Where does gen z stand

Now, as we all know social change cannot be instantaneous. It takes a couple of childhood-adulthood cycles for prospective parents to entirely ditch the axiomatic mores pressed upon them by their parents. So despite the legal and moral basis for monogamy having been destroyed in the past 50 years, there is still some residual cultural pressure to conform to this romantic ideal.

But what are the kids like? Do kids born after 1995 even pay lip service to the notion of mongamy? Is open polygyny/hypergamy a thing in the west already? I'm asking this because I have pretty much 0 contact with people in the aforementioned age range yet I know this board is full of underageb& retards.

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since there are no quality threads on the catalog I won't feel any shame for bumping

kiddo faggots pls respond. I am interested in what the social dynamics among the newest generation are

bumpity bum bum

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Highschool is basically a giant orgy with the exception of super dweeby kids.

Can you elaborate? What percentage of males are involved? What percentage of females are involved? What is the overall mating pattern - is it hypergamous like OP pic, or is it a free for all?

I am interested in some anecdotal evidence to determine whether I should even bother with a proper statistical study

I made another version of your picture

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I'd say in high school, probably a large minority (30-40%) of the kids are fucking. Also kids may move through relationships fast but actual polygamy is still practically unheard of.
t. 18 year old

Yeah, that's why I made this thread. The second "chart" is what it was like in my time. I'm interested if the distribution is actually nearing the pareto principle as depicted in OP, or if it has stabilized around some median value.

I'd say 60-70 percent of males, 90 percent of females. Pretty much a free for all, not many kids in committed relationships

>Also kids may move through relationships fast but actual polygamy is still practically unheard of
What about the "side chick" phenomenon? Does it exist outside of rap songs and low effort facebook memes?

Its a real thing, usually the side chick knows but not the main.

Are you one of these 60-70%? Because at the highschool I went to, even though it was not a topic considered appropriate for discussion, I estimate about 60-70% of guys were still virgins around graduation. That was less than a decade ago.

Check out this chart from 2007

I'm sure things have only gotten worse in the 11 years since. I'd be interested in a modern day version of this study.

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So it's essentially concubines. Do only chads have side chicks? Or is it common along the entire spectrum? Do girls have "side dicks" or is it a one way street?

I'm 97, there just as many if not more incels.

Almost every guy I know in a relationship has a girl on the side. Even guys with really attractive girlfriends. The thing is this, if you can pull an 8/10+ ...most likely you can pull another, and you can EASILY pull a 6 or 7.


That's some broderline incestuous shit right there

Ok. That's obvious, chad can pull a lot of vaginas, But can you elaborate as per ?

That chart isn't as bad as it looks at first glance. The massive structure usually only has 2 vertices per node. There's only a few outliers of sluts and one megachad.

More incels would tend to support the sexual stratification hypothesis. Aka the monogamous tradition is dying and humans are reverting to polygamous (male with many females, low commitment) and hypergamous (females all flocking to the biggest alpha male around) behaviour.

But that was a decade ago to be fair

I wish somebody would do a modern version

I was born a while after 1995 and theres still lots of monogamous people, its not like people just stopped having romantic relationships.

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I'm , and I only know a few instances of someone cheating on someone. Granted, sometimes someone would break up with someone and be in a new relationship next week, but side chicks weren't common. Then again, I was kinda on the fringe.
If you read it you'll see that all of the unlabelled structures only occurred once, there were 63 monogamous relationships that had lasted the past six months.

>That chart isn't as bad as it looks at first glance.
That structure represents a dead monogamy, user. Multiple partner sexual relationships practised so commonly and at such a young age tends to support the hypothesis that monogamy and pair bonding are dead.

Read the caption. It's all the relationships in the past 6 months. i.e. Chad was dating Stacy, so we plot a Chad node and a Stacy node. Before that, he was dating Becky, so we put a Becky node and connect it to Chad, and so on.

>theres still lots of monogamous people
you mean people who only fuck one person in their entire lives?

Having 20 successive "relationships" is not monogamy, it's promiscuity.

No shit, kiddo. Do you know what monogamy is? Habitually switching partners is not monogamous behaviour. The fact that you don't understand this is strong evidence that monogamy is dead.

I'm glad its dead, staying with 1 partner forever is autistic and anti-nature. After the "love" wears off you'll just have 2 very unhappy people. Then they have kids, and end up even more unhappy after the baby phase wears off.

i dont see whats wrong with pic.
if women want strong men with good genes and a good future ahead it's more than perfect wanting the strong, rich, good looking man. if you really want it like "before sexual revolution" you are basically asking for basedboys and manchildren to breed, which will only deter society even more than it already is.

Op id appreciate if you stopped using big words thx

Gen alpha is going to be even worse parents now let they're 3 year old's use iPhone's and tablets unrestricted and unsupervised so thay are all going to grow up into brainlets that along with social media stagnated wages welth inequality the complete destruction of the family a quickly decreasing white population and 2 failed generation's before them

Well ive only ever been with one guy and Im planning to try to stay with him forever, and hes never fucked anyone but me and only had one failed relationship before so I think thats monogamy

>implying fighting natural impulses in order to rise above base instinct is a bad thing

murder is anti-nature, stealing is anti-nature, not rolling around in shit is anti-nature, civilization is anti-nature

go be an animal somewhere else you pathetic mindless slave

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>not murdering
>not stealing

deny it all you want you're an animal

Internet LTRs are the next best option. Then you don't rack up the n count but tons of emotional practice for IRL

No, that is a complete waste of time. You do not spend 1 second if your life on a woman you have zero chances of fucking.

Humans are supposed to be civilized

Says who? The modern human is just a domesticated animal. Its like comparing a wolf to a poodle. The wolf is the true form, wild, savage and dangerous.

It's good to tie you over when you're not in an IRL LTR. You dump the internet LTR when you get the IRL LTR.

>we are nothing more thasn animals

edgy 12 year old nihilist detected

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nobody who "e-dates" is getting anything in real life. That's weirdo shit, and needs to be stopped. If you're 23+ and have the time to even chit chat with women that you can't fuck you have more problems than sex.

As a teen in highschool i say about 60% of males have lost viginity, and 40% have fucked at least 5 chicks. For chicks i say about 75% have lost their viginity

You have all the time in the world if you're a NEET.

and if you're NEET you have no business crying about not getting a gf

>past 50 years
you're about 200 years late to even consider monogamy a real concept, and it's never been practiced across an entire generation.

hypergamy is another myth. start with literally any metric and you will find more exceptions to the rule than the rule itself.

IF you are not working and you are ugly, why even have interest in non hookers?

you have no money to woo women, and your looks are shit which repels women

Some people are just clueless man

"Why can't I get laid"

Well first off you're ugly, you still live with your parents, you have no job, you spend your time playing video games, you have zero friends......you literally have nothing to offer a woman, so why not work on that before you complain?

You can write love poems and be mysterious to the internet lovers. If you don't use webcam it works. You can talk on your cell phone, send a single rose through the mail. Even use a pic that isn't you so you can play Don't Juan online.

Because love should be unconditional.

yeah relationships usually last a few weeks to a month now where they fuck on probably the first date

it's basically a giant orgy now

not how the world works bucko

I'm not ugly i rarely play video games i have a friend I'm glad i have no job on purpose in fact i wouldn't date a female with a job and if your not living with your parents in 2018 your either extremely unlucky or a retard

The majority of girls over 18 either have jobs or are in school full time, if not both. You have literally nothing going for you, you're a bum that cannot even support himself. No girl in their right mind would want a NEET unless you were a legit 9/10. I hope for your sake you're early 20's not 25+

so you can be crushed mentally when she finally says

"FUCK OFF you re stringing me along and we never met."

why??? llol

Then the world is wrong.

A couple with a stay at home mom and stay at home dad is best for a baby. Both can spend extra time on it.

Be a wageslave or face the terrible roastie fate
What a horrible predicament

Then you move on to the next internet love and have another love story waifu. You get upset a few days but then you find the next internet love. If you're a NEET it keeps your life more interesting.

You seriously think a decent looking girl would fuck a guy that still lives with mommy? Only way that happens is if the guy is insanely good looking and way hotter than her. Otherwise she'll just find a guy that looks like you, but has his own house, nice car, career, respect ect.

If the world is wrong then you have your answer as to why you are at odds with it

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its a giant waste of time i speak from experience.

I have had beautiful women who told me they wanted to marry me. Beg me to meet, and see my picture. And, not do it cause i knew what would happen if they saw my face. Its just torturing yourself.

The only thing wrong with us is our ugly faces

Only someone without respect would take a $8 an hour job

Born after 1995 here. Live in California, so take it with a grain of salt. Also, my school is about 80% Asian/Indian+Hispanic.

>cheating IS looked down upon nut being a slut is NOT
As a result most girls fall into one of two categories
>is "single" but has sex with a large amount of guys in a sort of fwb way, or just at parties (she does not date these guys officially, but she may hang out with them)
>is constantly bouncing from relationship to relationship so fast she may as well be on the cock carousel anyway

Cheating DOES obviously happen on a semiregular basis but it almost never occurs unless alcohol or drugs are involved. Boys seem to cheat more often than girls, however that may just be because girls are better at covering it up.

There are couples who remain in relationships over the course of many years, but few relationships last even a year and only "match made in heaven" couples manage to last more than 2. My school has literally thousands of kids but you cant count the couples in my grade that made it from freshman-senior in a relationship on one hand.

75%+ of the male population experiences relationships and/or sex and almost all the female population that wants one does. Hypergamy mostly effects the quality of girls earned and how quickly a guy can get into a new relationship after his old one.

What's a better way to spend time as a NEET?

i have to hold a job

I don't. That's why almost nothing seems to be wasting time for me.

You have to start somewhere. And I have way more respect for someone that works an $8/hr job than a worthless NEET faggot that still relies on his parents.

I don't see why it's shameful. Your parents keep you company.

I live in Quebec, Canada, and it's a bit odd here.

Since marriage isn't really a thing here anymore unless you're a protestant Christian, a devout Catholic, or a Muslim, most people never really get married because marriage is seen as a relic from the time when Catholicism ruled over Quebec. However, long-term relationships are common and generally more accepted than open relationships (i.e. cheating is still seen as being a really shitty thing to do unless you're a cuck). That being said, many (but not necessarily most) people go through some part of their lives where they hop from one sexual encounter to the other (both men and women do this btw), the rationale being that if you tie yourself down to just one person when you're still young you're limiting yourself from experiencing other people. Splitting after a long-term relationship isn't really frowned upon either, even if you have children, because divorce isn't a thing anymore.

The way it typically goes (and I think this is the case in the US as well) is that many people take the dick-hopping route through Secondary school, Cegep (essentially community college), and University, and either they settle down with someone partway through University or they do so afterwards.

It's not really uniform, really. There's different people taking all different routes for this kind of shit. Monogamy and everything else have a pretty equal representation, and that includes Gen Z.

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You're going to still be living at home if you make under $16/hr. That being said, yes its shameful. You're not a man until you can hack it in this world by yourself.

What if you don't have the social skills to hold down a job? The NEET can be physically stronger than the flabby office worker who has no time to go to the gym.

Your strength means nothing unless you want to go dig ditches for a job. What can you actual do that provides value? And if you have zero social skills, go find some. Or live with mommy and daddy like a cuck forever.

Strength means you can win fights and be dominant. You can dominate the flabby office worker

That doesn't mean a damn thing outside of high school. A flabby office worker still makes his own living, you rely on your parents to survive like a puppy sucking its mothers tits for nutrients. You're stuck in a high school mindset in your 20's. The bullys now are going to be your bosses and guys that work above you.

The flabby office worker would shit his pants driving through a city like Detroit.

If only alphas breed, society will die anyway. Betas getting wives and passing down their genes ensures they will work and contribute. Take that away, they'll leave. Why do you think soiboys and manchildren exist in the first place? Because they see no purpose if they aren't getting pussy and will opt to play video games and watch anime all day instead.

18-year-old Junior here (held back a year). Just gonna say chart OP presented is bullshit now. The "side chick" thing does exist, but only a really small few do it. Really I'd say the Before Sexual Revolution chart is more accurate, but editing it so that one of the guys is getting two females while another is left alone (incels) because of this would be the best representation. Second chart seems to imply that a large number of guys are being left behind, while really it's the opposite. We just happen to be the minority of "tfw no gf"

You're kidding, right? I'm like a 7 or 8 and women ignore me entirely. We've almost reached the drain, after circling it for so fucking long.

you think to lowly of animals.
wolves have been shown to have a moral code.

Faggot originally detected

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When you look at it as if getting laid once is a victory, then you would be correct, but we aren't just talking about sex, we are talking about overall success with woman. You're just looking at the minority of guys who get no sex period, but when you factor in guys who get 1 gf then die alone, or get divorced and cheated on, the chart is actually pretty accurate. You can have minor successes with woman and still die a cuck in the end, its not a black and white thing.


That always happened, except now more women are initiating it and knowingly cooperating instead of just getting fucked by a man stepping out on his wife.

In other words, males are just mad they lost the hometown advantage.

This. Women were always like this, the current culture just encourages it more now.

This is nature's way of telling us there are simply too many people. This was inevitable. The green revolution allowed the global population to explode beyond its social capacity to withstand. This is compounded by a world which is extremely connected, because social skills are now a commodity in themselves. Men who can breed in this environment will find their genetics spread far and wide. Men who can't will simply have their lines end. Nature cares about fitness, not fairness, and the general trend will probably not swing back to monogamy until human resources stabilize. There is no incentive for women to mate with those who are not fit mates in this climate, so they won't.


Name one successful civilization where the concept of marriage doesn't exist

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Is good to be on top

I became a tranny, got a girl, and a level 2 chad.

stupid beta fucks you don't deserve to get fucked. You are a waste of humanity. Why should I sleep with someone like you when my boyfriend has a job and isn't short nor is ugly.

I hope your little dicks never touch pussy and you wack off to your pure virgin waifu anime girls. Meanwhile I am gonna go be chad's bitch and maybe he will allow me to stuck it in his girlfriend's pussy while he butt fucks me.

It's interesting, i've been talking to my younger cousins about this (not explicitly) but it really does feel like gen z cares less about chads or more so that the difference between a chad and non-chad is becoming much smaller.

What about someone who hasn't worked in 3 years but isn't living off his parents or anyone else?

digging ditches provides a lot more value to society than a lot of service industry "jobs" these days.