Why are Asian men so attractive?

Why are Asian men so attractive?

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they're just copying pretty boy NSYNC look from twenty years ago and pretending its new

most robots are more masculine than asian men.
how can any women find this kind of man attractive?

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Because asian men are a kings among men

They have sexy eyes, most robots have droopy and sad eyes.

but even average white men are considered to be better looking than above average asian men.

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They aren't...

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I find that guy very attractive tbqh

They look so girly but they're still so hot. And I'm a sub.

> most robots have droopy and sad eyes
some of us can't help it

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Neither can they help it...?!?!?

>ywn be Yang Dragondick

postive canthal tilt is one of the most aesthetic traits one can have. basically makes you look like an animu character

unoriganl lllll forget the pic

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They just are. No questions needed.

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Halfu men are also attractive.

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Fucking lol do you think women care that you ''can't help it''?

>showing us chinks

Korean men are pretty fucking attractive, dude

Literally people who call Asian men unattractive are just coping.
They have some sort of mystique to them and 99% of the time they're intelligent and component and very loving to their gfs.

first women fuck niggers than sand apes and now yellow boys? are women trying to fuck every one but us can't a snow nigger catch break?

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>They have some sort of mystique to them and 99% of the time they're intelligent and component and very loving to their gfs
yea and all white men are rich tall chads with big dicks

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those aren't chinks dipshit, learn your slurs.

He's halfbreed? With what, an angel?
I love white guys, but they don't love themselves. White men do not take care of themselves at all, no effort to their appearance or hair or clothes, poor grooming if any, barely can get them to brush their fucking teeth, never use moisturizer or sunscreen, eat unhealthy food, and go to shit by 25. Asian guys actually groom. Notice something about hot white guys? THEY TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES. That's all it would take but no, playing 18 hours of CoD and eating doritos by the case is more important to white men, so they look like shit and fall to fat balding dadbod post-walls while asian men still look like teenagers.
WEAR. MOISTURIZER. AND. SUNSCREEN. This is not difficult.
Asian guy:
>demure, modest, studies and gets top rate job with a high income so he can provide for a family
>treats his wife like a goddess and feels lucky to have her, makes sure to treat her well and make her feel safe and loved
>cute and sweet, calm measured mood
>works hard to contribute to society and improve the lives of those he cares about, wants to do his best and reach his potential
White guy
>lives with parents with no income at 30
>dropped out of college planning to become manager at his convenience store high school job (my ex seriously did this)
>screams at gf and thinks playing video games or watching television is more important than spending time with her
>disrespects his own family, screams at his mother and demands money from his father, constantly hate filled and angry, foul mood
>selfish in bed, doesn't care if girl receives pleasure
>acts like the world owes him something

Gosh! Why do women choose asian guys?

most of us are too depressed to care about any of that.
btw in the west it's seen as effeminate too overly groom ones self

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because they look like they'd make great trannies

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why do white women hate the men of their on race so much?

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>it's seen as effeminate
Is washing your dick also too effeminate and that's why you just chop the foreskins off? Not my fault western culture is retarded.
Waaaah, waaaaaahhhhhh. I've been suicidal and depressed all my life and I still manage to brush my teeth 2-3x a day.

Turns out Jews tricked white people into blaming s oy when they should be blaming their own inferior genetics to Asians it's all part of the great plan

That thing has huge titties to be called a man cracker

i'm guessing your a women and if so you can't be depressed. and western culture is the best in the world.

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do you not know what pecs are?