If you do not vote for these faggots, you are not a NEET

if you do not vote for these faggots, you are not a NEET
>12,000 in UBI per year
>still get NEETbux
>30,000 to sit at home every year

Attached: BFEA4BDE-A587-4A7F-A584-D7D37B9F090C.jpg (930x1024, 182K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>You are not a NEET
I can live with that

I have a full time job making nearly $45k with 3% retirement match, $5k yearly tuition assistance for grad school and various other benefits.

Why would I need that?

and dropped.

>imblying i would choose gibs over gun rights
>he wants unarmed, vilified, and vulnerable robots right after normies started to denounce us for the incel attack.
Also who is the off-brand Le Pen in the middle?

Attached: frigoff.jpg (1844x1210, 160K)

>voting for the left

Hahahahaha no

This sounds like the stuff of right wing scaremongering, conspicuously absent a source.

you're only thinking about yourself. mind boggling that this needs to even be said.

i wish i could cut selfish people's tongues out. their words never have anything to do with anything but themselves.

That's nice OP, until we become financially insolvent like Greece and then we get no NEETCheck.

Jow Forums is responsible for curing me of being a socialist. Y'all sad sacks of shit deserve to starve.

I will never vote for the feminist democrats ever again

i mean we could easily have a UBI. just stop spending trillions and billions on useless military planes and missles and make sure actual US citizens receive it and not random fucking brown immigrants.

stop supporting everyone but Americans.

um no sweetie its the (american)white mans duty to give billions to african colonies and israel. also to provide military defense for the majority of the western world.

Attached: whitedestiny.jpg (650x718, 215K)

Hell yes I will vote for this. Its pretty much impossible to obtain but it will rile up the right really bad. The left is already riled up so having both sides pissed means we can get this goddamn civil war started. let it all burn down.

>full time job making nearly $45k
god, how pathetic can someone be that they spend over a third of their life, the majority of your waking hours, working to make such a small amount

If I could vote for someone who just straight out said they wanted to destroy this country I would do it

The USA needs to be balkanized desu

Just looked up hard left turn and its not a news site, it is however a "far left forum" and a legitimate one at that.

>It's real
>what is google

How entitled can someone be to consider $45k a year to be a small amount?

>you're selfish
>unlike me who is willing to advocate for a nation destroying ideology to get some neetbucks.

Attached: pinochet2.png (477x706, 405K)

Oh, I am sorry that I have higher aspirations than being a fast food worker or whatever the fuck you do

>made over 300k in the last few years over bitcoins/shitcoin.
>probably spent

I don;t want that shit I just need my paychecks to be bigger or the cost of living needs to drop fast. Everyone should have to work, there is no excuse being a faggot NEET. But if you just want to live a low key existence and get by in a tiny apartment with minimal expenses, you should be able to do that on like a 40 hour per week easy job, instead of having to work your dick off 50 - 60 hours a week or learning a skilled trade.

i just said you're being selfish, i didn't say what i advocate. i just hate selfish people.
if you have a problem with that you can suck my dick.

The fact is 45k a year is more than the vast majority of people on earth make, and provides more than enough to sustain a life with luxuries on top.

Nope, you are just excessively wealthy and don't comprehend it.

>I want you to work to pay taxes so others can get gibs
>you're worth less than me, so you're trash
wew, and the left wonders why no one wants to align with them any more. Fucking bourgeois.

well we see why you lurk r9k 24 hours a day. because you're shit people, kek.

not him, i just hate commies.

Attached: you.png (745x115, 9K)

>more than the rest of the world
literally means nothing you retard depending on the cost of living and your idea of "quality".

Everyone is selfish. Lazy niggers want gibs and people who make mega-millions don't want to pay taxes. Depending on where you fall in that spread, you might lean one way or the other, but you'll learn to the way that will probably benefit you. Thinking otherwise is stupid.

This so much. I can only hope some sort of accident occurs and china Russia or the US think they are getting nuked and respond by nuking every one else. It almost happened before when a Russian missile tracking system malfunctioned.

45k a year in a first world country provides a much higher quality of life than the majority of people have even with the higher cost of living.

45k a year isn't enough to cover rent in most metropolis shitholes in the usa.

>voting for democucks
I would rather be dead than prepping bull

>everyone is selfish
except for the people who we know for a fact aren't? kek.

Yes, we must analyze the cost of living and quality of life in any African country to confirm that 45k is an acceptable salary. Clearly those Africans have it very well with their $1/day because food is cheaper.

Do you even think before you type?

Sure it is. You don't need to spend 2k a month on rent.

I don't know about $12,000 a year in UBI, but some smaller amount that would complement a minimum wage job wouldn't be bad. (((Businesses))) would stop crying about minimum wage increases preventing CEO's from buying more yachts, and people who work at minimum wage jobs wouldn't have to resort to things people in third world countries do to survive on the tiny amount of money they make. The government can live up to America First and reduce the military budget a bit if they "can't afford it"

If a ubi would stop muh welfare i would be all for it however i'm pretty sure that not only would they take a mile from an inch but they would also not stop there.

>people don't care if the federal government spends trillions on planes
>they do care if the federal government instead uses that money as a UBI

why are people like this?

In the hypothetical scenario of this thread where Democrats are in power, stopping welfare could be something done on the side to get Republicans to approve the UBI handouts. It's a well-known fact that African-Americans abuse the welfare system, and since most Republicans are racist they'd definitely go for something that oppresses them nowadays (look at how voting rights are slowly being taken away in some states)

t. overweight NEET

>and since most Republicans are racist
at least you said most, that's more than i expect nowadays. I'm not sure why but i still get mad when i'm accused of racism.
>look at how voting rights are slowly being taken away in some states
are you talking about voting ids? Not judging just curious if that's what you mean.

UBI to replace an increase in minimum wage is a terrible thing. Every time a dollar has to move through a new bureaucracy it becomes less valuable. It would make no sense to tax business and redistribute rather than make the business pay the employee directly.

When you get a job, you will realize how selfish you have to be to just survive. Not everyone survives off their parents.