Why don't incels just beome traps?
Why don't incels just beome traps?
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if you are an ugly dude you would probably be an ugly faggot
and sucking dick can't sovle your problems
I finally fell for them. My dick is hard.
this desu
if youre ugly and you transition youre just leading yourself to a earlier grave
I found this ones tumblr but there wasnt many videos. Anyone got any?
the catch being if you weren't ugly in the first place you wouldn't transition cause you'd be a Chad
Getting more victims for that forced gender conversion plot again, eh?
what a qt, if only actual women could be this feminine
Sauce for this? For research.
her (his) name is jessisakitty
Not this again...
Reiko, Stop it. It's not going to work this time.
I know, right? He's not even trying to disguise it anymore.
this is like the time retards called every thread about depression a "craig thread" albeit significantly stupider
No, it isn't.
I take it you're either one of reiko's buddies or a newfag, but even if you aren't one of them, they unironically have a whole board to post traps. Why do they have to post it here?
do you ever get sick of being told to go back to Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
Reiko, fuck off. Traps have nothing to do with Jow Forums, just like this board.
This isn't the place for them. If you want to see dicks, go to LGBT or Yuri, You'll get what you want.
Now fuck off.
>do you ever get sick of being told to go back to ?
how to find qt traps to fuck?
hey vlad
remember that time you tried to forge a strawpoll and someone blew it out of the water
you have friends on twitter, i assume. why not go back to them so you can come up with increasingly insane religious bullshit to bother people with
Who the fuck are you talking about? And besides, I'm agnostic, I'm not filling this thread with fiction.
Reiko, Fuck off.
i'm pretty sure you're either vlad or one of his cronies
>I'm agnostic
nice taqiyyah niglet
I don't even know who vlad is, Reiko.
Thing is, you already got defeated once, and if you try this bullshit again, I'm going to track your ass across the globe and you better be ready to enjoy a few months whitout internet.
If you don't stop now, there will be consequences.
Fuck off Reiko, everyone is sick of your shit.
Because I am built like a Siberian bear and have a Hank Hill tier ass.
these threads have been happening since at least 2013
your attempts to personalize and polarize shit on an anonymous board are stupid
>her dick is way bigger than mine
>name what they're doing
>they instantly leave
h'm h'm h'm
>point this out
>they dash back in to save face
only a faggot wouldn't fuck a hot trannie
sucking or bottoming is gay as fuck tho
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little faggot? I'll have you know I graduated top of my harem in Reiko's Little Cuties, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on r9k, and I have over 300 confirmed transitions. I am trained in faggot warfare and I'm the top trap in the entire /lgbt/ board. You are nothing to me but just another manlet. I will feminise the fuck out of you with hormones the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, sissy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of traps across Jow Forums and your perfect hormone dosage is being calculated right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot dick. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your manhood. You're fucking gay, kid. I can be in any hole, anytime, and I can convert you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in sissy fucking, but I have access to the entire harem of Reiko's Little Cuties and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable heterosexuality off the face of this board, you little faggot. If only you could have known what unholy transition your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn sissy. I will shit girlhood all over you and you will drown in it. You're a fucking girl, kiddo.
see this shit
you turned him into a meme
do you not know how Jow Forums works or something
how do you go into a thread full of shit people like, attribute that shit to a guy, and expect the guy to not become a folk hero
Fucking kek'd. Thanks user.
I unironically want a bottom bf.
>bottoming is gay as fuck tho
>posts a video of the trannie on top
>I have over 300 confirmed transitions
>I'm the top trap in the entire /lgbt/ board
>You're a fucking girl, kiddo.
This is tastes quite fresh for stale copypasta.
Reminder that trap pushers are degenerates who want to see you suffer.
Reminder that a trap is the same thing as putting lipstick on a pig, youll look like an ugly creature. You may not look like Chad now, but you dont look like a disfigured creature gerry rigged into a pile of shit.
Reminder that traps and trannies have higher suicide rates than people that stay what they are because they realize they have made an awful decision that made their lives worse.
Reminder that you can always improve in someway, be it physical or mental without needing to listen to faggots like op.
Reminder that faggots like OP should kill themselves burn in Hell for pushing this degeneracy.
tfw no underage trap gf back in hs, to put my load in after class while either of our houses were empty
i just wanna cuddle and then fuck her boipussi REEEEEEEE
you sure do hate men
Iktf oreganon
>durr I only hate SOME men
that's what they all say
I hate people that want to push degeneracy. This shit gets pushed and it fucks people's lives up more than they already are.
Meanwhile children get endoctrinated into this shit and used to push more degeneracy because
>We gotta be tolerant
>hates men
>likes children
ah, a roastie
>one round of facial feminisation surgery away from being a cute trap
>no money
kill me
>Hating degenerates=hating men
>Pic related is a woman pushing degeneracy but obviously user hates men
>user is a roastie
>A roastie
>On Jow Forums
>tfw when have sissy hypno constantly looping
>went from being a fat neckbeard to a skinny aspiring trap
>Fuck my ass every night while feeling amazing
>Pictures of dicks turn me on so much
>sissy hypnos
good girl
have you tried bambi yet?
I am bambi and you just triggered her for more training
>ywn roughly gangbang a cute trap with 3 - 4 other dudes
Because i dont look even remotely feminine and i dont want to be disowned, otherwise i would because it is most certainly my fetish
tbhon that guy on your pic is likely a future tranny, it's how it happens with many of them, except their parents usually don't allow them to play with dolls
>not taking hrt
you don't know until you've tried user doing some skincare along with shaving can make a big difference
Good girl, keep the training up, Bambi Uniform Locked
>Riding cowgirl is topping
>just be a trap! youll totally look like a female!
pic related was around 19 or some shit even
should fix her brows and also if she has money, she could get rid of the bone ridge over her eyes
cause i was born a man, i like being a man and i like looking at women but would never want to be one or be mistaken for one
being a man, even a lonely one, is still better than being an ugly manish looking woman
I guess it's time to call in Jow Forums again.
that wont change the fact though that the person in the picture will always have a male skeletal structure and even if that person does get face surgery, the skull size will still be like a male's.
transitioning is an absolute meme though that almost never works.
did anyone ITT call for le Jow Forums army??
edit: shadilay felow MAGApede!
skullchan, i didn't know you visited r9k
sergeant Jow Forums reporting in?
it's a shame sarina ruined herself
>I guess it's time to call in Jow Forums again.
come home white man
This person is age 20 which is older
Basically looking female at 19/20 depends on how lucky you are. Most trannies are fucked but the ones who look female around that age are rare but exist.
Its like how most people are ugly duckings and only 20% of the people in their age range are considered the beautiful ones hence normies.
i am not that person, but still what i had said in a previous post is still a valid point.
ffs is likely to not work most of the time due to expanded facial planes, though im sure you've probably heard that argument before.
basically this. I'm glad I don't fap to them + hypno every anymore
This is important so ignore the readit spacing but I'm trying not to fap to porn anymore so I stop melting my damn mind
hot but you better be passable/not fucking ugly
keep benis too
it's not degeneracy if she looks like this
the person on certainly looks older than 19. that guy probably meant that even despite she began when she was 19 she was already fucked up by the puberty, which is indeed pretty possible. but that pic isn't very bad, except that the signs of age it's mostly her brows and forehead
*except for the signs of age
based. How do you go back and edit your post. Diamond pass?
so what is the point of posting all this tranny shit here on Jow Forums when all youre doing is just causing most people harm?
threads like these will end up causing more people to think about this shit and therefore cause them to get more dysphoric and shit. only about 1% of trannies can actually pass. many people (including myself) would have just perfered to be oblivious to this shit for longer than we were. basically 99% of people who get affected by this have no way out of it after they are in it.
>not wanting to be a cute girl with a warm dick in your mouth
>it's mostly her brows and forehead
And head size/facial planes/jawline/chin, etc.
no matter what surgery it can't changed that the person got fucked hard by puberty and holy shit already looks 30-ish at 19.
god I wish that was me on the right desuyo
you don't get those smile and frown lines at 19, be serious
you see, if these threads make you dysphoric... i have some news to you, it will get only worse with age, it's better to give up earlier
>it's better to give up earlier
the only thing stopping me from that is not being able to find a reliable painless method of killing myself.
i'm trying gonna take hrt soon and keep benis gotten fucked three times if you count that as passable
literally what's the point in transitioning if you end up looking like a man in a dress and go from incredibly depressed to incredibly depressed and also a massive circus freak
>you don't get those smile and frown lines at 19
actually i can be wrong, depending on the photo and her cosmetics it's possible...
absolutely fucking this desu
also pictures like this one prove that
>muh starting age
is not even that important, genes matter alot more than your age for this shit.
two different things, cool tho
where are the trans bbw monstrosities at?
bbw-chan.nl needs some more frequent posters to be desu
Fuck off Reiko. You've been outed.
remember before reiko when you tried to pin it on reddit
>>muh starting age
Starting HRT at 11-12 = 80% chance of passing
Heres a pic of a transgirl that started HRT before puberty.
Its far more due to testosterone not genes that makes somebody look male. Because at puberty, testosterone causes people to have enlarged heads and bones(jaw, chin, browbone, etc) and growth in the head doesn't stop until 30.
Meanwhile somebody on estrogen whether its a 11-12 year old tranny or biological woman. their face enlarges from 12-14 and then stops and even then the enlargement is much less than that of males around the same age.
it's a pretty bad haircut... she had to get something like this would look somewhat better
it's also a shitty angle to take selfies since it makes your chin appear bigger
could get big glasses too
>Jow Forums wants to hurt this angel
lol le hyde
Buddy said you're gonna get doxxed soon.
Eat shit and die for fucks sake we just got over this
>Jow Forums wants to FUCK this angel
Google search Vanessa Willows, this is what she looks like atm
I would I could, life fucking sucks
>top right picture
muh fuggin' dik
they already doxed and swatted like six people
>tfw tranny is taller than you
Fuck this gay earth.
>why don't desperate people just become mentally ill faggots
Good question OP
>tfw tranny
>tfw 6'1
>Reiko sperging this hard
LMAO'ing at you faggot.
Fucking try me bitch
are you a passing transgirl? will you be my gf? i'm 5'10"