Skeleton thread

Who else skeleton?
Pic related is me
>tfw 20

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it sucks man i eat a lot and regularly exercise but I can't gain significant mass

I feel ya on that one nothing happens even tried lifting weights for a couple months. 15 pounders

you're not in a sufficient surplus. Try doing strength training and add more fats/carbs to your diet. Used to be a skelly 2 then bloatmaxxed for a year now I'm back down to 194 with baby abs

i used to be a skeleton but my life has gone to shit and ive been very stressed and eating way too much. now i still have skinny arms but my stomach bulges out and my pants dont fit.

also jump on a good routine.

posted a good routine in here good luck, boys.

If I eat fucking rice I will just puff up in like a day. I get mass so easily that I end up fatter than people who even eat more than me

Yeah trying to get better at cooking with my wager job the most I can be affording is a shit ton of pasta or I add a bunch of veggies and chicken into a stew and put it in the crook pot and eat it all week.

posting yourself is against the rules fag, enjoy the ban

It takes time but it does get better, I went from 120 lbs to 160 in 2 years, ttry to eat an extra snack a day like a mars or a snickers or drink milk with meals instead of water

I usually meal prep a week in advance. Dont do veggies if you want to gain weight. Veggies keep you full without any nutritional value. Add sweets and shit. Shove shit down your face. Get THEM CALORIES IN.

doesn't help that i'm 6ft when i'm nothing but a lanky ugly cunt

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>tfw skelly
>tfw manlet
I want to die

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Same boat friendo same boat

You are beautiful and I would make you my bf

:* thanks love; i will massage your prostate as often as i can

I take what I said back

you're 20 mate, you will put on muscle into your mid-20s naturally

i was skinny as shit at 20, my shoulders are twice as big at 27

>it's a delusional robots think women are attractive to skeletons episode

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Who ever said that lad?

Testosterone plays a major role in your ability to build muscle. If you have a diet of only fake foods, you're getting more onions than nutrients.

not for nothing but some actually are.

your jacked compared to me

Unironically impossible my guy but thanks for the laugh.

I really am into skeletons tho

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lmao srry

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