>be me, femanon
>squeeze my own boob
>realize someone out there can only dream of doing such a thing
Be me, femanon
I want to smash your skull in the pavement
Thank you, anonny.
>tfw fat and can squeeze my one boobs whenever I want
Checkmate, roastie.
>be me, user
>Grip my 8"x6.2" cock
>realize femanons out there can only dream of touching the perfect penis
Joke's on you, I'm a man and I can squeeze my own boob too!
>be me, male
>hate myself
>realize someone out there can only dream of hating themselves as much as me
Is it similar to me squeezing my butt? I'm 95 lbs but my butt is kinda creamy and soft.
so can l hun ;)
Could you at least show me yours to help ease the pain?
>be me, femanon
>squeeze my own boob
>realize there is no person who will ever want to touch me
>be me, heterosexual twink
>fuck myself in the ass (no homo)
>realize pederasts out there can only dream of doing such a thing
>be me, user
>have full beard
>realize some basedboy out there can only dream of having such a thing
why do you torment us so? original
Good one! o
>mfw all of us are actually attractive and girls see it but too autistic to get a date
You think I'm wrong? Tell me, have you ever been rejected?
>be me, user
>squeeze hot gf's boob
>realize femanons out there can only dream of being even half as hot as my gf, they're mentally ill and full of cutting scars, many of them fat as fuck 2/10 would not bang
>fuck hot gf to while some dumb femanon is fishing for (you's)
Can i touch yours then?
At least see them?
Why have I seen more fembot butthole than tits?
>be me, femanon
>my husband won't treat me like a whore in bed
Just kill me
I'd let you but also, I'm not a slut who gives out nudes, as desperate as I am I have some decency.
>inb4 "that's why you dont have a bf kys"
Pls gain some self respect
oof i just tasted a whiny bitch boy. let a femanon brag. we don't have much else we can do
I completely understand
And I'm a hypocrite for asking
>be me, Pisum sativum
>pollinate my own flower
>realize some other plant out there can only dream of doing such a thing
>i have no face
>some girl smiled when she looked at me
>didn't look me directly in the eye as if she didn't know I could see her
D-Did I get mired at?
She's a definite keeper.
>be me, Koakuma
>squeeze my own kunny
>realize someone out there can only dream of doing such a thing
Stop teasing desu
it always brings me joy seeing your posts, love you koakunny poster
I'll touch you if you'll touch me. Doesn't matter what you look like. If I'm willing to take charity then I should be willing to give it if you feel like you need to experience touch more than I do.
Too bad I don't know her
I think I might be attractive to girls but never had a gf because
1. I'm not 11/10 Chad tier so girls don't approach me
2. Too autistic to approach girls
Koakuma kunny appreciation
>be me, user
>touch my own penis
>realize that OP can touch his as well
post it fagoli
I'm a KHV NEET cretin gal with an extremely ugly mug, bro. I don't really think you'd be interested, but I'll send you an internet hug if that makes you feel better
Wrong image but fuck it, works just as good
I'll accept any kindness that you're willing to give.
>squeeze your own boob
>using a Takagi-san image
why not use a girl with boobs, OP?
People here want to grab milkies from waifu material/Stacey's that reject them, not some rough fembot.
Me wanf intenet hog to.
>Be me, user
>Squeeze my manboob
>Solid A cup
>Pretend its a girl
I will even lay on my hand until its numb then touch my manboobs to pretend someone else is groping me
>Be me, actual user
>squeeze my own boob
>realize someone out there can only dream of doing such a thing
>mfw gynecomastia
>mfw i have no face
tits or gtfo op
>be mitochondria
>be powerhouse of the cell
>realize some other organelle can only dream of doing such a thing
Women posters who post anime girls but are actually women themselves is cute. Makes me happy
any real girls here want to be my gf plz respond
is this image an optical illusion or am i hallucinating?
If i had boobs i would just play with them all day
>be me, perfectly normal human being
>lick my eyelids
>realize other humans out there can only dream of doing such a thing
>be fatass
>squeeze my own boob
>laugh at roastie OP