How angry does this photo make you incels? This ugly asian is fucking prime pussy while you cry about not getting a date.
How angry does this photo make you incels...
feels great. all white pussy should be bred by tiny yellow cock. i fucking hate white people and every white woman should take yellow cum
I aint even mad this nigga has sick hair
you call that old hag with an RBF a prime pussy? fucking kek
she's hotter than you tho
>big yellow cock
old hag huh? shes prime pussy bro
why would I be upset? it's not a nigger. their kids will have a 3 digit IQ.
>beta cuck who is nothing more then a atm machine gets late 20s early 30s used goods
Man you newfags are easy to see.
na man, she's prime af
You know as well as I do just how uncommon this combo really is. The fact you have to go searching for images of it to "prove" how common it is when people would see it all the time irl if it was really common just proves that.
No one has to go searching out pictures of white men and asian women couples to prove that they exist.
closeted faggots detected roflmao
Are these posts ironic? I find them charming, I know most asians have it hard dating, if a few of them can snag a 7 or 8/10, good for them
I'm 1/4 azn
my dad is half azn
my grandpa was full azn
I've only had sex 10 times in my life
it's so unfair that my azn'er ancestors had more sex than I have
oh woe is so me dudes
lmao bend over you pussy
I remember when every other thread on this board wasnt a shitty unclever racebait thread
Glad to see a fellow r/asianmasculinity frequenter!
Whites will be WIPED OUT by the yellow man's seed ;)
LOOK at how happy she is with her ASIAN BOYFRIEND. He pumps her full of hot potent cum and she loves every bit of it.
Oh yeah her parents? Love him because he's a straight A student with a great career as a doctor lined up.
White boys are stuck at home consuming anime and fantasizing about 2d girls. LMAO, you're just letting us have your women. Pathetic.
shut the fuck up, fuck off
LMAO, look at this dude
Wait till you see his face
How wrong can you be ever
She's literally glowing. This pretty white angel should get nothing but the best Asian stock for her tight innie.
(BTW she was a virgin before she met him LOL)
Sexual quads of truth im pretty sure every racebaiter claiming to be a race is definately not the race they say they are pretty sad desu
what the fuck is wrong with her skin???
she looks part asian herself so no loss
Cry more you fucking white bitch boy.
I want you to savor these images. As an Asian man, you don't even need to be attractive to get a banging hot white woman.
What are you talking about im definately white and i get so angry when they get yellow cock
She's 100% white my dude, but keep on coping all you want
Fuck off you greasy fuck
Women will instinctively put their hand on their man's torso for photos, showing "he's mine".
That girl is PROUD of getting knocked up by Asian cock.
she looks like one of those sluts who tans way too much. shes going to be dried up in a few years
>its another samefagging thread have a bump i guess
>He thinks telling me to fuck off will stop
I can just imagine you holding back the tears.
Typical racist incel thinking he owns white women because he's white.
Protip: we already took them away from you while you were busy with tomoko lmao
He has money that's why. Look at her, smiling like he's her co-worker rather than her boyfriend.
She doesn't have lips
>S-she's n-not that good looking g-guys haha.. I can deal with t-this *gulp*
Spoken like a true racist virgin white boy. Keep replying with your copes, it's pretty funny.
Does it bother you that beautiful blonde women will suck face with an Asian man rather than you? Probably does.
This thread might be shitposting but the fact actual Asian(usually hapas) males on r/asianmasculinity actually go out and look for images of this pairing to save to their special folder just for these images is creepy as fuck. And yes, it would be just as creepy if the races were reversed.
It's just so strange. If a white guy likes asian girls then he'll save attractive pictures of them, not other white guys who are in relationships with them.
Go fuck yoursaelf you piece of hsit
What the fuck, this girl is a legit 7/10 and he's a 3/10 tops.
Guys, we're losing them to fucking gooks now? what has this world come to.
>He says this as he browses his white supremacist infograph folder, struggling to find something to shut us up for good
Face it, AMWF just produce the best offspring. You can't deny it.
Yo I didnt know s2j got a gf. Sick.
no one wants sperglord neckbeards (whites)
Sorry guys, maybe you should have payed attention in school and tried to become a doctor like us.
Not only do we pull white cuties, we get the smart ones too. You guys have a lot of catch-up to do.
this asian dude pulls mad polish pussy. stay mad white boys
stay mad u fucking white boys hahahahaha
I literally didn't even post an image lmao. You think that we're all worked up and desperately trying to find images to "prove" that I'm right just like you are, but the truth is that we just don't give a fuck.
When white men see threads like this there's no anger, it's comical. We have eyes and we live in the real world, we can see that your precious AM/WF combo is rare as all fuck so why would we get mad?
you don't do anything manchild
>we can see that your precious AM/WF combo is rare as all fuck
Point is they get the creme of the crop white women. Smart/pretty ones, while blacks and other darker skinned men get the average/below average whites. Just refer to
There are no white women left for white men.