How would this work, would you support it?

>Single me and single women are put on a list, and are systematically paired until they match

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're a disgusting loser. Just keep using your hand till you finally fucking kill yourself.
Everyone after this reply will die a virgin as well.
Stay a loser kiddo.

No, part of getting a gf is getting a girl that actually likes you for who are are and is willing to do things with you because of it. Forcing relationships isn't going to make me feel wanted or loved only provided for.

first post roast toast

why are you so against incels getting a gf?
Whats the stick up your ass

bampfering gong jinou

Jesus dude, who the fuck hurt you?

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Communism is bad

>gets run over by an incel canadian

Nice argument

>the compatibility meme
Humans would have died out long ago if this was actually an issue

If the state ever provides me a gf I will completely recant my anarchist worldview. Love > freedom

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It would work like this.
Government would mandate morning and afternoon exercises. You'll also be forced on a strict diet.
At the age of 16 you are sent to a grouping and employment agency. They scan your face and not any other body abnormalities and given a score. There are two doors, below a certain threshold score you are sent/forced through one done which leads to an elimination chamber. The other door is the matching room where you will meet your life partner. After matching is complete you will be assigned employment for the state and live the rest of your life.

>christian nation
>to cease fornication within its population, government-mandated relationships are enacted
>meaning you are assigned a partner once you reach a certain age
>all relationships are made with perfect optimization between personalities and individual satisfaction, meaning no one will go against the system
>not allowed to get a different partner unless yours dies or moves out of the country or something
>be me
>opt for my government-mandated girlfriend at the age of 13
>by the time i reach of age (16-18), my girlfriend moves into my neighborhood
>we get to know each other
>meeting her feels like i had just met my soulmate
>the both of us get along perfectly
>she's into everything that i'm into and vice versa
>marry her and have a shit ton of kids
i would unironically die to have something like this enacted irl

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>Have some used whore forced on me
Fuck no
I'd rather them shoot me than that

you can sell out your ass hole to a chad.

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I don't think you can force people together. That would never work.

The r9k is a left winger board.

Make like a tree.

>comparing an age where survival was above emotions to an age where there are billions of humans, with plenty of food supply, causing the possibility of having secondary needs as primary ones
are you actually retarded to use this argument?

It wouldn't work. Women would cheat on their government-assigned pity cases like crazy and domestic abuse against men would skyrocket, especially since women would be in far better shape than their male counterparts and could physically assault them with impunity, and would have reason to.

She would cheat on you within a week.

>tfw no government mandated femdom gf to beat me up for not doing my best

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Did I mention it's a Christian nation? Fornication would be punishable by either heavy jail time or death if it deems necessary.

The solution is android gfs.


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I would support 100%.
Imagine having Ririna as your government assigned wife.

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That's just communist tinder you dork
Nice try fag but I use an onahole

Just legalize prostitution. That way the attractive people get something out of it. So no one will complain.

Also there was supposed to be a sunglasses emoji at the end of that but I guess you loser incels don't like emojis or something [many crying laughing emojis]

she wouldn't like me so why does this matter

Sex is a primary need

>Single me and single women are put on a list, and are systematically paired until they match

This literally already exists in various forms. Speed dating, internet dating, singles meet-ups.

Poorfags that can't afford a prostitute, such as myself

The difference is that in those types of systems women can just ignore the men that need gfs the most

That already exists. The penalty is financial. You get more heavily taxed for being single and for not having children.

>all relationships are made with perfect optimization between personalities and individual satisfaction, meaning no one will go against the system
What does this even mean, what criteria is this, and how would this even work? Would you be alright getting paired with someone with a 100% personality match but had zero sexual attraction to?

Government mandated gfs was basically what monogamy was before the sexual revolution. Betas got girls and got to pass on their genes. The women obviously wanted Chad but had to settle and probably resented the beta. The same would happen in your scenario, except now it will be forced.

In the system OP described, people are "paired until they match" which is essentially dating until you find someone that clicks like a normal human being. You're describing a system where women are unable to reject men, basically sexual slavery. What makes you "need a gf the most"?

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps
o riginal

meaning that we take tests based on our personality and by similar results, we become matched together. and the sexual attraction fits within the "individual satisfaction" part.

It's really going to be

Why would anything nice happen?

define "individual satisfaction"
Because right now you're just describing online dating. There are already dozens of major dating sites that utilize extensive personality tests to match users.

m8 it's a hypothetical situation don't get so autistic you want me to define the core foundations of the policy for it to become enacted right now in a country near you.

In general introverted men that can't look after themselves very well need a gf most

I'm just wondering how what you're proposing differs from online dating which exists and is accessible to you right now. You could say "Well I don't have any luck with online dating" but how would you have more luck with government-run online dating?

I'd say they need a strong male role model to teach them basic self-reliance if they can't even look after themselves. Can't blame women for not wanting to be some mopey man-child's personal fuck-mommy.

Just imagine how good this would be.

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Didn't Corbyn in the UK suggest something like a government matchmaking system. Matchmaking services are all about having data on people, so the government would surely have a lot of data. Forcing people into relationships would be bad though

Imagine getting an ugly hamplanet as your government assigned wife.

Neither of us develop the tests that are on online dating sites nor have any experience with developing compatitibility tests, so of course neither of us would know how to improve them. I'm proposing an end result, quit being autistic.

I'm not being autistic, I'm asking very basic questions. The entire premises of this thread is based on fantasizing about something that already exists. Do you feel the current compatibility tests are inadequate? If so, how? You have used these tests right? Otherwise you wouldn't be gushing about how awesome this government dating system would be since this exact kind of system already exists in the form of dating sites and apps.

They should do it all based on personality and research etc so that even if ur assigned wife is ugly as fuck you'll get on with each other. Plastic surgery can become more commonplace and genetic modification.

>gotta get plasmids to fix your ugly ass

>>gotta get plasmids to fix your ugly ass
Damn right user. Why are we not doing this.

>be me former incel now fulltime bf
>Doing my best to make a simple living
>Government mandated gf has really improved my life
>hand holding, cuddling, and just being able to hug someone randomly eases my anxiety about my life
>Can't have sex outside of certain regulated hours and nothing but vanilla but i'm grateful for this opportunity thanks nastydoujinman.president
>Suddenly a huge mormon breaks into a school with four gfs tied together as he dual wields them as a type of nunchucks
>suddenly government regulation of assault gfs happen
>can no longer touch her, talking to her about going outside is no longer a thing
>no more sex, just complaining
>get incredibly bitter
>Have her make a finger gun
>Shoot myself
>She laughs as she leaves
>stupid bitch
>go back to watching animu and browsing Jow Forums

I would support it if I got a hot gf of my own choosing.

That's not communism. In fact the Lebensborn idea originated with the Nazis.

So sexual slavery.
It's literally a government-organized handout to those who refuse to achieve for themselves.

>So sexual slavery.
It's not slavery if the girl learns to love you over time. How do you think it worked in the past?
>It's literally a government-organized handout to those who refuse to achieve for themselves.
One that started with the anti-communist Nazis.

Hello robot kun.
Im your gobmit mandated gf
I hope you like me...
Want to play scrabble?

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can we play backgammon? Scrabble is fun but i feel like it requires atleast 3 people to play

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yeah christ nothing in life i look forward to more than playing scrabble with some 16yo

Could you learn to love a fat, ugly girl over time?
Also lebensborn was an adoption system, not government mandated waifus. So yeah what you're describing is some kind of commie handout shit.

Oh im sorry robot kun...
I didnt know you were gay

All that has to be done is ban all privatized hookers/escorts or any other form of sexual work and offer to employ them as Government agent gfs. They will receive the same benefits as any other government worker, get protected by big daddy gubbermint, stable salary and basically all they would do is make sure their assigned incel doesn't do something stupid and talk to them.

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>Here I am, user! A former prostitute assigned to be your government-issued gf here to cure you of your inceldom and sexually service you at a moment's notice!
Is this what you had in mind?

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No. They don't have to be prostitutes. Maybe e-whores or twitch thots even.

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It's legal to be a camgirl and twitch thot. Why would one decide to be a government hooker for gross, unfuckable neckbeards?

Incels love talking about how evolution is what determines sexual worth. By that logic shouldn't the fact that you can't get a mate signify that you are not suited to reproduce?

Youll fall in love eventually.
At first youd be like ew gross but then it would develope like a romantic comedy about a chubby neckbeard that saved a kitten from a burning house.

That's like fucking an extension of yourself, would you fuck your favorite hoodie or something?

Except your fat ass would get some lazy landwhale


oregano oregano in my pocketgano

Because those are sexual works used to provoke incel men. Remove all women from the internet

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As long as she got fat tits

There would be a fat restriction where people are put with those of similar bodyweight.

OP, instead just support religion. It's a socially acceptable way to get that.
>one man, one woman
>no sleeping around
just have to remove all the nu-christian pro-feminists and install and enforce orthodoxy and you'll get a virgin.

Then why don't you shack up with an ugly fat girl with similar interests who has to settle for you and eventually fall in love?
Or how about stop tormenting yourself by not watching twitch thots? They're not provoking you, you have to intentionally seek them out and watch their streams. It's madness.

Gubmit gf
Gubmit gf!
I want it!

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>government mandated relationships

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Yes. but only if the government assigned gf is actually a gf(male). Just like anything government assigned, it's a starting point into the world. A gf(male) would be enough for some to function, or would give them the experience and skills needed to move on. Should force feed any androgynous male hormones and give them away to neets.

i will support this as long as they assign people based on weight. if you're 150lbs, you get a partner that is between 145-150lbs.

all fat fucks can stay with other fat fucks

How about instead of importing dirty ass muslims and mexicans to steal our jobs why doesn't the government bring over asian mail order brides?
They want to come here just as much as these dirty fucks stealing our jobs and it eliminates the neet problem 1 waifu at a time

The government has the most data on everybody.
They should decide what we do for a living and decide who gets paired with who.
Just like the hindu caste system.
All hail daddy gubmit.

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Coming from a 27 year old kv, this shit is what killed any sympathy I have for my robot and incel brethren. You whine and moan about how it's impossible for you to get a gf and the (((media))) has brainwashed women into having impossible standards yet when it comes down to it, you yourself have no interest in women within your league and are frustrated that you can't get the qt anime girl or twitch thot you've seen plastered all over the internet. It's your standards that have been warped by your own media, yet you externalize that blame onto women.

Wanna know the real red pill? This image is a fucking lie. Chads aren't hoarding all the pussy. Why the fuck would a chad want to fuck an ugly girl just to spite you when they can fuck hot girls just as easy? In the "good old traditional days" you people pine for, you'd be perfectly content with a girl just as plain or ugly as you, because back then you weren't constantly having anime girls and insta-thots crammed into your eyeballs 24/7. Those plain and ugly girls are still available to you, but because they don't look like the big titty asian models you jack off to, why bother? Robots and incels are the most delusional hypocrites on the planet.

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do you know anywhere to play multiplayer backgammon?
I used gamingwonderland but they shut it down and you need a faceberg account to at their new site and I can't play anymore

Chad is not fucking the ugly girls stupid.
The 5/10 are.

playok seems like the top result from google, the sign up looks pretty short

>expecting the govt to think for you
Dripfeed culture.

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it's easier to just castrate creepers and NEETs, that will clear up the sexual frustration component right there.
>but I wanna BREEED!111
well that's wasn't going to happen in any case and the snip will clear that up too.

I'd rather see the neets sperg out, they have every right to do so
they should allow the government to kill them, their genetic line produced enough to build their country and children they have the right to burn it all down

the shouldn't* (typo)

I honestly dont understand whats so bad about having sex with someone whose not as attractive as you might like
Please do help me understand
Cause from my point of view itd be really fucking easy to just spread your fucking legs

not a faggot here retard,
why don't you just spred your legs for each othe if you are that desprate.

What you want to cock block me?

>Just like the hindu caste system.
Pretty sure the Hindu system is basically a bunch of arranged marriages that functions more like parentally advised dating nowadays.

The idea of castrating anyone especially when they have not committed a crime is just as horrifying if not more so as the govt forcing people into relationships because some bean counter said so.

People date up and down and settle all the time. That's not the issue, but the mandatory aspect of it all. Christ I'm just imagining being forced to stay with my first girlfriend and the notion terrifies me.

Whatever that will never happen anyways.
The point is vagina.

>implying NEETs and creepies are people

Government issued sex dolls would make more sense.

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will the government pay for neets to get a vagina drilled into them after castration?

We want to have sex do you understand
Why cant we have sex