Who's the oldest fucking person on Jow Forums? Your ancient! So much stuff has happened in your life! You went from manual to digital. Did radios and stuff like that feel like you were living in the future then too?
Who's the oldest fucking person on Jow Forums...
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Get in here you old bastards
I really want to know what life was like
>video games were literal blocks bouncing around on a screen
>re-runs on tv sometimes said "in color" at the beginning of the episode, as if you couldnt tell that already.
>tv remote was a square box the size of a hardcover book connected to the tv by a wire.
>if you wanted to know something, you had to go to the library the next day, ask the librarian to help you find books on the subject, and then spend an afternoon reading.
>if someone called you and you werent home, you didnt know until they called back, or you saw them later.
>can of soda- $0.50.
>you had to go to the ghetto to see actual niggers irl.
>people who smoked weed were "druggies" who were "on drugs".
>if more than one person in your family owned a car, you were "rich".
William Shatner has admitted to browsing here on twitter and he's 87. I'm also surprised he hasn't gotten any media hit pieces on him yet for doing so.
He even fucking baneposts on /tv/ along with us.
No and it doesnt feel like 'The Future' now.
fancy cell phones isnt the future, there were cell phones 30+ years ago.
The Future will arrive in about 20 years when most diseases get cured and robots and AI do everything better than people
not shatner, just some idiot shatner hired to handle his twitter account and other social media crap. a lot of celebs have people like that.
32 here, ask me something
That person would have been fired within an hour of that tweet if it were true. You don't have free reign to just make up shit(especially about going to a place as controversial as here) all day long on a celebrities account.
/diy/ has 60+ literal grandpas on the board. Around Christmas time one of them was posting about the toys he had made for his grandchildren.
Soda is still 50 cents a can if you void 7/11. Where did people go to meet people in your time?
if you didnt make friends at school, you made them with neighbor kids.
if you were athletic or had some skill you had friends in a sport or a club.
Consider this. If they live to a very old age people in their 20s now we're born at just the right point to live in three seperate centuries. Also that the phrase "the turn of the century" is going to mean something entierly different to others than it does to us now within most of our lifetimes.
School, sports, neighborhood, the mall.
As far as non-face to face dating, people used to write personal ads that were published in newspapers and magazines and (Im assuming) have to wait for someone to write back. Must of taken forever.
Life was better. Slower whiter.
Food was better quality. Each school had a kitchen meals were made fresh.
It was ok to play kill the queer. It was ok to play war.
Going to the drive in was cool.
Nothing better than a Chevy muscle car from the late 60s.
Beaches were awesome.
If you were caught drinking the cops told you to go home.
You would get arrested for smoking dope.
Girls were girls and not roasties seeking bbc.
You put a check or contract in the mail.
There were no cell phones.
Vinyl records were awesome.
Americans got respect when going to mexico.
No homedepot, no vagrants. No degeneration.
Am music stations were awesome.
Baseball on the radio.
Fapping. Was degenerate.
Rabbit ears.
Thrifty ice cream 5 cents.
No traffic. Smoggy air.
A kid could roam around all day and nobody messed with them,
Stingray bicycle
Fireworks. In your own yard. And yes you could burn your fingers.
Glad I was there. This life today pretty much is a hell hole.
i got the worst of both worlds. im too young to have seen most of that, was a kid during most of that
and too old to be young enough to enjoy fucking robots and flying to the moon
Just missed Vietnam.
The country was ok economically. We were not rich,.
My grandpappy was born in 1870 died in 1970.
I kinda wish I lived those years.
I did not need these emotions why did I open this thread take me back John Titor!
>If you were caught drinking the cops told you to go home.
Forgot about this. Cops would literally tell a bunch of 19 year olds who had God knows how many beers in them already to take the rest of them and get in the car and leave, lol. Guys would get stopped for DUI, and the cop would follow them home and tell them some bs about how they would be patrolling around for the rest of the night and if they swung by and didnt see the car still parked there they would find you and beat your ass. Had to of done something really dumb or serious to of gotten arrested back then.
That's so wholesome
I should go on /diy/
My ancient what?
>as if you couldn't tell that already
Not everyone had a newfangled color tv you richie.
yung af nigga, born yesterday.
And the air, ground, and water were toxic.
Not old enough reverse pedobear
im unironically 71
do you feel guilty that your generation systematically destroyed all of those glorious things you listed in your post? How does it feel to be apart of the first generation in history to have it better than both their parents and their children?
He also left out the part about Joe McCarthy not being safe to have around your daughter.
I grew up in the 80s
I guess the big things i noticed would be
>The rise of the internet in the mid 90s
>Going from Tube TV's toHD TV's in the early 2000s
>The advancement of gaming from Atari blocks to what we have now
>Music going from records to cassets to CD's to digital
what led you to this place mr fuckoff?
What was it like? Is it really as hard as it feels to make a living these days? I went to school and have been applying myself to my career and still can't afford to put my own roof over my head at 26, working 40hrs and still living at home. And I think of all those people in the past who had their own homes at 21 and think what the fuck... I'm not a bum why is this so soul crushing
houses were cheap, work was plentiful and paid well compared to the cost of living. Fact is globalism has raised most of the world out of poverty but in doing so has lowered the countries that were the greatest down a couple notches. Feminism has destroyed us.
Fucking wisdom.