How do you guys meet people online?

How do you guys meet people online?
I dont have friends irl
I want to have friends online at least

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Join discord servers and try and find cool people, or just add people individually. You could try meeting people through online games as well.

i have one internet friend and i met him in like 2009. if you're paranoid with your identity online like you should be it takes a long time to build up the rapport needed to become real friends instead of people that do one thing together, like on games or discord. you just have to keep chatting consistently even if you don't want to.

mmo's, online gaming and such, forums

Shitpost in threads, become a e-celeb, join discords that actually like the same stuff you do, steam threads, etc etc

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Honestly just play multiplayer games and friend request anyone you like. Or just friend request everyone, not like theres a limit to the friends list. After that just join their discords and hang out. You dont even need to say anything. I have plenty of people who lurk my discord in complete silence or join calls muted the entire time.

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OP here
Can i join your discords?

You could add me on steam, hehe :3
I could play games with you, talk to you about anime (or anything else), and maybe even ERP if I'm in the mood for it ;3

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there was a zeemaps linked here for a while. that's where i found my group (we rarely meet up and are not particularly good friends (people who actually make friends are normalfags))

how do i stop being afraid to talk to people

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why are you posting a steam profile that is not actually yours, faggot?

Yeah sure i made my discord public recently so anyones welcome to join. Its not massive but we have a decent amount of people. Shozbot#0307

By very, very slowly making friends and becoming comfortable around them. Then practice talking with them bit by bit and as time goes on try and expand to other friends and talking to more people. Its a slow process, user.

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What do you mean??

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what state do you live in friend?

you forgot the part where they lose their patience and drop you and you shatter

tfw no fembot gf

obviously this is not original

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I have one internet friend, met him in 2012. Along the way i've talked to hundreds of people. Most just don't last.

How old are you?
>older than 25?
Tbh Vr chat
>younger than 25?
Omegle, tumblr, kik, make an anime twitter even. That's what I did and now I'm dating a girl from another country which is lit. I actually made a lot of friends that way to. Just make a twitter with an animal avatar and follow anime accounts and then the people who follow them, unfollow people who don't follow back. Do this in short bursts. (Follow 100 people, after a day unfollow the ones who don't follow back) start out with just people who have weeb stuff on they're accounts

Thats fair. Doesnt work out with a lot of people but ive always welcomed the quiet ones for as long as theyre willing to stay. Just look around and youll find some people like that eventually. If not then you move on to the next group getting a little bit better with each one.

Top lel, damn losers. Only came here to shit on you fat basedboys.

Seems like you only shat on yourself.
Lmaoing @ you

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i inquire as to how you came to this conclusion

it doesnt work out with a lot of people thus you have to play the numbers game, which clearly isnt much more of an easier way. not a game in the wheelhouse of socially incapable

I'm 20 and this is how I made friends just trying to help my guy.

its appreciated, i'm just complaining. not even the guy you were originally talking to

i don't know

i don't have
at all

i never have
i'm 22

you haven't accepted my friend's request yet you stinky