Whats your "type" of girl user?

Whats your "type" of girl user?

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one that plays video games and watches dumb weebshit

That's my type. Your pic-related (OP pic) is my EXACT type.

Literally have no idea.

one that sucks my dick while i watch movies

Watch out ladies, you got yourselves a really charmy guy over here!

chubby/fat white girls are pretty great desu

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Please for the love of god gib

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Elena Tonra. Like, literally all of her.

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i want a white girlfriend with a flat ass who wears leggins all day

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Little girls, mostly just need them to be shy, cute, and curious (in a scholastic way).

Please fucking kill me.

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Too bad they're all gymsluts or honest to god muffin munchers.

One that lets me do anything to her any time I want
Cuddle? Anal? Random imprisonment for a day in the basement? She can't say no

One that watches anime and plays video games and will actually love me

The thought of a qt black girl gets me through the day

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>dark hair
>hates chads and stacys
>fairly right wing

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Actually a qt i can relate to

This picture is very related to my type of girl

you can ignore the asian part, though

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tall, skinny, asian, thick jet black hair, flat face, crooked teeth, chubby cheeks, single eyelid qtpie.

Is this to much to ask for?

Alright hold up
-her skin is a bit brown or tan
-she's a brunette
-she watches anime from time to time
-plays games but not really competitively
-her tits are not that big, like less than half the size of the ones in the OP
-she's not chubby or thin, just right
-she's around 160 to 170cm
-has a round, firm ass
-is kinda lazy
-likes to cook
-likes teasing me all the time
-is a sub
-has a big heart
-reminds me she loves me all the time
-will marry me and bear my children
-will die at the same time I do holding hands
-and last but not least, will never cheat on me

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I'll take any girl I find myself falling for but generally
>The shorter the better (within reason)
>Just about anything but blonde
>Small breasts and ass
>Short hair is nice but not as important as anything else on the list
>Shares some of my interests
>Disagrees with me politically
>Really specific but wears shirts with the sleeves too long and only has a little bit of her hand sticking out

Max is pretty much everything I want in a qtgf

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>she loves me
that's my only requirement

>Whats your "type
My oneitis.

I like very submissive girls, but I don't like them submissive to a point where theyre completely subservient, I like them with a little fight in them.
Give daddy a reason to punish you like the whore you are.
Bonus points if they're Asian.
I got a chub on write this.

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my "type" is women (3 total) who would allow me to fuck them, unironically unprotected and progressively more riskier and less intimate, as in the latter two girls were complete strangers when we fucked. It just happens that these girls were not skinny but nowhere near fat, they were mostly blonde and have very big breasts in increasing order. Also I am more disgusted with women increasing order of these fucks. Not a great feel

last girl is a current fwb and has an absolutely gross face (adult acne) but she lets me do gross things to her, no holds barred

you sound like a porn-hub comment section.

shares some similar interests, dominant, cute feet, and not fat

Am I still originally banned

Max is the ultimate vidya qt, too bad she's stuck in such a poor game.

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somewhere between sticc and thicc
big, bright, tired eyes
no hair dye
does not wear make up
has hobbies

Short, kinda chubby, medium length hair, wears sweaters, music nerd, either apolitical or right wing, has proper hygiene, not a slut,

Kind, God fearing, motherly, chubby girls who love children.

a giraffe gf is what i want

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A girl who will stick stuff up her ass for me and send pics.

>my age
>white (preferably blonde)
>not hideous or fat
>wants to get married and have children
Are those realistic standards or should I kill myself

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None I'm fucked up forever and can't hold a relationship with a girl. Like, the relationship doesn't even start even if she's very interested. I'm simply incapable

>holds >3000ml
>fits erections comfortably
not falling for the living person meme, inanimate objects are all i need

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>straight, deep black hair
>smol boobs
>asian preferably, white of german decent acceptable
>almost yandere-tier level of protectiveness
>despises modern culture
>will play vidya and watch animu with me

muscular skinny women with long hair who dont take steroids

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One with a beating heart

Yeah me too! My dream is like pic related
you know

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Lebanese girls

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Pic related but more homley looking and with glasses

I don't know what about these girls with this length of hair that gets me hard as rocks fuck

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just want my soul mate. To much to ask for?

I like pale-skinned girls with high cheekbones and long, dark hair. In practice, I seem to attract blonde girls for some reason.

This kind of girl.
Never seen one like her and i doubt i ever will and even if i did i'd have 0 chance with her.

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>none tumblr/neon hair artist grills

The kind of girl that gives me the time of day and doesn't hate my guts just from looking at me.

Which means they don't exist

>Gigantic breasts
>Likes anime and video games.
>Motherly af towards me.

Why don't you just seduce your mother, user? I'm sure you could get her to watch anime with you.

but she is so fucking shallow, I can't make it through the second chapter because she is so boring, a complete hipster failure

Jailbait and tomboys mostly.

I also fall too easily for the "quirky" girl type.
They are always crazy sluts with daddy issues, but Im too retarded and keep falling for them.

Arab women too bad they're almost all Muslim

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get out of here you jew

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I get what you mean, she's like me. I'm a boring guy so i connect with her because she's the same as me.

It would seem the only girl with those family oriented values and desire to remain chaste until mairrsge would be Christian
Now back at the subject at hand, are those realistic standards or should I kill myself

Apparently I'm the dreaded Ant Jew.

i like two types of girls that are polar opposites of each other. one is the bubbly touchy feely type, the other is a miserably ice cold cunt. dont ask me why

I want big titty goddess to cure my mysogny

>extremely disciplined and rebellious
>thin and fit
>no makeup, no hair product
>dresses in simple covering clothes
>does not indulge in food or sex, only fulfills her needs
>no alcohol, junk food, cigarettes, recreational drugs (psychonautics is fine)
>seeks quality over quantity, derives as much enjoyment from as little as she can
>does not waste her time
>fluent in english and multilingual
>communicates clearly and directly, does not posture herself in speech or waste others' time
>highly cultured and open-minded, not hateful, but still a militant radical

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replace that with rejecting, rebellion is not a good thing, society should instead be rejected

>Leaves me the fuck alone unless I want her around
>Will never ever cheat on me or break up with me
>Will always be around whenever I want her around
>Will do pretty much anything I say
>Big tiddies (but not too big)
>Plump ass
>Toned stomach
>Any kind of hairstyle and hair color as long as she looks good with it
>Kinda short (5'2ish)
>Good face
I'm not asking much physically, but I am asking a lot in my first part

where is your general location user?

I live in Burgerland user

Big ass, tits, ginger maybe

>Not a stuck up bitch
>Not a know-it-all
>Capable of talking about different viewpoints
they're extremely rare, but they're out there

you're better off changing a girl to become like that then dating them rather than finding a girl like that.

I honestly don't know anymore, I just don't want to be alone.

Lonely depressed weeb/nerd who has trouble making friends and is looking for someone to support and care for her. Bonus points if they're the type who get overly attached and want long term commitment.

I ain't got no type, bad bitches is the only thang that I like, YOU AIN'T GOT NO LIFE. Cups with the ice and we do this every night.

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i'm going to put you in a coma you little fuck

Cool with drinking and drug use
Is able to drive
Has time for me
Tolerates me
Gives surprise hugs and kisses
Buys me gifts
Reciprocates affection

Skinny is good but I have been with an obese girl before and I would do it again

A skinnier, female version of myself.

Fit, tan, blonde who doesnt shave anything (better be blonde everywhere)


Fit Asian with an immaculately hairless body

Not like six-pack fit, as that would just be emasculating, but like strong legs and a nice butt and not fat. Those two things really do it for me. They can have whatever personality they want as long as their my fucktoy.

>light blue eyes
>pale skin
>some freckles
>great teeth
>average height (~5'8")
Just described my fiancee, don't know how the fuck I got so lucky considering how much of an aspie sperg I was in High School. Thank God I didn't kill myself.

Anyone that's hot. Idgaf about their personality if they're a whore or anything I'm desperate now.

eh, how old are you? If you're college age it's doable. I've met/dated a fair number of virgins/religious girls (tho not so much overlap in my experience). Plenty of people out there too busy or awkward or just missed to boat on getting laid. Though in my experience being open to different kinds of people makes a lot of that doable. I dont know if any of the virgins girls would have liked me if the fact that they'd never gotten laid was what I was interested in them for.

alternative metalhead indie whatever hipster
fat thighs
wide frame
naturally stores fat on her legs, ass, stomach, and upper arms
flat nose kind of like how some asians have
short/midlength hair
deep voice

nice chubby gal

harmful to my mental well-being

I'm nit telling you OP! I don't want people taking a liking to my type and then taking all the gf's! Fuck that shit nigga I ain't saying jack fucking shit.

my gf was a virgin at 26. you just gotta find a shutin

some one who loves me and is a qt 3.14

Ideal is no gf at all. At 31 years old, it'll just derail my life.

>Whats your "type" of girl user? originality

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>tall and skinny
>short dark hair
>big eyes
>art hoe/alt girl
>sense of humor
>likes to party
ideally me in girl form

And how's one do that?