Alright boys
It's time to take initiative and get some qt gfs
Feminists are using the recent Toronto attack to spread their message of ''women are such victims :(((((''
i propose we start the hashtag #DateAIncel
or #HelpIncels
We should push that it's up to women to prevent further tragedies like this from happening
pushing messages of ''Only You Can Prevent Incel Violence''
Other urls found in this thread:
>pity date
newfag more
might as well have made it #DateAnBrainlet
also no that's disgusting and stupid
If a woman doesn't go on a date with me in the next 48 hours I will fucking blow my brains out
Make your move females
i don't want a pity date, i want a girl that genuinely likes me
would a male (male) be acceptable?
it might start off as pity but you can always work your way to her heart
Are you at least a cute male (male)?
Why isn't it up to incels to not be shit human beings?
Why do other people have to actively come into your life and live your life for you in order for you to do the right thing?
"It's a natural response from being shunned by society and deprived of social interaction by our peers!"
Yeah, well shunning genetic garbage like you out of the gene pool is a natural response by society to your faggotry. Just suck on your momma's dry teat forever if you need someone to wipe your lil bhole.
"natural" is a lie
we need to work to develop our own morals and values
the good thing, regardless of consequence, is love
Incels provide useful features though, such as tax dollars, willingness to do jobs nobody else wants to, etc. Enabling them is enabling the rest of us, as at the end of the day millions of incels keep our internet fast, our trash out of sight and mind, our roads safe, and our universe rotating. If they die, we die not long afterwards.
>implying roasties will fall for this
Just get a sex doll you thirsty faggots
>tempted by the pleasures of Satan
>get lucy's quads
that never happens, even if it does, whats the point of doing all that work for a woman who doesnt love you in the first place and only started dating you because she felt bad that you're a pathetic cuck
"natural" lol. i dont give a fuck. fuck us or we'll shoot up your schools and run you over.
This is why you faggots will die lonely like that pitiful fucking loser who killed himself last week.
Go beat off before your nappy time you fucking neets.
If bullying incels is "natural" then I guess that means shooting up schools is "natural" as well.
Was Shuaiby a self-proclaimed incel? I dont recall hearing that. I would have dated him though desu.
Seconded, would have dated him. Was a really handsome fella and seemed nice
He seemed like a sweet but very troubled guy. I wish I could have talked to him.
Not a airsoft gun.
Defiantly not air soft, just ask an hero, oh wait...
id rather take bf thank u very much
Hahah no
are you retarded?
oh wait you are, aren't you?
Who hurt you, user? Why are you so angry?
That guy has no idea how jealous I am of him.
It was a joke, desu
Ide love to but I just copped a 12 hour ban for calling a roastie a roastie.
You seem to have alot of anger directed towards lower class males. Why is that?
>Incels provide useful features though, such as tax dollars
I'm 25 and have never had a job and get paid autismbux, so in reality its normans like you who pay for my existence.
absolutely BTFO enough to respond to that many people
Ive seen more desu.
what's the story on this?
I totally missed this happening
date AN incel, brainlet
Just tweet out "MGTOW is a movement of peace" or "that man doesn't represent all incels" watch them as they get so confused.
i hope this is irony
All this does is that women give men attention out of pity and be respected for their virtue signaling while not actually dating the incel.
You're on a whole new level of being stupid