The Beta Uprising is finally happening, I didn't think it would ever happen

The Beta Uprising is finally happening, I didn't think it would ever happen.

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a bunch of holes triggered on twitter about a term

who cares

Stop being so entitled u stupid ass robits

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Just google "incel". Look at all the official news articles that come up. Its being talked about to label incels a formal hate group. The Toronto mass murderer said he's starting the incel uprising. I'm ready.

>no women will have sex with you because ugly and autistic


the absolute state of women

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Women don't even pretend that there is the chance that incels are non male

sadness is invisible to people now.

sadness is the new gay. you hide it, you're ashamed about it and when people find out you're sad, they say, "you're not owed anything".

they know full well women cant be incel, they know they get life handed to them on a plate

And they are not entitled to our money ,our attention or our protection. I would never ever bother to save a woman who was being raped or beaten. I would just walk on because cunts like those in this image makes me devalue female lives to that of a fucking insect. I would risk my life for a dog or a cat over a fucking woman.

It all seems fare to me. We go our way and they go theirs. Biggest issue is men are better at going it alone then women are so they suffer more in the end.

I don't care what those people think. Their views on things hold no relevance for me and I have no reason to even pay them attention.

Chads are going to imitate incels to get even more seckz

Life is sad
Self loathing
Muh R9k

Can we not make R9k the new incel board ?

nigger you are kidding right? how fucking new are you?

>implying it wasn't the incel board from its creation

r9k1 is just as bad.

It used to be trap and suicidal thoughts here. Not a stupid movement full of faggot who cannot get over their stupid lives

>routinely reject and make fun of ugly men simply because they are ugly
>be surprised when they snap

I actually agree with them 100%

they are not very logical since the very term "incel" meaning that somebody is involuntarily celibate doesn't assume women owe them their "body autonomy" just because those guys are involuntarily celibate but i think there are more useful things than arguing with people on twitter

This, MGTOW is the way brothers

Hi, welcome to Jow Forums. Since thus is your first day here plases go to tgis website

Men dont owe you shit either bitch. So pay for your own drinks and birth control and get ready for the cats when you hit the wall

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This is what it will end in.
That en ever lager growing group of men will stop giving a shit about anything at all exceopt themselves.
And just like clockwork it will lead to the fall of our current civilization, and all of it becuase woman are too entitled and think they deserve the best there is even if itsn't even available to them in the first place.

Holy fuck, you guys are getting destroyed.

I really need to invest in cat food for when shit gets real.

Yup. Not A shred of empathy in that Twitter feed.

It goes beyond mere apathy as well. These women hate men who aren't socially fluent and want them dead. They could easily just ignore the men they find repulsive right?

That's what's so shocking to me- the outright contempt and targeting of some of the most vulnerable men in society. It's a hatred of being itself. Quite disturbing.

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it just proves the true nature of women. completely selfish with no morals.

exactly this, only their feelings matter

Lol they hate guys who say women deserve rape and run ppl over with vans

they aren't making that clear though. just looks like unfettered hate.

I wish society as a whole could just sit through a slideshow of every image like this posted on Jow Forums


It extends far beyond that. I would wager these women hate any guy who is "creepy ". A completely arbitrary judgement that extends from men who stutter to men who are short. Women are ruthless, they hate men who aren't attractive to them, girls who are prettier than them, their friends and family.

How are they equating "I want to have sex but I'm not able to" with "I am owed sex and entitled to women's bodies"

Where's the logic

There is no logic, it's hate speech

>Assuming all incels are liked this
There are different groups within incels culture. Typically split between 2 sides.

>reddit incels which think only physical appearance matters

>us robots who are typically extremely self hating, but still hate women because of our bad experiences with them

Reddit incels are sex obsessed "I really want the powsi, and I want powsi now!"

Robots care about the powsi but not to the same degree as reddit incels, I mean for Christs sake we even had good and comfy threads discuss8ng shit NOT RELATED to pussy way back when. A lot of reddit incels started to use r9k after their sub got deepfucked.

it makes my brain shut off every time i'm confronted with it because it's so devoid of logic.

that's women in a nutshell. when they argue they try to use shit no one can prove as ammo and since no one can prove it, they must be right, which is actually a logical fallacy, it doesn't make you right.

Yeah I think some guy get black pilled and it crushes them, others just begin to dislike the mating game once they see it for what it is and resign themselves to their fate while trying to maximize comfy.

Don't fret, their time will come with this beta uprising. This is a time for celebration above all.

You mean *male* sadness. People will drop everything to help alleviate *female* sadness.

The woman in OPs pic can't even argue properly, if you look at the full conversation she responds to any criticism with a slew of shit feminist memes.

they're pretty much children on a mental level

Relevant quote:

"To put it simply: men are neither supposed nor allowed to be dependent. They are expected to take care of others and themselves. And when they cannot or will not do it, then the assumption at the heart of the culture is that they are somehow less than men and therefore unworthy of help. An irony asserts itself: by being in need of help, men forfeit the right to it."

Vulnerable men are among the most reviled individuals in our culture.

Honestly, maybe people as devoid of empathy as those in OP's pic *do* deserve to be run over with vans.

People shouldn't be doing this randomly on the street, he killed or injured a baby to my understanding. A feminist rally or slutwalk would be best.

Also all my posts today are pure irony.

>he killed or injured a baby
So? Honestly, the baby probably suffered a lot less, because it wasn't really old enough to consciously feel terror.

Exactly! But instead of this incident only fucking over reddit tier incels, it'll fuck all of us now. We've been put under an ideological umbrella.

Yeah, the world hates you for who you are. It's rough, user

Where is that quote from user? It resonates with me. You hear all this talk nowadays that it's ok, you're not alone, you can let your guard down. People speak like we live in a glorious new future where you can be your purest self and that we all care about each other now. And that's more true than it's ever been for some segments of society. But not us.

>white girl
>white girl
>white girl


>Where is that quote from user? It resonates with me.
It's from "Jill Gets Welfare, Jack Becomes Homeless":

>You hear all this talk nowadays that it's ok, you're not alone, you can let your guard down. People speak like we live in a glorious new future where you can be your purest self and that we all care about each other now. And that's more true than it's ever been for some segments of society. But not us.
That's very true. It's really quite stunning to see how all the help and empathy that gets extended to pretty much every other group of people suddenly evaporates when the subject is a vulnerable man, *especially* if a major part of his distress is related to sex in some way.

And we don't owe you your safety

upboat if you agree :^)

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>blue ticks

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Thankya kindly user ill read it later after the gym

Elliot Roger did nothing wrong

Supreme gentleman

>women don't owe you anything
men don't owe you your lives dumb bitch

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that is true. this is how dumb women are.
incel is trending. whatever is popular chad can imitate it to get more sex. makes no sense but this is what women are.

its evolutionary conditioning. do you think the lioness looks upon the dying lion with sadness or even pity? no - she looks upon him with disgust, his defeat repulses her; his ruin is of no greater significance to her than a maggot writhing in the dust.

The total lack of empathy is appalling. And to be honest, I think it's almost entirely a female thing. Men aren't this vicious toward unattractive women. I'm not. I feel nothing but sympathy for them and a hope that there might eventually be some way for them to fix that problem. I feel that way for everyone. If things can't be fixed in this life, I hope that there's an afterlife where people can get what they need.

It really does seem that women are on a whole other level of callousness when it comes to this.

and the lion goes out with a bang; if you think for every one incel 10= people need to die and 15+ need to be injured, you're in for a world of pain, roastie.

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>"you're not involuntarily celibate, you're just involuntarily celibate"


Why do women always feel the need to try to correct you even when they agree with you and have nothing to add

AntiFemale Aktion when?

>Women are now at large, stronger than the bottom tier men

Way to go faggots, hitting an absolute new low


thanks for gold btw kind stranger :)

You can blanket statement all you like but you must realize that there are degrees of differing opinion in all groups. I'm sure not everyone here believes the same things about any given topic.

>media latches onto the term and tries to paint virgins as an organized hate group
What a shocker, the media trying to demonize men yet again. Not a surprise women are so happily eager to jump on the man hate train, either.


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I hate this.
I understand why women don't want me.
I don't want me either.
I know I'm inadequate.
I know nobody would ever want me.
I'm not angry at women about it.
I just want to keep my head down and try to live my life without getting in anybody's way until I die.
I don't want to hurt anybody.

I understand why they don't want me.
I can't understand why they hate me so much.
I haven't done anything wrong.

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>birth control
Men and society at large benefit from birth control too, you know...

"Involuntary celibate" as a pejorative term implies that sex is owed unless one is willingly celibate.
You are not an involuntary celibate, you're just someone nobody else wants to have sex with.

But then they might have to view men as human beings, with like, feelings and shit! We can't have that!

modern society is bullshit mate

back in the day we could go off to war to prove ourselves, cant even do that anymore

>back in the day we could go off to war to prove ourselves
>to prove ourselves
You mean "To be killed or maimed so some rich fucker can get even richer."

is being a 'strong independent woman' basically just being a sociopath?

you can make your own war, user

put a pot of coffee on.... I've got something to show you Chads and Tracies

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way too cynical, the rich died too and they sent their sons to die, because common values like valor and collective destiny still existed

now days of course its all just dumb kids dying to dollars

>is being a woman basically just being a sociopath?
FTFY. And the answer is yes.

One guy isn't an uprising

Involuntarily celibate means I am involuntarily celibate, and that is true.

what the fuck

involuntary celibate literally implies that women have the ultimate deciding power over who to form relationships and have sex with

it literally implies that the "incel" is the powerless party and that the other party (the woman) has all the power and that the incel is unappealing to the powerful party who decides whether he's an incel or not

what the fuck lol

>tfw you helped force the roastie meme in its infancy
Surreal feeling lads

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They shouldn't hate women, they should hate the government. The government is systematically oppressing all men for obvious reasons.

I wouldn't even care, at this point I just want to die.
At least if I was fighting a war I'd finally know what it's like for society to value me.

is this twitter? epic win my dude i love twitter!

>losers arguing with losers while some jackass makes money on their frustration

>random shitposting now has more affect on the path of human destiny than the entire field of literature

21st century is our bravest age

wild world eh?

We lost the genetic lottery, that's life.

millions of kids are going to be born and roast in the sun till they die then get eaten by vultures somewhere in Africa because they lost the geography lottery.
Our suffering will be emotional as a result of losing the genetic lottery.

Nothing can be done.

Excuse the leddit-esque image but it's the only relevant thing I've got. The advent of the term "roastie" was a huge turning point for this board after the unprecedented disaster of rare pepes. Thank you, robot.

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>philly yeast steaks

Not to defend the tard you replied to, but you aren't "involuntary unemployed" if you refuse to work - only if you are incapable of working.

What the women on twitter are saying is that you could get laid by "respecting women's autonomy", so you're not involuntarily celibate, you're just stubborn and unwilling to change. If you want to argue against them, convince them that "respecting women's autonomy" doesn't automatically fix mental illness, physical deformity, and plain old unattractiveness.

But that doesn't fit the feminist narrative of women being a powerless oppressed class and men being the all-powerful oppressor class.

>it's the only relevant thing I've got
user, if you don't have dozens of roastie images saved, what are you even doing on this board?

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>At least if I was fighting a war I'd finally know what it's like for society to value me.
I don't want to be "valued" as a disposable drone, and neither should you.

Ok, fair enough. But men don't owe women ;

any concern over your tales of victimization by other men.

>these are the same women that go a week without getting dick and the internet gets covered in articles about their horrifying sexless week experience where they actually didn't even manage to last a full 7 days
It's like they completely ignore that the women hating incels don't just magically wake up one day and think "Wow fuck women they're all whores beta uprising NOW."

>If you want to argue against them, convince them that "respecting women's autonomy" doesn't automatically fix mental illness, physical deformity, and plain old unattractiveness.
Or just ask for an actual explanation of just what the fuck "respecting women's autonomy" actually fucking means.

>What the women on twitter are saying is that you could get laid by "respecting women's autonomy",
Funny how the Chads who do get laid don't do this and act "toxically" masculine (all while the feminists talk about how toxic masculinity is bad)

why do they think we care about their rights lmao. do they think some guy is just going to not run people over because this cunt said he wasn't entitled to?

they don't have any right to anything, rights don't exist. it's either we benefit or they do at our expense and any non-cuck would prioritize himself over women.

stop pretending that you give a shit, YOU just want an attractive female that likely has a decent personality with the same habits as you and happens to tolerate your dumb behavior, in that case the answer is simple isn't it?LIE, lie and manipulate with a straight face, experience alone speaks for itself if you are being treated like an asshole it's only fair that you should reciprocate, and that as insane as it is, actually attracts women.

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riginolioli formuoli

This is because they only think about themselves, not caring about the other at all.

Explain this image user, I don't get how its relevant even after filename.

No, celibacy is voluntary by definition. There is no "involuntary celibacy" as that is a contradiction. "Involuntarily voluntarily abstains from sex."

To abstain requires that the alternative be possible. Am I abstaining from exceeding the speed of light? No, I am INCAPABLE of exceeding the speed of light. As such I am incapable of abstaining from it as the required element (that it be a possible outcome) isn't present.

You are not abstaining from consensual sex, it is simply an impossibility for you since you lack a consenting partner.