Alek Minassian...

>Alek Minassian, the 25 year old van driver who killed 10 and wounded 14 more when he plowed through a crowded Toronto sidewalk on Tuesday, appears to have posted a message on his (now disabled) Facebook account minutes before the attack which read: "The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys!"

Look what you all did...

Attached: (720x388, 106K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hypergamy did this
Gynocentrism did this
Women did this
Fix society or this shit will just keep happening

None of those are actual problems you dipshit.

lets go incel rebels

Twitter is thataway, normalfuck.

blame women not us

Can't handle the truth user?

it was on Monday, i've been to the site a couple times now :\

>literally who facebook profile created days before the attack
Why does this reek of false-flagging?

I mean, not getting laid is not a reason to kill innocent people.

And being willing to drive a van through a crowd makes it all the more obvious why no one was willing to fuck the guy, so it's definitely more about him than women.

Nice projecting. Stay in your norman fantasy world and leave us this place. Fuck off.

What do you get out of posting this?
Moral high ground?
You are not affecting anything here, none of us give a single shit about the dumbasses that were killed nir do we give a shit about El Goblino rotting in prison

>not getting laid is not a reason to kill innocent people
Never said otherwise but its a forseeable consequence
>And being willing to drive a van through a crowd makes it all the more obvious why no one was willing to fuck the guy
Stop confusing cause and effect.

yeah society is degenerate, your eyes are just too full of shit to see it.
Now go fuck a chick with a dick and leave me alone normalfag

beta uprising now kill the normalfags

No, you can go fuck yourself.

>society is degenerate
>>he posts on Jow Forums

>Stop confusing cause and effect

Who's to say which is which in this case?

Considering it's Toronto, I imagine a great deal of them were non-whites, so I'm happy.

He drove the van into the crowd AFTER roasties rejected him, not before. Unless youre an infant its pretty obvious what the cause and effect were.

how bout you learn to green text retard

>Legitimatly believing incel ideas

Litteral mental illness.

Wasn't this Facebook post really suspicious as the account only had this post on it?

>1. Facebook allows you to change the date and time of your posts. So if a fake account were created, it would be very easy to back date the profile picture post to make the account look like it was active for a month.

>2. The date on the profile picture is the same day that Martin Shkreli was sentenced.

>3. The language of the post is classic shitpost

>4. Experts are reminding everyone that there is ALWAYS a chan-related punking post whenever there is an event.

>5. Most important... based on the time of the photo and post, it appears that the post was made AFTER the suspect was already in police custody.

Read more here:

Now I ain't claiming it's a false flag, just that the facebook post may be fake. Alot of incels haters want to jump to conclusions, but we should wait for more info to surface before making more assumptions, since in this case, it really may be fake.

Oh I see. You're one of those mental midgets that hasn't even considered that he may have had a preexisting condition which both predisposed him to the kind of behavior that was offputting to potential sexual partners AND that might have contributed to him responding as he did.

You think reasonably normal people just go on killing sprees whenever enough people deny them sex? You're retarded.

Because no one else is, allow me to explain the arguement rather that just telling you to go away. Hypergamy creates an environment in which women cam be much more choosy with who they sleep with. This is because since these connections are not forever, they dont need to snag someone before someone else does. There is much less pressure to get a man because it is assumed there will always be a large supply of single men. This means people like Alek will get less sex and relationships on average then they would in a purely monogamous society. This is why we consider it to be a problem

i find extremely funny barely any white people were culturally enriched. the perpetrator was armenian, the victims were street shitters, asian, sand niggers, niggers. what time to be alive

>incel haters
so other incels

i guess you could say, it was an armenian genocide?

That makes no sense.

The problem is entitlement, not "hypergamy."

Great, now being known as a virgin will not only get you mocked but also put in the FBI watchlist.

While I would agree that we are not entitled to a relationship just by existing, jealousy will still fester over things that you are not entitled to. This man really wanted a gf

is this the worst timeline?

Being a 25 year old virgin is not a reason to go postal...
Not even you believe that.
He just knew it was over.

Jow Forums here, do you guys even use the term "incel"?

>This man really wanted a gf
You don't kill 10 people because of that.

your argument makes no sense, because the society is degenerate I cant browse a website where people can express themselves without holding back?
Nice one normie, go back to being brainlet with your league of legend friends and get the fuck out of here.

>Fix society
What does this even fucking mean you stupid nigger?

Attached: 304497.gif (100x125, 35K)

Could be worse, this could be the timeline where earth never developed conditions suitable for sustaining life

Society isn't degenerate, you are. Now fuck off kid, you're annoying.

>Being a 25 year old virgin is not a reason to go postal...

I was a virgin till I was 26. The only person I thought of killing was myself.

Don't be an asshole.

His actions arent justified, but were still caused by the problem that is hypergamy. Its the same with any form of terrorism. Killing people is never justified, but does have causes

user who saw it all going down from work. Ama.

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No, incels is plebbit term. Our culture was not anywhere close to the shit r/incels culture. After they got shutdown on leddit, they migrated here and what the place up more then it was. They are basically the magapedes of virgins.

You still felt like killing something.
Its normal to feel that way when youre in that position.

Was it awesome? Or was it really awesome?

so hard to talk with brainlets

Attached: vO7lRZ7.png (621x702, 56K)

Not having a girlfriend is a shitty cause to go on a rampage.

I haven't had a chance to look into this very thoroughly; was this guy a closet fag like Roger was? And what the fuck was he thinking not offing himself? He's not going to be an incel for long.

Was not awesome in the slightest.

Not unless there's a serious underlying emotional issue like depression or giga-autism it isn't.

So is the causes of most terrorism. The fact that I am an infidel would be a pretty stupid cause to kill me

I'm sorry you struggle with basic thought. Here are some more accommodating boards

Hell probably turn gay willingly
If you got life in prison you might as well

It's normal to be angry, bitter, and depressed, yes. It's even normal to (mis)direct that anger at others in an effort to protect your ego. But it's definitely not normal to have murderous urges towards other people that you're seriously considering acting on.

I'm guessing you also defend ISIS fighters.

No, I dont defend any of these people. Like I said, I find there reasons stupid and unjust. I just refuse to deny the problems that caused it

No, I only defend Hezbollah, i'm not him though.

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How did it feel to be part of robot history? Did he let out a Reee battle cry?

>pls join my brainlet board pls
get out

The problems you identify aren't actually problems. Hunger and disease are problems. Not being able to get laid isn't.

Your game is weak.

you mom said otherwise

Smells of a false flag
>>weirdo no links to terrorism runs over people
>>cnn claims weirdo posted up on Facebook shit about Jow Forums
>>first trump now this cnn and other news outlets smire shit about it
>>post on Facebook taken down
chan blamed Jow Forums DOS'ed

Getting fed up with this shit now all have to say to the media is this


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You need to be 18 to post here sonny.

It's pretty fucked considering I come on here while I take shits at work. And one of you fucks could literally have killed me if I went out for a smoke.

>Not being able to get laid isn't.
That's simply not true. Just because you don't think it's a big problem doesn't mean it isn't. This man was very lonely all his life, do you think that meant nothing to him

damn you ran out shit quick
now get the fuck out of my board your fucking polfag normie. go shot some nigger and get arrested or something. Isnt that what you guys do in your free time?

Have you not learned the secret handsignals and voice clicks that we use to identify each other on the field of battle?

Is depression, existential dysphoria, and being chronically unable to connect with other people a problem?

Attached: Da_CryQV4AAmiLF.jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

There is no proof that he did this for celibacy reasons.

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>fucking polfag normie
Lmao fucking what. You really are a dumbass arent you man.

It's not that big of a deal man. You don't need to terrorize a city because you can't find a girl to touch your dick. That's what an irrational person does.

Yeah next time I'll make sure he sees my gestures while he's driving 80km/hr down the road

Yes. Is your idea of fixing those problems to go out and murder a bunch of pedestrians?

Hint: Its a dance with robotic moves.

>european cock sucking pol goy
nice normalfag how is the jewish cock feeling in your ass?

It was a made a few minutes before he did it. Facebook doesnt count half hours or minutes so 1hour ago could be 1 hour 50 minutes.

Technically, if a woman can sleep with more mens, that mean that your chances increase...

robot is our equivalent unironically

Okay I'll keep that in mind for the uprising

Just stop before you drain the rest of your brain cells into these posts.

He wasn't driving on a road user. Whoops.

>being a virgin past 20
>possibliy into your late 20s or early 30
>when everyone around you fucks from 16 onwards
That shit leads to depression, little dipshit.

not the guy youre arguing with but youre actually retarded lol

>pick up history book
>se that the same problems with the same consequences have happened since at least 3000 years
>all troughout the world in every advanced culture
>n-n-not a REAL problem

Attached: retard.png (469x715, 382K)

Haha no... Nobody(roasty or chad or anyone really) wants to be with an autistic aggressive creepy retard.

No, it wasn't targeted, he just drove down the sidewalk in toronto.

What he means is that woman can choose with whom they sleep and later on can choose from a surplus of men who are alone since she wasn't interested in them to take care of her.
Why should any man who was avoided and shamed beforehand take care of the very person that resented him before?
That makes no sense. Any man who can think would immediatly realize that he'll only be taken advantage of after all this time.

You can do whatever the fuck you want online you idiotic moron, we are talking about murdering people irl... Btw by your logic radical islamic churches should be allowed.because "they just expressing themself". Just kys already, that's all you fucking incels good for.

heh nice bants

How do you have the balls to go on a rampage but not the balls to ask girls out?

Actually there were quite a few whites. This information is already out there, how about you actually go use your fucking eyes to read for once. Or does your white superiority preclude you from the banal task of reading?

asking girls out is scary, man
they have cooties

yeah, these are terrible things but being isolated does not mean you can start murdering people... And it's definitely not the other people's fault that you are isolated. I'm not saying it's your fault but you can't keep pointing at "normies" just because you have trouble socializing.

good fucking riddance lol

That doesn't sound half bad. You can't miss something you never knew existed, in this case yourself.

Why would a man WAIT after a girl, a single individual,who rejected him, while there is a surplus of women who are single?

Any man who can think will simply go for the next one...

It goes both way man...

Incels in denial

time to ban assault cars

Because all woman want the same men when they'r young.
Only later one when they relize that hey can't keep this one guy they go for the leftovers they shunned in their youth.

All guys want the top 30% of women.

10 deaths, 9 of which we have information on.
>Renuka Amarasinghe
>Chul Min 'Eddie' Kang
>Munir Abdo Habib al-Najar
>Two unnamed South Koreans

That's 66% of the deaths for people we have info for, so I say that's a win. Even if we look through the injured list, we'll see that a non-insignificant fraction of them are non-white. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Oh, and user, I might recommend you shut your mouth next time before you start a discussion you won't win.

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Was the site frozen today for anyone else? Around 11-4 eastern? Does this have anything to do with it?