Is there anything more beta than eating out a girl? What kind of submissive cuck actually does this?

Is there anything more beta than eating out a girl? What kind of submissive cuck actually does this?

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>Is there anything more beta than eating out a girl?
Yeah, posting about how beta it is on Jow Forums

yes, there is


Also does that guy look like a beta to you?

Eating pussy is god tier if it tastes and smells good. Shame Im afraid to go down on girls now that I have hsv1 and found out how easy it is to transfer it to a girls genitals even without symptoms.

>Is there anything more beta than eating out a girl?
yeah, having your gf cheat on you with someone who will eat her out.

>Eat a girl out
>Will literally do all sorts of nasty shit for you afterwards

Its easy bros

>is there anything more beta than eating out a girl?
Watching a black guy eat out your wife

Yeah. Letting another man tell you what gets you off.

If I had a girlfriend and a guy wanted to put his mouth where my dick has been, I don't see the problem with that

Pussies are nice to fuck but horrible to eat. Only tried it once and it was the most disgusting thing. Smelly and vile-tasting. Had to actively keep from gagging the entire time. Eventually gave up and finished her with my hand. People say that I should reciprocate after her sucking my dick but fuck at least I wash my dick and it doesnt smell like a fish factory. Asked her how my dick tastes after just to make sure it didn't taste as vile too and she just said "like normal skin just a little saltier". WOW. Pussies are shit never put them in your mouth c ya later anons/

Did she have BV? Cause pussies aren't supposed to smell/taste like fish.

Yeah, a guy liking some girl cunt is way more beta than you buying something new for your trilby collection while you type a 500 words essay on why you the good guy enjoy a platonic relationship with the girl on game stop that doesnt even know your name.

No clue, my guess is she just didn't adequately clean herself or something. I suffered no ill effects either. Was still gross and I'm never doing it again.

Gawd I just want to play with pussy
Finger, lick, suck, penetrate

Tie her down and do whatever I want

If I get her to give me control of her pussy how is that beta?

each to their own but i love eating pussy. you gotta understand that if a girl sucks your dick, she;ll only get pleasure from giving you pleasure. the same the other way round. it gets me off knowing i'm giving her pleasure, you get me

Agreed, it's why sucking dick is fun with the right person.

>Running your hands along her inner thigh and having her tense up and moan just a little
>Slowly kissing your way up from the other leg
>With the perfect amount of force gently kissing between her thighs and vag moving towards her clit
>Take a deep sniff of her pussy while opening her lips with your fingers
I need to do this again anons, I've never felt more accomplished as when I was giving a woman an orgasm from moving my tongue, lips and fingers.

Fugg that turned me on
What are your thoughts on full bush pussy?


Most of you have never even gotten laid. What the fuck do you even know about sexual contact at all being beta or not

If her vagina has a weird smell or is otherwise disagreeable then yes it's beta to force yourself to do it. If she's clean and it turns you on I don't see the problem.

Do you have one?

I've only ever been with one woman (which was too brief) and at most she had a few days growth which I had no problems with.
I wouldn't mind a bit on top but I'd rather only a small amount of hair.

must taste nice right before she had another dude piss up in them guts. Only eat vagina after 8 months of dating don't want to be tasting another dudes dick now


Don't expect any pics tho.

If you have one can I just see it in real life?

>psyops on this r9k are over mate!

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>Is there anything more beta than eating out a girl?
no. That's pretty beta and disgusting

nobody has mentioned it yet because robots don't even know what that is outside of porn.

That just seems awkward

This is like the go to for dicklets so idk what the fuck your plan is if you don't reciprocate oral, because the chances of you getting HPV from pussy are just as high as you getting it from a dude since they're so fucking gay and gross in secret. The whole point is to make them feel good, if you see it as a self serving things just fuck a creature or a plant and get the fuck out of my genepool.

I don't know how making her eyes roll back is beta

>If I had a girlfriend and a guy wanted to put his mouth where my dick has been, I don't see the problem with that
You'll see a problem with what she'll be willing to do for him in return though.

Maybe I am beta, but man do I love burying my face in a pussy.
>Most up close view possible
>explore with my eyes and mouth
>taste all her holes
>hear her moan in pleasure
>watch her squirm when I start sucking her clit
>get to fuck her while she's double wet from herself and my spit

It's the beta life for me :)

Agreed, plus I love the way it tastes and smells.

the guy is making out with heaven's gate. how is he a fucking beta?
i'd chop off a leg to be able to eat pussy daily

I'm saying if thats all that happened, I wouldn't mind.
Fuck, I would even watch it.

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>if it tastes and smells good
So almost never...

It's a challenge to see whether you can make her cum with your tongue or not, what man doesn't love a challenge?

it's only beta if you didn't marry a pure virgin girl
just like girls who suck non-virgin dicks are absolute betas even among women

you gay
breathe through your mouth next time if you don't like the smell, moron
I've been eating girls out for 15 years since middle school, get on my level and graduate to eating ass

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I'm glad I have a board of fat, bitter virgins around to tell me what is and is not masculine.

My first girlfriend had a full bush. My fifth girlfriend would regularly wax. I preferred going down on my fifth GF over my first, but I didn't dislike it either.

>first girlfriend
>fifth girlfriend

OUT! Turbo norman get out!

Koakuma kunny eat

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gee i wonder where you got your herpes from norman

heh look at the angry virgin, everybody point and laugh!

I like watching women squirm and moan. Plus I'm a legs guy. Having soft legs wrapped around my face is heaven.

The only person we're laughing at is you normie scum

>Is there anything more beta than eating out a girl?
Yeah. You.

gotta taste and smell more, my friendo, but maybe it's an acquired taste
80% of the US has it, 50-70% of the world.