I can't believe I was retarded enough to fall for this meme

I can't believe I was retarded enough to fall for this meme.

I did nofap for pretty much all of 2017, during which I masturbated only 3 times. My longest stint was about 140 days.

I did it primarily because I was told it would help out with my skin and hair loss. During 2017 my acne was just as far if not worse and I continued losing my hair. If anything I lost more hair in 2017 than ever.

All nofap did was make me more sexually frustrated, and cringy. It's like my sexual frustration amplified my autism.

Literally the only benefit I got was orgasms feeling moderately better on the first fap after a long nofap streak. Other than that, nothing.

When I tried to post about this on a nofap forum I was instantly censored.

Fuck this placebo cult and it's shills.

Attached: nofappers.png (1066x600, 393K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you have to do it for a year straight to get results, dummy

No fap is only beneficial if you have actual dating prospects. If you don't it's a complete waste

Well, I'm autistic and I do it for my waifu.
Masturbating to other women I consider as a betrayal and she is too pure for fap. I don't see any positives but it feels good to fight with your perverted, inner self.

>I fight with my perverted inner self when I'm masturbating soslely to this particular cartoon drawing

Kek, you're completely retarded, on top of being mentally ill.

Keep spreading the word, friend.

You too, good luck and keep it up! I think I've talked with you a couple of times by now and shared my thoughts about how I like seeing mine as my lover, who can masturbate to/for me just the same and give her body the pleasure it deserves, but your goal is admirable and virtuous too. Most people can't get past the 'no longer looking at random women with lust' part.

I am literally lmao-ing, thanks for this post. I is obviously retarded. Enjoy your fucked up prostate now, brainlet.

Seems like you have misunderstood my post, user.

You have assumed that I fap only to her while I clearly stated
>she is too pure for fap

I don't fap to anything and that's the fight I was talking about.
And she's not from cartoon.

Thanks user and good luck. Yeah, I think we have met in some threads before.

From your body's perspective there's no difference between sex and masturbation. Both result in orgasming and ejaculating.

Chads have sex all the time...you see where I'm going with this.

Yeah, beyond the dumb normie social ideas like pointless shame, there's a mental aspect, though. If you get addicted to random sluts having group sex, it can be difficult to change, and it can harm your mental health and ideas regarding sex. To change from being a voyuer who is most aroused by people fucking to moving solely to your imagination and good feelings so that you can feel better can be a challenge, depending on the person and how bad it got.

The only thing NoFap does is give a faux sense of community/confidence.
I mean its different if you are addicted to porn but that needs moderation, not nofap

OP is a troll. Here are thousands of genuine accounts if you want to know the truth of the matter.


when I gave up nofap after a very long streak - my motivation went to shit, I didn't realise it at the time but that's where my drive to do stuff was coming from - its not a meme

I wonder how many people are actually doing this to have a good pure relationship with the waifu in their heads.

Attached: Untitled6.jpg (1920x1080, 603K)

I always find these kinds of posts amusing, like sitting alone in front of a screen sedentary in your house but not jerking off is going to fix your problems. Restraining your loads is an amplifier - if you're trying to improve your life the results are a lot different than if you still just sit around. Personally i lost my virginity at 24 to a girl i met on a 3 week streak. It seemed to make talking to girls feel a lot more natural, assuming i was putting enough effort into my life. If i wasnt, without the fog of porn i would become much more aware of how life wasnt what i wanted it to be. Thats the giveaway in the posts of people who dont get much from nofap, theres often this entitled attitude like 'i did this thing for a while and my life didnt improve'. Its like saying you tried exercising or eating better then blaming those things when they dont magically fix everything.

I've lurked nofap communities and watched a lot of youtube videos made my nofappers. Unsurprisingly, almost all of them look and sound like basement dwellers and the low IQ kind at that. They're really cultish about it and get really defensive about it when nofap is called out for being broscience, which it definitely is.

Nobody who had their shit together is going to make a video about not masterbating. Hell, most people will never post anything on youtube at all. Its kind of a shitty selection criteria

I do like this one where the guy admits it doesn't do anything except help him delve deeper into waifu induced schizophrenia.

Sounds like a cop out. Youtubers talk about about every topic you can imagine and the vast majority are normies.

Face it, most nofappers are low IQ basement dwellers. You pretty much have to be not only a loser for trying it but pretty dumb not to realize it's all placebo.

I'm just tired of hearing about it. I can't go a single day without seeing something about nofap because these faggots spam their propaganda all over the internet. Why can't they just keep to themselves and circlejerk over their imaginary benefits? Why are they so determined to shit everywhere they possibly can?

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you're raising your risks for prostate cancer, which i am sure whoever behind this knows.

Kek watch me make up some shit on the internet, get guys to stop masturbating, and raise their cancer risks,

by claiming they will get special powers

who is your waifu then?

>friend i talk to on discord convinces me to try nofap
>meh, why not?
>try it for 45 days
>it only makes me horny constantly
>nothing beneficial
>tell my friend it didn't really do anything for me
>he tells me I "didn't have enough faith"
>he feels the need to tell me what day of nofap he's on every time we talk even though I've told him I don't care so many times

I'm pretty sure you get semen stones or whatever you call them if you don't nut after a while. But basically you wanna try and nut at least once a week.

about to start no fap so i can learn to cum from anal only. wish me luck boys.

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