>girl shows interest in you
>she's a literal communist/SJW
Literally every time
Girl shows interest in you
>tfw no communist/SJW gf
dick her back to reality
stop being such a sperg, ideological differences dont define how well you mix. maybe just dont make 9/11 and holocaust jokes and youll be fine
Communist SJW girls are loopy as fuck. Trust me. They got no direction in their lives and do that shit to simply give themselves unwarranted self importance. If you can sex them do it but just remember the relationship isnt gonna happen if they friend zone you kick them to the curve. They might actually respect you for that
if girls show interest in you enough for this to be a problem then you shouldn't be here
>girls that will say you raped them when they find out you're not their niche weirdo ideology
>OP doesnt fuck her brains out and turn her back into a normal, functional human being
Just give up on life, homie
k hold on everybody love 9/11 jokes regardless of political allegiance
>being this afraid of women because of sensationalized right-wing media
no even that guy but
>not thinking ive held anit women feeling since before "sensationalized right wing media"
but go ahead and blame politics and not the root of the problem
>wanting a right winger gf that's devoid of compassion and hates fun cause fun = sin
Top cuck.
You shouldnt be here if your not a complete fucking loser? Yall just want to sit in a negative echo chamber until you an hero?
then what did you do? do they just drop you after you reveal that you're literally hitler, or do they spazz out or what
I'd rather not get dumped for being a "reactionary", thanks.
Get out you fucking retard. You degrade the community's board culture.
>lol you've never had sex??
>must be exaggerating XD
That's us in no time at all if your kind doesn't get called out.
unironically originally would rather you assume yes and leave us alone than stay here and try to 'help'
OP whatever you do do not get involved in religion ....only trust what you can prove....there is something else out there but what we call God is a dangerous entity....it is totally unknown to us and that should be some red flags
>get nazi gf that only cares about who's best
>sees you as not best
>goes after top men
>see girl that's commie
>believes in equality
>stays with you because knows she doesn't deserve the best man, no one does
I tend to keep my political views private, but one stopped talking to me because I made a bad joke about a hot button social issue
>girl shows interest in you
literally none of the time
do not bother with "the devil"....he is just a thoughtform of jewry
anything representing any sort of negative force for gain is probably bullsh*t
use common sense desu
>made a joke
was this really all you did?
be weary that you are not troubling others
She'll change her mind to support your beliefs if you hold them with conviction.
>disagreements on such a fundamental thing as the worth of people and the way the world ought to be structured do not impede you from getting along together
I honestly can't imagine getting along with a communist even as friends, let alone as partners.
>first time a girl has ever shown interest in you
>get along and actually feel like a normie for once
>find out she's a former Stacey who has naked pictures on the internet and has had 2 abortions
Do you seriously believe this shit? Ideology is a projection of someone's values. Politics, religion, ideological factors, etc are all reflections of our morals and how we perceive human nature. Fuck you for saying ideology is something that can be negotiated in a relationship. Ideology is one of the few major things that separates one human from another. Not acknowledging that shows a very elementary view of the world.
>oh yeah all those media stories of fake rapes are totally fake, ignore that
lmfao and you call that sensationalized
>was this really all you did?
The tradthot girls are more annoying, but at least they're fine with being friends with and/or dating lefties.
honestly if i met someone so outwardly leftist i think the most interesting course of action would be to be totally honest
unless of course you're in a crowd of equally outrageous leftists, which is the most realistic setting. and that sucks
Every circle I mix in is entirely made up of these fuckers. Theyre so tightly knit and hostile to white guys that nobody dares hit on them. We all just orbit around them until they arbitrarily decide to fucking Ash Ketchum one of us and let him do her up the wrong 'un or become his gf . I'm still waiting for my turn.
>girl shows interest in you
>she's half black and wants to tell you about The Fountain by Ayn Rand
A man chooses
>he thinks thats how liberal women work
r9k really is a board of virgins
I'm not white so it makes the situation even more strange.
i have unironically seen this happen. it was a german girl; i think it might be due to german philosophical diligence that she followed through with her beliefs and picked the biggest fuckin numale loser to go steady with
>honest misguided nazi girl with self awareness
>confused mentally ill commie who has no idea what they want in life because all they know is emotion
>she's half black
>ayn rand
either of these alone are enough to get me to tell her not interested.
>nazi gf will be loyal and submissive to you
>will be virgin until marriage
>believes in being domestic
>commie girl doesn't believe in private ownership of reproduction
>constantly whines at you about toxic masculinity
>domineering and will probably accuse you of rape
Howdy partner. What brings a fellow cowfolk like yall round these parts?
I can't imagine how out of touch you have to be to think this in real life. You need to take a break from this website if you're turning down women with a pulse because the local political and robot boards told you they'd say you raped them for not being a communist SJW.
>You shouldnt be here if your not a complete fucking loser?
Yes. Not because anybody wants a 'negative echo chamber', it's because people like you are invariably unfunny. The best OC on this board comes from total losers and weirdos.
>he's a wagekek
>he doesn't know communists would force us to work in really shitty jobs for the Normieland
>he doesn't know those businesschads are the ones paying our NEETbucks
yeah, nah, kill yourself commie.
I'm literally bourgeois my dude, communism doesn't offer me shit. I'm not some working class pleb and I have inheritance money.
shit sucks
the worst thing is that I could put up with her different political views, but she wouldn't accept mine
We need Chad's in order for there to be enough taxes for my neetbux.
You dont need to accept each others views.
political views=/= personality
Kek I hope you are memeing right now. Pic related
>girl says that you would be a good trap
What kind of loser coward doesn't want a communist gf? Sounds like someone whose toothbrush ought to get expropriated
Red lefties are all narcissistic fucks. Why would you ever want to associate with a ticking timebomb