Alright time to get these motherfuckers off my board.
Other urls found in this thread:
Low quality women SHOULD NOT REPRODUCE. If a man doesn't have a right to a child of their own, neither do women. Takes two to tango motherfucker.
I love women and I want to fuck one!!!
You can fuck one easy, half are prostitutes on the side. Just mention paying her for anything, maybe she got rent to pay (they usually do) or a college thesis. Mention sex in exchange for it jokingly, if she tries to take the offer, you know she's a subhuman cunt.
Men don't owe women a goddamn thing
Women are disgusting. If you can fuck a dog but can't fuck a guy, you need to be fucking run over.
one consequence of creeping leftism that we will see in the next few years is white women ditching brown people for their dogs as fetish objects, imo
Daily reminder we are sinking back into a matriarchy, and matriarch society. Matriarchy is synonymous with decay and stagnation. Under a matriarchy there are no fathers (single mothers), all men take care of women and children (government legislation), and there is no drive for men since women make the ultimate decisions (women do not create anything they just sit around all day).
Instead of being whores they could be warming up homes for families. Sexual liberation is an inside joke.
One way to restabilize women is to allow them the experience of a man, a life without help. However, most women bullshit when they claim equality. They want "some people are more equal than others" and "we want your rights but you can't have ours"
If we left women on their own they'd be falling to theirs at the sight of a man regardless of appearance, wealth or even if they are an incel.
Hilariously enough, women are children playing with a constant surge of impulses. Instead of growing up they continue to play around until it's too late.
If you need to follow the entirety of this info graphic to have sex, then know she is not worth marrying. Women have turned themselves into inane puzzles with sex as the reward for solving. They are nothing but sex.
Women don't want to be known as sluts, but want to be sluts.
Welcome to the new norm
jesus those are some stiff titties
gotta get work done to be the ultimate fucktoy
Never forgive the whore, for that is the spawn of Satan.
Still look great though
ive seen better natural onces on tumblr
Did she just publicly lactate her friend??
I'm simultaneously turned on and disgusted
hope that fuck stays in therapy forever.
>t. roastie
Why haven't you offed yourself yet
dear God, I don't want to have sex anymore
That guy was obviously a total degenerate. I'm not saying his wife was blameless, the best thing to do would be to actually dump him before trying to get pregnant, but I totally understand where she was coming from.
>a degenerate for having a vasectomy
I don't like most women but you also have to accept that a lot of it is mens' fault too. Like in divorce cases where women get 90% of everything the male had, if the judge wasn't such a cuck, he could maybe treat the man more fairly. And why is the legal system so geared toward women? Because they think women need more help and they think that if they offer that help, women will like them and fuck them. Even with crimes, if a woman spends more time in jail, there's less of a chance she'll fuck you. Literally every action men do is because they like pussy and that's why we've made society so beneficial to women and bad for men, because we want to get pussy above all else and we throw other men under the bus for even a .001% of getting pussy from some bitchy housewife.
women are pretttty disgusting
bada pa pa pa im luving it
False rape b b b but men are scum who cares if they die with their mum
I used to be such a beta white knight faggot a few years ago. I idolized and put women on a pedestal. Now I hate them to the bottom of my heart. Absolutely fucking loathe the creatures.
stop hating women, women are the master race
What compels these roasties to do this? Serious question: do women feel empathy? I'm beginning to think not.
You have lower IQ, much lower strength, are more emotional and impulsive, etc, what fucking good are you? You're literally a downgraded, subhuman version of a man, the only thing you got going for you is that you have a womb, but that's it.
If only other roasties think the same. Interesting that mudslims and other older religions/cultures have some violent penalties for unfaithful women, the ancients knew female's true nature.
And your womb is useless anyway if you are an ugly cunt with bad genes, plus it bleeds every month and stinks like shit. Fuck that.
>You have lower IQ
That's not true, I got 80/100% on my last test.
Literal fuckin 13 year olds browse here now.
Girls like this deserve to be raped AND killed, violently
That's what kept them in line in the past, m8.
I'm 24 you silly cunt.
Always up to date
Plneyt of reasons.
This and more original comments to come
women with their lower IQ are able to manipulate higher IQ men at a whim. The more you do to hype up the prowess of males just feeds more ammo as to how a inferior race is easily just able to control these "high IQ men"
QED; women = master race
Can we make adultery a similar political issue like gun rights and abortion in the political world? I feel like less people would cheat on their partners if they had to spend 5 years in prison.
An instagram of nearly 1m followers. Every caption is something disgustingly sexual describing an interaction with a stranger. Every picture is a creepshot. No one has a problem with this.
I really wish this was the case! If you get a marriage license you should sign a basic agreement to not committing adultery. If you do break that agreement, you should be subject to legal consequences. It makes total sense.
more than a third (more like nearly half) of the submissions have the male dude tagged aka he is a attention-whore submitting himself to some IG acc. the comments are nothing explicit
What does "do it for state" even mean?
This one always gets me. I hate women but also pity them for having such dull minds.
The last 9 posts have only 2 of the accounts tagged, 1 of which is a very popular actor who would have been tagged whether or not he gave consent.
But even then with your amazingly generous number, HALF of the posts don't have consent. That's ground for deletion for any female-focused account.
We need stronger penalties for false rape accusations
Actually let me change my number in this post, I took 10 more seconds and found that in the last 30 posts, only 5 accounts were tagged
incels are very angrey today
must be hard because you constantly use your hands to masturbate instead of having a nice warm buddy to cuddle with
This is clearly a LARP. I'm average looking, not overweight, symmetrical face, not deformed in any way, and I've made plenty of attempts at initiating hookups. It's only worked once, out of like 20 tries. The average woman isn't a walking fleshlight.
i love this soo mush
What kind of test? Because iq tests don't give you that kind of answer (unless you mean you got 80th percentile, in which case cool, but it proves literally nothing). Half of intelligence research points to men being smarter than women (the other half to them being equal), and the only iq-related ability women do better on than men is processing speed (some say verbal ability, but it's not definite), which has zero implication for logic and resoning in favor of women. When it comes to cognitive excellence, however, there is no dispute of men being far greater than women. In the top 98th percentile (130iq on the welscher scale), there are twice as many men as women, with that difference increasing with every point upwards. This is, of course, balanced out by there being a similar difference among retards (70iq-). According to Lynn, men have an average iq of 5 points more than women, a difference equal to that between Japan and Norway. In other words, the difference between men and women is equal to that of typical orientals and caucasian, something which most of us have experienced to be significant.
TL;DR: You're wrong and your argument isn't even an argument, much less valid.
dreadlocks are fucking disgusting. Whenever I see a man or woman of any race with dreadlocks, I think about all the crud they must be infested with to get their hair to look like that, and the horrible texture their hair must have.
>sex her or remain celibate wat do?
some user posted in the other thread
A degenerate for not wanting to get his wife prego. Fertilizing your wife is the ultimate chad move.
What are the chances that they gang fucked her? Please tell me there is a chance that somehow she didn't fuck them and she just got caught in the moment at a party with these guys?
I fucking HATE the women who act all hard and tough and make themselves out to be massive psychos but whenever something happens, all they do is have a fucking whinge on their little group chat. Absolutely pathetic.
I for one do not hate women.
me neither
>Title IX
Yeah, I've been through that shit too from the pic.
Universities just make shit even worse with their stupid fucking kangaroo courts.
It's seriously time to apply some fucking gas and purge those shitholes.
You mean low IQ, most powerful families are still very much patriarchal.
Try manipulate a Rothschild, go on.