ITT: Moments where the Brad stuck up for you

ITT: Moments where the Brad stuck up for you

>Everyone shut the fuck up, user's reading

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>tfw the Brad was my cousin so he'd occasionally come up and talk to me infront of my friends
>feels good

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Literally never.
I think that a Chad once did, but I can't remember exactly.

Wouldn't that be a bad feel?
>Your cousin is a Brad
>You're a robot

yeah it's pretty shitty but it could of been a whole lot worse
>could of avoided me completely
>could of bullied me

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RIP mark salling. Killed by the pigs and their twisted system

I've had a few chad friends
>one of them told me he would heabutt my bully if he kept on messing with me, started hanging out with him and my bully stopped everything
>Another one had a crush on a girl, that I also had a crush on, and he let me get closer to her while he kind of stayed distant, I wasn't aware he had a crush on her, I learned that long after

I've also helped my friends a few times when they were being bullied, even though I'm not even close to a chad

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One of the super popular Stacies in school bullied me once because she saw I'm good in math. Little did she know Brad & co copied their homework from me and he actually stood up for me, telling the Stacy to beat it because she never will be as smart as me.

Of course it turned out I'm only good in doing math homework and became a nobody while Stacy married a hot and rich guy and lives happily ever after.

Assuming that by Brad you just mean a variation of Chad, then it's not really as if i ever needed anyone to stood up for me.
However, one of my childhood friends is a Tyrone and a friend from highschool was (and still is) a chad thundercock, they're both pretty chill.

Chad would be the one to say that, but Brad would be in a group mumbling and laughing as I read along.

Chads are almost always nice. They can be bros with pretty much any dude. I don't know when it began spreading that they're bad people.

only reason some chads stood up for me were, because I was half decent at sports. By some chads I mean the dumb chads, the super chads were just nice in general and smart.

One time I suffered an injury to my inner thigh and Chads rounded up all the girls in the school to come feel my legs and spread rumors on my behalf that I was the best at sex I have no fucking clue why it happened but it did

>invited to go out partying with him constantly
>always told people I was funny
>played diablo with me occasionally
>never took him up on any of his offers ever
Why didnt I listen...

>Chad use to chat me up a lot and would talk to me about music and vidya
>Sticks up for me in situations where he otherwise shouldn't
>Just directly ask him why one day
>"You're a cool guy, man. You've got good taste in music. I can't really talk about this shit with others. You're just a pretty alright guy. Fuck anyone who fucks with you."

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This exactly. I think it began because a lot of anons and robots and people generally AllShare bad memories from high school where they felt socially ostracized when in fact they were self isolating. So long as you're not a total spazz, most Chads are pretty cool. You may not be good friends with him, but you can definitely get along and roll socially as acquaintances.

>be a fatty
>have to run the mile in PE
>Chad finishes quickly while I'm still struggling
>the way the course is designed we have to run past/near the finish area at about the 3/4 point
>Chad does a few encouragement claps for me and yells "C'mon user! You can do it!"
>feel joy and pride and thankfulness flood through me
>finish the mile much faster than I had previously (still over 10 minutes lmao) thanks to Chad's encouragement
I'm 25 now and this is one of my few precious memories (which is sad in and of itself).

i once had a istp athletic stacy who also had some robot tendencies (monotone voice, logical personality) defend me from a fat football brad who was verbally harassing me. he was just stunned in silence because he was one of those christain types that was taught to never disrespect women

she also tried to strike up a conversation with me even though i was that weird autist that always wore the same jacket and always had headphones on.

Brad I knew from preschool stopped someone from bullying me in 7th grade. I actually squirted him in the eye in preschool with a shark water gun b/c was/am spazz and he cried, he later knocked down my sand castle so we were even.

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>could of
You deserve the shit you get.
How can native English speakers mistake this? Even for a foreign ear it sounds so fucking disgusting.

I wasnt chad but I was one of the bigger kids in jr high so I stepped in and help some kids every now and then.
>no one ever remembered me for them