Why are incelibates becoming so violent?
They still existed in the 70's, 80's, and 90's but didn't go around mass murdering people.
What in today's world is causing them to snap?
Why are incelibates becoming so violent?
They still existed in the 70's, 80's, and 90's but didn't go around mass murdering people.
What in today's world is causing them to snap?
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Social media fucking with people's perceptions. Like the mass depression its causing on the lower classes who get flooded with information about a handful of people living far better lives.
Unironically flexing culture.
Envy kills
Except there were always socially maladjusted people who took their frustrations out on the public. Pretending otherwise is either ignorance or intentional dishonesty.
I think it's because there are no more world wars, so people need to think of something new to cause a ruckus. They see people getting tons of news coverage for killing others, so they try to do it too
Internet, porn, social medias
The internet. They had no way to communicate with each other before. In the 80's and 90's I'm sure you had some lone incels who were pissed off about not getting laid, but they didn't have an echo chamber where they could all get together and egg each other on posting more and more extreme shit
because it was easier to get a gf back then. social media has now upped the playing for the 80/20 rule, and being a man is something you have to be ashamed about because of toxic masculinity, male privilege, patriarchy, etc. meanwhile you are treated like a disposable resource and you cant complain because everyone elses problems are more important than yours.
society bullies and berates you and then when you show back disdain the ostracize you even more. its like kicking a dog repeatedly and then when it bites you back you scream "oh shit this dog is crazy we have to put it down!"
they went around shooting people up for crack.
look, we've always been doing the same shit, it just comes in different forms.
we're never going to change unless it's like Hitler level of cohesion and progressiveness.
would the world be better off if we killed off all the niggers? Hitler was close to that. those might be the extremes we need to go to, who knows?
Because the mass shooters were fucked up to begin with, and then they see all these roasties and whores flaunting their sexual escapades with chad. They look in the mirror and think, 'why am i not good enough?' and it begins to simmer, then boil. The world is more connected now, so you can see the huge disparity in whores and chads who pull every night and then yourself, who gets nothing. not even crumbs from the fucktable.
Honestly if you just want random sex with a questionable whore, the best advice I ever got was to go to a music festival.
Well, is she wrong?
Social media and females walking around in yoga pants and other revealing "clothes"
If you're a hungry and your constantly surrounded by images, smells, and sights of food always out of your reach, you're eventually going to go insane.
no but she seems like a cunt
Realization they're not alone. They see just how many others NEET virgin loser incel exist and rationalize there must be someone else at fault than them.
So instead of just killing themselves, they take down as many as them can with them.
It's the highlight of their life. Their only "contribution" to the world. It will be permanent in the mind of the survivors.
It must be exhilarating to plow through a crowd with a truck, probably the only moment he felt alive. Extremely liberating to a mind constantly harassed with thoughts of self hate, violence against other, revenge for his birth, misery of begin constantly rejected and nihilistic arguments.
Because of fucking tinder(more like chadter)
That's pretty blunt but it's not wrong.
Did Jow Forums get frozen for anyone else today? What was that about?
A fucking ginger! Ahaha
The single male problem is tenfold worse in Asia, yet you don't see the same externalities over there.
yeah, they don't always blame everyone else. also low quality everything is allowed to live.
she's ignoring Peter so she can throw Paul under the bus, but they should both be under the bus.
FBI investigation; they needed access to the servers.
Its cause were more high t ofc
i wish my dad never met my mom so i wouldnt have to exist since he had shitty genetics and made me into a 5'4 manlet. guess ill have to be the one to end the bloodline :^)
No, but while we're talking about the complications of contemporary society let's talk about the increased wealth and access to health care that are keeping low quality females alive. Granted, women will never be as expendable as men, but death is a natural and necessary part of life and technology has disturbed a delicate balance between life and death and as in all cases of abundance, rot is inevitable
>Why are incelibates becoming so violent?
>they existed but [...] didn't go around mass murdering people
You're wrong, they were always violent.
It was just easier to get away with rape and murder in the 70s/80s.
Seems to me like we were right all along
Autistic think tanks are always right
can relate, I must've not wanted to be born ever since I was in the womb, having been breech.
instagram culture
brain dead capeshit
women hypergamy
no purpose
rising difficulty of societal escape; the encroachment of the cities and development into sleepy regions
no, asians just evolved to accept their low positions
> but didn't go around mass murdering people.
> December 6, 1989.
>Twenty-five-year-old Marc Lepine, armed with a rifle and a hunting knife, shot 28 people, killing 14 women, before committing suicide.
>He began his attack by entering a classroom at the university, where he separated the male and female students. After claiming that he was "fighting feminism" and calling the women "a bunch of feminists," he shot all nine women in the room, killing six. He then moved through corridors, the cafeteria, and another classroom, specifically targeting women to shoot.
>Overall, he killed fourteen women and injured ten other women and four men in just under 20 minutes before turning the gun on himself. His suicide note claimed political motives and blamed feminists for ruining his life.
What she said isn't incorrect, but from what I can infer from her blunt tone, she is wrong about the implications of those facts, it is people like her who will pay.
>Why are incelibates becoming so violent?
Provide me with statistics on the percentage of violent incels relative to the non violent incels population both then and now and you'll have a point. Otherwise you're just spouting conjecture because of the (((news))).
because its being shoved in your face constantly now other people are having sex and you are not.
shit was way more laid back in the 80s and before.
Elliot should have took notes on this.
>low quality males.
its all about looks.
a low quality male can be doing way more than chad but the woman brain will just assume and believe he is worthless.
while chad does nothing except go the the gym which really is not contributing to anything she will say chad does it all and is the greatest just because of the way he looks.
>this low quality opinion
how do you explain ugly hollywood kikes like jonah hill for example? do some more thinkin kiddo
beta uprising bitch
that Hollywood is a fake status symbol doesn't mean you are high quality cause you are in something the human brain made a fantasy that women see as high status.
>In witness video posted online, shortly before the arrest the driver appears to ditch the vehicle and has a standoff with a police officer on Poyntz Ave. south of Sheppard Ave., yelling "shoot me in the head" and claiming to have a gun in his pocket.
>still arrested
man, i want to move to canada
maybe, but surely youve noticed how many ugly dudes are in relationships
might be my favourite Jow Forums post ever
>female looks like Nasim Aghdam
>white looks like David Hogg
Is this existence a simulation?
i dont see that many couple together in my town or daily life. i am out of the loop now. i don't even know whats going on anymore. i live in a small town. but most younger girls are will tall guys or chad/brad types.
are you saying that girl in the image is right or wrong ?
i think shes wrong. she shouldn't wish death on people for no reason. just because they don't get sex shouldn't mean they should die.
shes a piece of shit anyway and has no conscious because she should know women can never be alone.
>i am out of the loop
me too. i think in your case it would have been easier to land some meaningful relationship because opposed to the city all you guys and girls should be aware that the pickings are slim
shes correct but its more than just looks. and there's a difference between wishing for death and articulating reality
imo i want her opinion to be mainstream so our society can stop pretending the problem doesnt exist
There's a good point to that - incels went off to war in those generations and either died, or came home and built their lives up the way they couldn't before.
>Rose Mead
More like Roastie Mad
>More like Roastie Mad
lmao I just spit my tendies out
cause they have no one to blame but themselves. They killed their generations future brides in favor of having a boy since back in the day they could only choose one.
she is, low quality women have no right to reproduce either.
Where do low quality women like her fit into the equation?
that guy had ptsd though, that's quite different
Back then first world nations still fought wars, keeping the m/f ratio low. More of these guys would have gotten laid if chad and brad got blown to bits by a grenade.
in the past, prostitution was commonplace
I don't know how she thought enough to see what she saw without that bit. I mean the guys in Of Mice and Men were vagrant workers and they didn't have gfs or wives or anything, but made a point to mention visiting a whorehouse.
I think prostitution being legal would solve at least half of the problems with incel violence, suicide, and depression.
Except most soldiers were chads with even the ones surviving battle dying to disease or some shit.
if prostitution legality became a mainstream discussion it would save so many people so much breath
He also had a tumor in his head that messed with his decision making. He even wrote about his sudden change in his diary and wanted his brain examined
They did exist, they were called autistic people.
I guess prolonged periods of peace, coupled with the monotony of every day life drives people nuts. Or at least it allows insane people to be insane.
meanwhile every modern 'mass shooter' has fucked up neuro inhibitors or whatever the fuck shiny new prescription in his veins
back in my day, men murdered their ex girlfriends,
Nowawadays you just can't get a girlfriend!
Is he /ourguy/?
He really should have. But Elliot is immortalized via meme, so I guess he did something right
This is actually a good point. Soldiers tend to be complete and utter chads. Low quality men are draft dodgers. War is when normalfaggots genocide eachother.
i think the problem is the scale here. Sure ppl used to "go postal" or other shit like your example, but it seems a bit more frequent now (whether that is actually true in the stats or just a media bubble I don't really care enough to look into it).
The end of nerd culture. Now there is no safe space for the socially awkward. Also we live in a culture where everything is considered creepy or offensive.
You never served, didn't you. I've never met so many antisocial bitter fucks irl as in the military. And it gets even worse by time, since you a) get inherently cheated on by your gf/wife and/or b) finally get to dehumanize everyone not wearing your colours.
Seriously, regarding agreement about the state of a world, military was the best place ever. Never since then I could go to work after some mass shooting and have a constructive debate about how he could do better and even achieve high score.
Anyways - sure, there are chads, but they mostly tend to be in more comfy positions than land forces.
Officers you mean. Enlisted vary wildly in quality
No, but I would bet my right hand that the real person behind that post is a male.