.

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>I am rubber, you are glue


And for the mentally ill who still don't seek out medical help? It's not like there's a shortage of non-profits and welfare to help them.

Dubs of truth, I can relate.

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>yea hahaha bro just talk to gurls bruuuuh xD they're all human

Fuck off. God damn it I hate you fucking normalfaggots so much this is why there are so many shootings. Your words will never help us just shut up and get off my board. We have tried and tried to get girls but we can't that is why we are on here you idiot. just get out of here...

This, unironically.
Normal fags can't understand this kind of shit, though. They'll just keep ignoring you. And when they reach a dead end, they'll start to insult you.

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I just find it interesting man. We probably have more in common than you think. I really would love to meet some of you in real life. Like I genuinely feel for you guys. I don't know if I really deserve to be called a normalfag or chad. I probably have more problems in my life right now than most of you, and that's not me trying to be condescending.

I think its pretty shitty to attempt to draw some dichotomy between you guys and the rest of society. I fucking hated the retarded dudes in school who used to think they were the shit and now work in Subway. We are not all like that.

I feel for you man. I genuinely wish we could get to know each other in real life. I'm not trying to offend you or anything - just wish some of you could try to see it from my perspective because I definitely see it from yours.

>We're not all like that
You are, but In another way.
which way, you might be wondering?
Perfectly normal people with first world problems.
You either become one of us, or you don't become one of us. I would tell you to fuck off, but since you're being respectful, Ill ask you to please leave. You're degrading this board.

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Dude I've suffered from depression and anxiety all my life. You guys don't have a monopoly on problems. I'll leave out of respect man, just give what I am saying some consideration.

because Congressmen don't want their daughters, nieces, and sisters to become hookers.

The point is not having depression or anxiety. Having one of those, or both, is not going to make you a robot.
You won't be a robot (And you shouldn't want to. This isn't a "level up", trust me.) until you actually get used to our ""culture"".
Until you're able to compeltely embrace the concepts of being a NEET, an Incel, Anonimity, and freedom of speech, you won't be able to think like us.

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they probably would also prefer that they not become sanitation workers or slaughterhouse techs

All I am saying is that this woman-hating agenda you lot have as if they owe you something is so warped and twisted. Yeah women can be bitches. But so can men. People are assholes in general. Just think people should think about what they say, because boards like this become echo-chambers and lead people to go out and kill innocent people. This board should be about self-improvement rather than self-pity.

Anyway, I'm leaving. I don't want to degrade something you lot obviously care about. Stay strong bros.

Imagine going to a poverty stricken country where kids are starving, asking you for food, and you look at them while eating a cheeseburger saying

>i feel for you, i understand, *takes a bite*, i get hungry sometimes too

The point is not hating women in general. But the way they act.
We have given them too much freedom, and now they want to end patriarchy, the system that brought the human race to this point in history with success.
Why would you ditch a working software if there aren't any better versions?

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You came in here scoffing and criticizing. Yeah, the misogynist rhetoric is obscene and over-broad. Everyone here knows that. They're just venting. We don't need lectures (as if we've never heard them before).

Dude, don't even bother. There's literally nothing you can do to help robots and honestly, they don't deserve help.

taxing pussy is a good idea.
that said this won't solve the robot problem since this isn't what any real robot wants.

only unrepentant whores/retards believe the robot motto is "please give me some coochie"

>be lonely
>be depressed
>be horny
>long for gf
>pay for sex
>stop being horny
>feel even more like a loser
>still long for a gf
yea na it wouldnt work

he was hissing at girls (like a cat) if they got close to him in school so yes, he may have good genetrics but his brain is pure autismo

do you really think whores can handle a life where their pimp goes from jamal or jose to being the mother fucking tax man?

>This board should be about self-improvement rather than self-pity.

Why? Because you say so? Because you're a wide-eyed idealist?

Look, everything you've written is common and trite. We know all that. I appreciate that you're a good guy, but no one is going to find your words revelatory.

The left is for legalized prostitution moron

Is that why they voted to shut down Backpage?

Curious method, there!

>implying sex is the problem
If it really was just sex then we wouldn't have a problem. Shits legal in most of yurop and there are enough way to get it in the US as well.
The problem is that it would be nothing more then money in exchange for sex. No feelings, no passion involved.
And THAT is the one important thing. The feeling of being wanted for who yo uare and not becasue you paid a whore for pretending.
And to solve that shit the whole outlook on dating has to change which obviously won't happen ,since woman owould have a lot to lose trough that.

>And to solve that shit the whole outlook on dating has to change

Change to what?

He is kinda right even if he is a normiefag. How is self-pity gonna really allow us to crawl out from this hell hole? I have been saying the same thing on here for ages.

What makes Jow Forums special? Why do you call each other robots? Isn't this just a board where you can't say the same thing twice?

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Women hate it too much. If it was ever legalized, they could never use sex as leverage since everyone could just go to a brothel instead.

What makes Jow Forums special for me is exactly this:
Anonimity and freedom of speech, a place were we can share our actual opinions, be judged by it, whitout having to wear masks of the society. You wouldn't understand it, but we go here because we can't stay in the normal society. We don't fit in. And then, normal fags like you show up trying to help us, but we're already in the point of no return and all you're doing is to bother us all whitout any further knowledge of us or board culture.
Please, just leave.

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Can't you just go on /b/ and post what you want? There's lots of people on there saying what they want. I'm trying to learn more about the board cause I'm new here

The problem is assuming that that's even a goal here. It's not. There are a lot of places to go with self-improvement as a goal.

Alright, listen here you little shit. You have no right to post here until you go through basic training at /b/, otherwise everything you say is shit and useless. You'll only contribute by degrading this board on the way you are, because you'll think that we want your lectures and your shitty opinions. Well, faggot, here's to you, we don't.
If you don't go through basic training at /b/ You'll be disgusted by everything you see here, and you'll write nonsense comments like yours right there.
Either behave well and lurk a LOT more, or fuck off.

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Basic training? I'm just trying to figure out what makes this board unique.

Exactly. Basic training. Because you're coming to this board with no knowledge of board culture whatsoever.
You won't be able to figure why this board is unique if you don't go to /b/ and spend a week there.
Well, if you really want to know what makes this board unique, I answered your question.
if you want more, there are no shortcuts. Go to /b/.

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>If you don't go through basic training at /b/ You'll be disgusted by everything you see here
90% of /b/ is porn. Unless you can't handle furries, then it's not going to do anything for you.

I think this nufag is a different guy to the other decent dude earlier

Ignore this faggot You can learn board culture by lurking for a week

Okay, so both parties in the establishment are opposed to major changes to the status quo, what's your point?

>like a cat

come on

they didnt vote for anything, the FBI did it

literally a catboi
if we were 90 years in the future his punishment would be turning him into a catgirl sloot to serve people

>it's about bringing value to the table
>they still cheat
hmmm, really makes ya think.

thanks. Yeah I've lurked off and on, nothing's really jumped out at me yet

Oh, I see. You're doing that 'no true Scotsman' thing. Let me guess, you also think Obama was center-right.

guys cheat too though? In fact more guys cheat than girls from what I have seen - your point is invalid (its a reflection of how shitty all people are)

>In fact more guys cheat than girls from what I have seen
How could anyone be so blind?


>I mean, think of all the lives that could have been saved if these mass shooters just had some sex?
You make the mistake of assuming mainstream society gives a shit about what drives some men to do that kind of thing, and that society is interested in actually helping those men instead of rejecting and mocking them.

For every one mass shooter, there are millions of guys who have the same problems but either suffer alone in silence or kill themselves. No one gives a shit about helping them. No one even acknowledges their humanity. Society sees them only as acceptable targets. No one pays any attention to them unless they do something violent against others (if they only kill themselves, then people either shrug or laugh). So some of those guys become suicidal, but decide that they're not going to be one of the nameless guys that no one cared about and whose death goes unmentioned. Instead, they're going to take others with them, if only to give the world one last "fuck you" and FORCE people to acknowledge their existence.

Maybe so, but denying the sexual component is idiotic. Simplifying the sexual component is also idiotic. I mean, just look at the language you're using - "wanting to get their dick wet". A gross oversimplification. Intimacy. Acceptance. Feeling desirable. Feeling loved and wanted. Feeling worthy. Feeling fully human, like you're not arbitrarily excluded from a major dimension of the human experience. These are all things that men want sex for, but no one, fucking NO ONE, speaks in those terms, because it's far easier to vilify someone when you reframe complex emotions as a crass desire to "get his dick wet". And vilification is what the mainstream wants.





>i feel for you, i understand, *takes a bite*, i get hungry sometimes too
"And when I get hungry, I just go get food. Why aren't you doing that? I mean, is it that hard to walk to your fully-stocked pantry or get in your car and drive to the store that's only five minutes away? What's your problem?"



So you know how much money women would make if it was legalized? It's for your own good. If you think a prostitute is going to benefit the "incels" you clearly don't understand what incel means

this guy isn't american,
and also it wasn't a shooting.

But prostitution being legalized would be sick.

Op here.
I was not referring just to alek minassian. I was generalizing incels and how prostitution could have stopped them from commiting mass shootings/killings, etc.

Sorry for the confusion.

>So you know how much money women would make if it was legalized? It's for your own good
Women make so much money out of "dating". Not in hard cash but how much men pay for them. Whores are actually the far cheaper option.

>The problem is that it would be nothing more then money in exchange for sex. No feelings, no passion involved.
>And THAT is the one important thing. The feeling of being wanted for who yo uare and not becasue you paid a whore for pretending.
This. Contrary to popular myth, men often want a whole lot more out of sex than just the physical act. It's just that we've been told all our lives that we should be happy just to physically have sex, and that women are doing us such a big favor by even agreeing to fuck us that we have to expend tremendous effort to just to repay that favor. And we sure as hell don't have the right to ask for more.

And it's not just a problem with prostitution, either. Even getting "free" sex requires a man to play a very specific role and have a very specific demeanor and personality, and for a lot of men, including myself, that role just feels wrong. Even if I could work my way into being successful in normie relationships, I most likely wouldn't enjoy it at all, because I don't want to play the role of being dominant, aggressive, the pursuer, and so on. My sexuality is more submissive and feminine, wanting to be desired and pursued and so on. This would be fine if I were gay or female, but I'm neither.

Women don't owe you anything. If you want a girlfriend then you have to actually be a somewhat decent human, not a loser NEET.
Violence against women is wrong and anyone who disagrees is a coward.
You guys need to get a life honestly. The more you guys feeds each other's stupidity, the worse if you'll be.

Because even prostitutes would say no to him. He's "scary".

Because of hypocrite boomers and moral idiots. If paying a woman to have sex on camera is legal, then prostitution should be legal.

It won't be especially if it's legalized in the jewish capitol of the world. get a sex doll.

I think everyone tries to make it simply about sex so incels look like simple idiots.

If it was acknowledged that they also wanted to be loved they would look more sympathetic so instead everyone just makes it look like they're just sex starved psychos who would be magically cured when they put their penis in a wet hole.


>Since 1990, notes the psychoanalyst and writer, the rate of married women who report they've been unfaithful has increased by 40 percent, while the rate among men has remained the same.

Y'all are putting the pussy on a pedestal

Like seriously, WTF do you get out of harming a woman? Especially an innocent one that you don't know that may be caring to their significant other?

Hookers a good informant. If she doesn't comply the pimps and cops are in each others pockets regardless.

The closest they get to acknowledging this is to essentially tell guys to stop caring about sex, but that's not the answer either. Sex isn't the *only* component, but it *is* one of the vital components, and taking it out of the equation doesn't work.

Trying to remove sex from the discussion has always bothered me. It seems like the goal of that is to put guys into this weird position where people accept them just enough to not outright mock them, but not enough to accept them sexually. Like those guys aren't full human beings or something.

I don't know, WTF do women get out of denigrating lonely guys? Especially innocent ones that they don't know that may be caring if they hadn't been twisted by the constant mockery and rejection?

>I don't know, WTF do women get out of denigrating lonely guys?
Lonely guys will either waste the money on a daki, bluray, brazzers or fast food.
>Especially innocent ones that they don't know that may be caring if they hadn't been twisted by the constant mockery and rejection?
Jesus fuck, man, keep up

>Lonely guys will either waste the money on a daki, bluray, brazzers or fast food.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything, let alone what I said?

>Jesus fuck, man, keep up
Again, I have no idea what you're talking about.

>twisted by the constant mockery and rejection?

Also enjoy modern society, everybody, it aint looking up

women are destroying civilization you dolt
you can't just be the other half to creating families and reproductive + dopamine satisfaction and then literally deny people AND treat them like shit

toronto alla snackbar

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