/sig/ - Self Improvement General R9K Edition

What's up, robots? I'm from Jow Forums and I used to be kinda like you boys. Let's have a self improvement thread. Ask questions, help out other fellow robots and most importantly be respectful of others. Dating tips and advice? Done. Confidence issues? Done. I'm doing this to get a feeling for what you dudes want and we'll work from there. You guys up for this or should I just butt out?

>pic related a dm I recieved a week ago
not bragging, but it's good to have proof. I used to be aspie a f.

Let's all be better men and women.

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Other urls found in this thread:


No amount of self improvement is gonna make my dick bigger.
And my self confidence is only as big as my dick.

No. Kys.
Original comment and original content

How tall are you?
How attractive is your face?

Answer these two questions then we can determine if your experiences can be relate-able to most on here.

Keked, gonna use that as a line sometime
>Well, I don't wanna brag, but my confidence is as big as my dick

>>pic related a dm I recieved a week ago
>not bragging, but it's good to have proof. I used to be aspie a f.
counterfeit and homosexual
i bite my thumb at thee, oh, thou art but a shit eater, fuck thine mother

Everybody thinks that you need a super big dick to pleasure a woman. I'm a 6 inches, ok girth, but I still get women to climax. It's how you use it. I do hip thrusts/squats in the gym to improve hip strength and pound her like there's no tomorrow. As long as you're above 4 inches, you're good!

Do you know how to fix my balding without any expensive transplants or whatever? I'm 22 and it's really making me self conscious. I think I can make up for the small dick size by enjoying eating a girl out, and I'm working on my weight right now, but I dont know how to fix my hair.

>i bite my thumb at thee, oh, thou art but a shit eater, fuck thine mother

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I'm 6 2 and people over at discord and shit have said I have Chad facial genetics. But I used to be 250lbs at one point in my life. I started this thread because I went through a journey and came out alive, want to help you guys out as well.

Embrace it and shave it off completely if you're beyond repair, if not I have a couple of supplements you could try out:

B7(called Biotin), Vitamin D and Zinc (ZMA in particular Zinc+Magnesium complex)

Good luck, duder!

>came here to help out
>get called fake and gay like it's 2010 9gag

come on...

I dont want to shave it off, my uncle is bald and he gets made fun off all the time for it.
Plus...I have a fantasy about hair pulling.
I just got some Biotin last night, I'll try the others too, thanks user

Hey, I don't feel love anymore, what do I do? I can't really set any goal long term that I want and im capable of acheiving

dubs on dubs on dubs on dubs

Absolutely no problem, user. What are you doing about your weight? What's your routine like how are you eating? I'd personally recommend fasting since it helped me out A LOT. Right now I'm getting shredded for summer on one meal a day (at around 3000calories - 3.5k is my maintenence) and a 48h fast every weekend. Dropped from 226 to 194 in like 2-3 months and I can see lil babby abs. If you're super obese you can get away with not eating for a week only drinking snake potions - search snake juice on youtube. God speed, user.

It's paid Trap shill Spammers ruinning any descision/thread who could improve in any ways robots condition. Honestly you should just leave, and never come back. This is hell

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The keyword here is 6 inches, im 4
Just gonna fucking kill myself when I cant take being lonely anymore.

Might ye consider that it be because thou art a vile and deceiving knave? that thine stench is that of pig, thy food is their shite, and thy mark is dick-sucking?
thou shall not make slaves out of christian sons, nay, thou aren't even worthy of herding pigs for us, and for this screw thine own mother, and kiss our arses!

First step is always the hardest, user. Lack of testosterone can be one of the causes, so I'd go get myself checked if I was you. On the other hand you may be a lazy fuck who's comfortable. Personal growth and progress comes from terrible places. I was stuck in a rut for a year, had a spinal cyst and couldn't work out. It was hell and I lost all motivation to live, but low and behold I've been back at it again for more than a year and a half! The first step always seems like the tallest, but then it gets under your skin and it turns into a habit. I would suggest writing down your goals short - mid - long term on a notebook and keep a journal of what you did during the day/week so you can track your own progress. That's what I do. Pat yourself on the back once in a while, learn to love yourself.

As for the love thing, the heart is a muscle too. You have to break it in order for it to grow larger and larger. Just put yourself out there and don't be afraid of failure, it'll only make you a bigger man.

I'm doing a workout in the morning, just cardio and lifting some weights, for about an hour. Then I have 2 scrambled eggs, tea with some ACV, and I dont eat til dinner. I've only just started doing it s few days ago but by my count I haven't passed 1000 calories any day

You're just at the cutting point, user. Get yourself a petite lil girl and never think killing yourself is a good option. You were brought here on this earth to do something, to spread your seed and to further our kind. If you don't embrace your dick and you want to improve try this. God speed, user.


>just b yourdself! I fuck girls and they cum bro!
fuck off

if you are fat you can get like an extra inch if you get skinny
all that fat above it makes it smaller

Ok, that's way too much of a deficit, user. Bump up your calories to around 1800 and condense everything in one meal, so that way you spike your insulin only once a day and for the rest of the 23h you're hungry YOU ARE A FAT BURNING MACHIENE. Go to Jow Forums in the /fast/ thread there's a discord link in there if you want tips n tricks.

>Tall and handsome
>Can somehow relate to us


1800? I've been told under 1500 for weight loss. Also how do you condense 1800 into one meal? I'm full after one burger

>6 2 and people over at discord and shit have said I have Chad facial genetics

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Any advice on getting a decent job?

I did put myself out there... After I broke up with my only gf I went and tried doing tons of stuff, but couldnt get into the degeneracy of one might stands, or really connect with anybody. Its been two years now. I just can't fall in love or like anyone as anything but friends.
And the short and midterm list is already in order op. I just can't seem to find a long term i Don't really want anything out of life

I used to be a tall, disgusting, fat piece of shit. I was in a rut, just read the thread. We can all be better, instead of adopting a defeatist attitude strive to be the best version of yourself you can be.

I got a girls Snapchat after talking to her and wondering if I should ask her over to my place through snap or in person

I have no idea what I want to do for a living. No qualifications. What do? Not college. Apprenticeships are an option, but for what?

You eat under your TDEE (total daily) to lose weight. Just stuff your face then lie in bed for an hour, if you puke it out lower calories. What's your current weight?

Don't settle for a shitty one? Learn a trade. Graphic design, programming, whatever. Then go to interviews, build a few passion projects and show yourself off. (that's what worked for me)

you gotta do a bit of soul searching user. Get your mind out of the "degeneracy" of one night stands. You gotta get over the bitch. Don't put yourself out there, but rather pull someone in!

I know that getting girls to fuck you is really easy
What about a girl who loves you?
Where do you find marriage material? Church? Some charity event?
Don't say a foreign country because I refuse to get married so some whore from eastern europe has a green card

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read the second one

Just give up On there have been hundreds of people who have tried to push SIG threads on r9k and they always give up on helping us
You see unlike people on pol, fa or fit we have no desire to improve because no matter how much you polish a turd it's still a turd
Become pretty won't change how ugly I am on the inside

We will all find our warrior princess one day, but I suggest not going to bars/clubs to find her. You'll find her at the grocery store, at the library, on the street, through a mutual friend. Don't force it, let it happen would be my best advice for this

>chad face

fuck off with your "just eat less and go to the gym" bullshit you stupid fucking normie

I'm about 300lbs right now. I used to be 350 but I managed to lose some of it, then got in a rut again

seems to be going well, I'm just ignoring the fucks who are being negative. Seems like a lot of people need a helping hand, but don't know where to ask, so I came to them. I helped all of my friends get girls, lose weight and shit. I loved how it felt. I felt like I actually did something meaningful by improving someone else's quality of life.

Im over the bitch op, i left her for a reason. Im just telling you about it because that was the last time i fell in love, and it was years ago. I will do some soul searching. Maybe i can join a cult or smtg to give me meaning

lmao don't join a fucking cult, that's bottom of the barrel tier shit. Take up a great hobby. Kayaking, hiking, mountain climbing or something that improves your quality of life.

You can do it, user. I'd suggest doing a strength training and linear progression (progressive overload) like starting strength or stronglifts5x5 with a lot of accessories in between to get them beginner gains. OR ALTERNATIVELY you can use my program in pic related! On the red excersizes do 2 sets of warmup and increase the weight by 1.25kg per side every time you go to the gym.

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I am working really hard on improving myself, OP. It took me weeks but now I can finally kiss my own dick, and soon I'll be able to swallow it.

Literally bar none the worst program I've ever seen. No wonder you're not going anywhere.

>I suggest not going to bars/clubs to find her
Yeah I figured not go there but where would I go to find women who want to marry young and have a family

Helping someone irl and helping someone on a anonymous image board are two vastily different things
In a week's time you'll give up and move on, leaving us here to wallow in our self pity

>marrying young and having a family

just seek hedonistic pleasures and fuck thots until you find your warrior princess? I honestly have no advice for this, since I haven't been through the experience myself. I was in a 4 year relationship and I met her via friends.

Not much hobbies when you have little money op. Might take on running


Leave this god forsaken board and stop wallowing in your self pity and being defeatist. All of you are warriors, but have chosen to be passive. Take control of yourselves and your lives, you can do it.

>just seek hedonistic pleasures and fuck thots until you find your warrior princess?
I won't do that, but thanks for the other advice

Or maybe we've tried for years to improve and either succeeded or not, but eitherway nothing changed? Sure that won't apply to all, but it definitely applies to at least 9 in 10.

Well disown the defeatist attitude? Fight battles with everything you have?

I've been applying for entry level office positions and so far I've had little luck. Does everyone send out like 100's of applications and only get like 4 replies?

your attitude is fucking unbearable
you sound intolerably retarded
stop infesting people with your cancerous mindset

Fuck you op, some people have no baseline to improve upon. I'm short, not very smart, ugly, have a small penis, and can only find solace knowing that certain places online won't be filled with the normie scum who make fun of me for the things I can't control. Your attitude as a "helper" is that of one who sees himself as superior than everyone else on this site on the basis that his genes have afforded him success.

For some people, self improvement is even worse than giving up, because once they see that after putting in years of work and are still tossed aside by society, it's because their genetics were never meant to win, their nature is to be a loser to make chads like you feel better about their success.

I wish the world was fair, and hard work actually meant something to everyone. It does to people with the genes meant for success, but there are so many people who will lose and lose and lose.

And the truth is, you don't care.You could have used your body as proof that you've gone a long ways from being a fat fuck. You could have shown us something that everybody could attain, but instead you shove a sexual proposition in everybody's faces, something you would have never gotten if you were ugly. Because in the end, it's not how much effort you put in, not how good of a person you are, its all about how much people choose to reward you for what you are. And if you go through life with people looking at you like you're subhuman scum, you'll begin to realize that that's what you really are.

You want to actually help someone? Post your location and contact info. Find a robot near you irl and be their gym buddy for a while. Introduce them to your friends. Invite them out to social events. Go to clubs with them.

But that's just too much work is it. You just want to feel better about yourself by posting empty platitudes on an anonymous imageboard.

>literally can't even read a single sentence
>thinks he can dish out advice
Fuck off normalnigger.

In 5'1 but my dick is 6.25, not don't growing either. Now that's all good and dandy but I can't last more than 5 mins while MASTURBATING let alone when I have sex (I'm a virgin) how do you last long in bed, also how to ask a girl out/get to know her?

I don't feel myself as superior, I think we're on the same playing field. I didn't use my body as proof because it says right there in the fucking rules that I'm not supposed to post pictures of myself. After reading that post I can kinda relate because before I lost the weight everybody treated me as subhuman, but instead of accepting it I was stubborn and was determined to prove to everyone that I'm basically not. Post kinda made me sad, to be honest. I want to say I'm sorry, but that would make you think I was pitying you and in my oppinion pity is absolutely awful.

I'm from Macedonia. I could get a burner phone or some shit, because honestly I'm way too scared after all those people murdering people.

I got back into lifting weights and I lost 15 lbs and I'm becoming chaddy as fuck. In a month I start summer classes at community college. I'm quitting video games and porn too. It's time for me to fix my life.

You'll be back when you realize none of this is helping you in social situations, yet you've cut everything you enjoy doing in your spare time from your life and gone through so much effort for this.

yo everyone has this question, but let me tell you one thing. You know your dick so well and you make yourself cum fast as fuck. Vagina is absolutely different and you'll last longer. If you blast in less than 10 minutes, you can always go for round 2 and in that one you'll last way longer. Usually I last 30+min on round 2.
Asking a girl out/getting to know her isn't a prerequisite for having sex, by the way if that's your ultimate goal. But, asking a girl out is as easy as calling/texting her and talking to her. You'll get rejected, but don't let that stop you. You'll loosen up and you'll be a natural in no time. Don't be afraid of failure, but rather seek it. You can only learn from mistakes, not successes.


Don't listen to this defeatist fucker. He wants you to be here with him so he doesn't feel bad about himself. I gained 50lbs in a year so I can put on maximum amount of muscle. I started losing the fat in January and I've lost like 12kg since then. Have gotten amazing social gains and girls are interested in me again.

Thanks. that isn't my goal of asking her out though, I was just worked when/if the time came I would bust too soon.

Why do people like you who get their rocks off of literally ruining people's lives while pretending to do otherwise even exist? Surely you should be an evolutionary dead end. Moreover, why haven't you committed suicide yet? With every post of yours you show that this is the only worth you could ever have in this world.

While i do have a nice stature, 6/10 face, im skinny with some strenght, and i don't really have any complex(outside of distaste for most women) and worked my verbal skill to a somewhat better than usual level, i just can't start a conversation with a girl. Not even in the best conditions(shes alone, we talked before, previus eye contact). I can't even say hello to people. Any advice? I feel like a car engine without a starter

My first time I was so scared I couldn't even get it up. Your first time you either bust too soon or don't get up at all. There's no 3rd scenario. Round 2, dude. Just recharge for about 10 minutes and go in again.

Honestly, I used to be like you when I was at my heaviest at 16. What I did was is I literally talked to every woman I can. Not even asking them out or something, just get comfortable with talking to people. Make a conscious effort to every day talk to at least one female you've never known before. Good luck, broski.

Pity is okay, though it I agree it isn't useful doesn't do anything. I think your post rubbed me off the wrong way given that it's always been a fantasy of mine for some girl I know to send some message like that to me. I realized early on that it was my only life to live, and I couldn't handle dealing with whatever my life might end up being if I didn't try everything possible to be the best person I could be, living the best life I could.

I don't want to burden you with specifics, but if you were to meet the guy I was 3 years ago, you wouldn't believe that that guy would ever end up pitying himself on an image board like this. Sure, he was short, ugly, and not the easiest guy to talk to, but he always looked for the best in people, and would probably end up a good friend of yours.

I did make a lot of friends, I studied as hard as I could became the first person in my family to graduate college. Sure I didn't ever have a girlfriend, but 10, 100, 1000 rejections couldn't stop me. They just never saw the person I really was, the person I'd become.

It turns out that that guy who graduated college was the best person I'd ever get the chance to be. After college and getting a job, I slowly started to deteriorate. I won't go into details, but I was diagnosed with a pretty bad genetic condition that ruined my libido, gave me constant horrible headaches, and of course didn't help my stuttering problem. I had to move back home with my parents, as I didn't have a partner to support me. My parents pity me more than I imagine any human can, because I know how much I was the family's shining star, how I was their chance to move out of their crappy home.

There probably is a way out for me. There's a risky treatment I could go through with, and if I turn out fine, I could get back into the job market. If dating continues to suck, I could move to Japan, Thailand, or anywhere where at least my race could give me some clout. I could reconnect with my old friends...

and maybe make something out of my fractured life. Until then, it sucks seeing people get something I've striven for for so long so apparently easily. Good luck with your advice, but realize how much of a dick you're coming across as with that OP image and by bringing up that you're a 6'2" Chad.

Cmom dude i appretiate it. But at least give me a practical example! I try with asking for help(that i don't need) and just trying to spark small talk but i rarely works to talk more than 5 minutes.

i interviewed for a job today and i didnt fuck it up completely

How do I get motivated to stick to a regular diet and excercise? I always end up falling off of my diet or excercise whenever I get into it. Any advice for sticking to a plan?

I got asked to share my stats and I did. I'm really sorry about the cards this life has dealt you. I always make a conscious effort to talk to and befriend people at the gym and outside who are struggling and are kind of in the dumps. On Jow Forums unless you post body for proof, everybody will treat your advice as bullshit. Also you are mistaken if you think that I got that message easily. I've been working out for 5+ years and I've into self improvement for more than that. I studied body language, psychology and charismatic behaviour for like 6-7 years for personal progress. Nothing in life comes easy, there's just an appearance of ease. Good luck with that risky treatment, if you ever want to talk just DM me on discord I made a burner account. I'd absolutely love to talk to you. sigbrah#3921

sounds like you're doing fine but you're just pussying out at the last minute, instead of saying goodbye say "Hey this has been fun. What's your IG/digits so we can finish this over a drink or two?"

fuck yea dude, good job

Never lose sight of the man you want to become. It's fucking hard, but you gotta make it into a habit. Force yourself for a month to stick to your diet, no cheat meals. Force yourself to go to the gym 6x/week. After a month, this shit will be programmed in you so it'll be second nature to eat like a god and work out like one and you'll feel like shit if you don't. Good luck.

Fuck you man. You have still been blessed with good genetics, which is all anyone needs to be successful. All you had to do was basic human activities to achieve what you have. You cannot relate to most of us here, and are truly here to brag about how good you have it compared to all of the losers here. Fuck yourself bitch

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how did I come just to brag? I literally stated that I wasn't here to brag, but rather help... Nobody is a loser in my opinion, but defeated.

This. Pisses me off all these normalfags trying to ruin robots for their own pleasure.

you absolute cunt

>I used to be kinda like you guys
Stop lying

Does anyone else with social anxiety that got better want to explain how?
Something as simple as going to the store is terrifying to me, I hate having to talk to people. I don't even like to get gas because I have to get out of my car and be in public, I'm so terrified of embarrassing myself at all times.

I don't get this genetic lottery horseshit
I look fine, I'm tall, white and intelligent but I'm just as much of an autistic mess as the rest of you fuckers

so on my list of things to make me more bfable, next on the list is moving out of mummys

so uhh how do i do that

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What the actual fuck is the point of attempting to improve yourself. Suicide is much easier and a much better solution to ALL of life's problems.

t. mommy's 400 lb baby boy

What you don't seem to understand is that your "issues" were 100% your own doing. You're genetically blessed in the aesthetics department

Ususal normie "advice", put a trip on so I can block you

lmao fuck off you failed chad

As far as I know the only solution is to develop coping mechanisms and mental exercises, and it's impossible to improve it per se. Generally the people who claim they have had social anxiety were merely complete normalfags with slight timidity or shyness.

Went from 100kg and I'm now at 72kg, where I have been stalled for months. I want to get to 65 or maybe lower. Did so with a mix of fasting and cutting calories to 1500.

I've been swimming 5 days a week for a month and a half now and I've just ordered a rowing machine online. I don't want to be Jow Forums-tier muscled but I'd like to look good with my shirt off, ottermode or at least get rid of my manboobs and love handles. Once I've lost the fat I will consider trying to build muscle.

How much do you bench?
How fast is your mile?

Lifting weights won't fix my small dick and balls, so whats the point?

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Don't call us "boys", Jow Forumsack.

fuck off cunt. no wonder it was easy for you to fix your life, your only problem was that you were fat. if you were genuinely ugly if only for a week, you would drop all this self-improvement BS instantly

Hate to break it to you but I've done all that (90 to 70, now 60) and it didn't change anything at all. Even got a cushy job making 6 figures after finishing my education. Despite all that, nothing. All these years, all these sacrifices, all this work for fucking nothing.

What are observable benefits that can be witnessed when stepping away from all forms of sexual gratification (e.g. sex, masturbation)? Not talking about solely in relation to yourself, but also in relation to those around you.
What are possible steps that can be made in order to shape your mind to reject all forms of seeking sexual gratification, especially after that mark of a week going without any kind of sexual release?
Is there any way to safely and cheaply lower your sexual libido?

just be 6'2 and handsome, bro

education, job and just pack your shit and go once you've got enough money in the bank to last you 6 months.

Losing all the fat on you is a meme. You're 72kg now so you're basically a skeleton with some fat. Get into lifting, build some muscle and eat at a surplus. Muscle needs nutrients to stay there so your body will need more calories, making your cut WAY easier. Ottermode is literally 1 year of lifting on a decent PPL program on a low bodyfat.

I dont track my mile and my bench is 2 plates for reps.

Jow Forums is a cespool don't associate me with it

Ok so you're taking nofap one step further lmao. I jack off once a week to optimize testostorone, can't help you with lowering libido tho. Sorry.

I had super bad anxiety broski, but I learned it was mostly to do confidence and lack of love for myself. I've said multiple times in this thread that you should embrace failure, rather than avoid it. You can only learn from mistakes, not successes. If you embarrass yourself, ask yourself what you did to do so. Say hi, smile and assess failures as stepping stones to de-aspie yourself.

Every single part of this post proves that you are lying out your ass. Not one word in there is consistent with real life. And since most of the statements can easily be verified by even so much as a quick google, you're really making other people's job easy, thankfully.

Now fuck off and convince normalfags to ruin their lives, not robots.

You could always become a trap.

>I dont track my mile and my bench is 2 plates for reps.
i'm in better shape than you rofl

What made you think I was lying? Genuinely curious