What does it feel like to have a girl horny for YOU? I ask all the sadistic people coming here to laugh at us.
What does it feel like to have a girl horny for YOU? I ask all the sadistic people coming here to laugh at us
makes you hard and wet like a seal and then she notices it, smells it, and you both have this moment where you just connect over being horny, don't even have to speak a word
It's a good feeling but a bit stressful since this means that you have to perform really good or she will be disappointed and go fuck Chad instead next time
You guys could easily find out if you'd stop being so bitter, violent and most of all creepy.
Spotted the female
i dont come here to laugh, i come here to try and help or offer a point of view from experiences some of you might not have had like this thread. obviously it's only nice when youre attracted to the girl too but it gets old after a few times. i got more attractive around 17-18 and at first i was very surprised at how new it was but after it happened some times i kinda realized i was 'attractive' and that this kind of thing happens all the time
it's very annoying, no really. It's cool when you are horny and annoy her until she gives in, but it's naturally not cool when she's horny and you're not, feels like work. anyway you won't understand any of this until you are in a relationship where regular sex happens.
It feels about as good as you would imagine.
how would you rate yourself out of 10? what features do you have that you would consider make you attractive? Do you think it's possible for a person to make himself attractive via exercise/hairstyling/selective plastic surgery, or is it all genetics.
Shitty, only fat girls where hot for me.
low T levels detected!
i would consider myself a 7 if i balance what i think i look like and what others have told me. i'm tall and thin so i have that emaciated model look. it's definitely possible, most of what changed it for me was losing weight and learning to dress a little bit nicer. the height is a big factor but back when i was a fat slob it just made me look like a sasquatch more than anything else. unless you have the face of a literal 0/10 you can make yourself look reasonably attractive by working out, having good hygiene, and wearing clothes that fit your body and your aesthetic well
this post made me suicidal
It's nice
A free pass to do whatever you want in bed, within reason >:)
Proud. Even more so when you fuck her into subspace and she can't do anything except flop around uncontrollably, gasp for air and talk gibberish.
Dude you have a girl who wants to have sex with you. That's an amazing thing you lucky basterd.
how come, will you elaborate
NEET/highschooler/collegefag detected
I dont come here to laugh at you, I got here when r9k started and then was never able to leave.
And honestly when a girl is horny you sorta feel them hormones hit hard and dont do a whole lot of thinking.
Then when you are done you get pissed that everytime she is horny she gets what she wants but when you are you only get what you want 75% of the time.
T khhv until age 26 when I met a girl religious khhv
i had a super trashy coworker come on to me when i used to work fast food. she'd talk about fucking random dudes she met on the bus in park restrooms and letting the manager and another worker fuck her in the restaurant office. i told her i was a virgin and she said that it made me more enticing. she wasn't particularly ugly but holy shit i was repulsed by the idea.
NO i did not have sex with her
This. For this reason I practice on Asian hookers. They get paid not to have an opinion
It feels genuinely amazing. I got a gf recently from being a trap fapping neet and it is so, SO fucking good. It brings light to my life and I finally feel loved.
it is a self esteem boost. A girl who you took their virginity being horny for you but not schmangin again because you only one time is a kind of feel that is feely
a better feeling is benching 2 plates with good form without help, or running under a 5 minute mile. now that is apex feel
when you turn 26 sex isnt even worth it, id rather watch porn
Christ the amount of role-playing in this thread.
Yeah that's your opinion until you get lucky one day too. Then you realize it's not like in the animes you've been watching but actually a lot of work to keep this brainless creature called woman entertained just so you can have sex those few times when you are horny, because once you have actual sex you will also be much less horny than before when you were only fapping. fapping is like a snack that's just enough until the next day, an hour actual sex can last you a whole week until you get horny again, especially when it feels like work because now you also need to please someone else, not just yourself, which makes the whole thing much more complicated and less fun. If you were a real robot before you got that gf then you will just break up with her after a while because a: it doesn't cure whatever made you a robot b: women are extremely boring c: this all costs money you probably want to spend on hobbies instead d: you have to say goodbye to your hobbies e: you will realize your hobbies are much more important than you thought when you can't pursue them anymore because of money/time/stigma. all in all it's a good idea to try to get a gf once just to see how it is but quit as soon as you have realized that not having a gf is not what stopped you from being happy and normal.
So there is no love involved in your relationship?
the real question is what's it like to have a man specifically horny for you and only you?
t. fujoshi femcel
like i said, it's not like in the animes. love just doesn't work that way in reality. sure the first few weeks you will both stick together like horny rabbits, but after a few months those feelings are over and everything becomes routine. at that point you will ask yourself if you were in love even in the first place. i don't think love exists for robots, it's one of the things that makes us robots, not being able to truly connect with another human being 100%. love is like a fusion of minds, two people become one. a robot is unable to do that because of his insecurities because he is afraid of being rejected, afraid of her discovering your faults, you not being able to trust her 100% and all that stuff you will never overcome if you were a true robot. in the end we are destined to walk this path alone, you also just know too much, you just see too much to be able to fall for the love meme. of course you can still hope there is this super special unique girl for you out there, that soulmate, and fate will bring you two together, but how realistic is this if you never go out or socialise in the first place? i thinks it's better to just give up and look for something different in life.
I'm an actual male(male) and I agree with this completely. I have friends who aren't tall, handsome, or fit that have girlfriends. It's not the women it's your shit personality. I don't have a gf either but at least I'm not so sad and desperate that I'd resort to blaming every woman I meet and refusing to look inward. Get a grip and fix yourselves you sad bunch of incels
Fuck, that's heavy stuff. At least I got my family though.
same, familia
I do look inward. I've been trying to figure out how to properly act in social situations my entire life. I can barely look people in the eye at this point. Trust me, I do look inward. I actually just don't get it. Guess I'm a creep and a terrible person
oh shit guys look out the roastie bait squad has arrived.
Definitely flattering, validating and makes you feel kind of empowered that you managed to get her to that state and have some agency of what will happen next. Might just be me but teasing horny girls is a lot of fun.
>Fingering gf until she's nearly there and slowing down/stopping right near the end and she cries out in frustration and then you grab her, kiss her really deeply and go really hard as she starts trembling
A bit of this too yeah
while i'm at it let me add this: there is no single feeling called "love", its a word we use to describe for relationships between people. much like married. in reality each relationship is vastly different and the feelings and the motivations that keep those people together. one girl might just be attracted to you because you remind her of her father, are funny and listen to what she says, the other gilr maybe because the money you have makes her feel secure and the way you have sex is great for her, which is important to her because nobody else did that before. it's thousands of small feelings and reasons that keep people together not just one magical thing called "love" which is why woman anc chads coming here always tell you to work on yourself. they are literally telling you to increase the number of reasons why someone would want to "fall in love" with you, like being more funny, have more money, look better until you have enough of those little things to reach an amount that is enough to make someone get attached to you. it's all little steps, not magic. thats why "love" is the probably most normie thing in existance. its just like a job, you have to work for it and keep it steady so you can afford a girl. some girls cost less of these "reasons" and some more. "love" is basically a transaction where thousands of little things are exchanged and the net value of the exchanged goods needs to be roughly the same on both sides or one partner will terminate the relationship, just like in a normal business if you get too much into debt.
The people coming here to laugh at us are in the exact same boat. They just hope that trying to white knight will get them laid. It won't. Only looks and money matter. True robots have neither.
Nah incels have a valid reason to be bitter, society doesn't recognise their suffering at all and only hates and blames them. Also people can't just change their personality. Autism, depression and social anxiety are real and not attractive. And I say this as someone who is good looking and been with my current gf 4 years, not as a deluded incel.
>and wet
can't say, i'm so autistic that whenever girls asked me out i said i already had a gf to avoid the situation
daily reminder, women will leave you if you're in emotional distress, but if you leave her its a problrm
This is surprisingly accurate and well said. You're pretty wise no caps user.
thanks, sorry for the bad form. i wanted to add something else still i just remembered: every robot expects a lot from a relationship, much more than your typical normie. the gf needs not only to be your sex partner, but also your best freind, because as a robot you don't have anyone else to do this, and your family, because as a robot your family relations suck usually, and also your general socialising contact, because you don't do this as a robot with random people either. to get all this stuff of course you feel you also have to give a lot of stuff in exchange. attention, money, time, sexual dedication, perfection in everything you do for her, and do much more than any normie or chad would do for her. so now you give her all these things, but get super depressed because she doesn't give the same value back. because you're a robot and she isn't, she takes and gives much less in a relationship than you do, since she has more of them to upkeep too. you will start to feel clingy to her, obsessed and way too demanding. you will start to feel abandoned, neglected, unloved. this will make you drift apart slowly because it puts pressure on her which she will try to evade by evading you. which will ultimately make her either cheat or dump you. maybe it works if you find a girl who is as much as robot as you, but certainly not with a normal girl. and personally i have never met a "fembot" in real life, i think the ones on the internet are simply people roleplaying.
That's stupid. Fuck this shit. What about obnoxious fat women that blow through boyfriends like there's no tomorrow?
>What does it feel like to have a girl horny for YOU?
annoying, it makes me feel like a piece of meat, I want to be loved for my mind
you might not see it but maybe its the boyfriends dumping her, because theyre just in it for the chubby and not for her personality, basically just pump and dumping her. i have seen the mostly ugly fat chicks with shitty character getting pump and dumped by the most attractive gym chads out there, which just proves to me that the free sexual market makes women think they can score better than they deserve because they get some dick from chad once in a while after stacy just dumped him for someonewith a better income. most of them will stay single until they are about to hit their 30s and settle for a beta provider then. chad of course doesnt care about us at all and what he is doing to the sexual market as long as he gets his dick wet whenever he gets horny. chad is usually also a real bro and overall a nice but somewhat oblivious guy so you can't even be angry at him for fucking it up for everyone else.
Don't really notice it desu.
Chance are you'll be horny for her as well so you're more concerned with just getting your dick wet.
If she doesn't make you horny, then she's probably not all that desirable to you so her desire for you isn't all that special.
it has no value once you understand what turns them on
its like pushing a button on a machine at that point.
at least that's what I've heard
Having a girl horny for you and willing to spread her legs for you is the ultimate complement. The fact that a girl wants you is 100x better than the actual sex feels. It's an ego boost.
It's... pretty interesting. When she laughs a lot and smiles at you. When she touches your shoulder length, curly hair and calls it pretty, then takes you to the women's bathroom and kisses you while you're peeing.
It's... strange, user.
Im a male and you are all creepy....and probably got smelly front butts
are you a woman lmao
>muh ego boost
get your head out of your ass
It is an ego boost. To be wanted by someone
I'm a kissless virgin and the only thing that keeps me going are the women who sit beside me on the bus and let me feel them up.
That's quite literally the only thing that keeps me away from suicidal or murderous rampage thoughts. God bless those sluts.
I know how to mind my manners, but I'm just kind of boring, and not very attractive...or confident...or energetic....yeah.........
one time when I was drunk I sat down next to a cute girl and masturbated next to her. The buss was packed with people and no one cared, she didn't even know what to do. It was great, when my stop came up she asked me if I was getting off there, I said yeah and just hopped out. In hindsight I could probably have fucked her, but that's not my style, I'm a nympho.
>girls asked me out
>"girls" as in plural
you're not a robot, you're just a fuckup chad who doesn't know how to take advantage of his opportunities. Get off this board REEEEEE
You can get away with alot of stuff user, grow some balls and live a little
>I will never be the girl gettting felt up
Holy fuck get laid OP why you want peoples expriances when you could have your own.
>ibn4.op is a loney fag
bruh damn
so chad
ill feel you up
if youre actually a gril ofc
I felt nothing. All I could imagine was all the awful shit she was going to do to me. Cheat, break my heart, bitch about everything I do, take up all my time, resources, and attention. I just ignored her advances until she went away and stopped talking to me. It was for the best.
They fucking better be 18+ user
If not post some greentext
true story bruh, it helps to be fit and attractive, I wouldn't recommend if you're balding and obese
I've felt it twice before, it's unimaginably good. Like you finally feel validated and human.
still a virgin
Greentext that shit dawg
So basically... unless a girl is horny for me for the FIRST time ever, it doesn't matter, and once I've grinded my dick on her for like 5 seconds the thrill is already gone.
So, yeah, pretty standard feel. Feels nice, just not mind-blowing dug.
You sound like a paki or hindu rapist
he is definitely a nigger or pajeet or some other minority that can get away with this because women are afraid of muh racism
You wish you where pajeet. And no i dont want to fondle woman and run away like a pussy before real men show up and kicl your teeth in you shit skin fuck
jealous incels
came here to post this
mostly kinda meh after 12 years of sex whenever I wanted it with 2 long term gfs
I kinda only live for threesomes and orgies among friends anymore desu
what are threesomes and orgys like?
female empowerment in the job force leads to record numbers of childless, husbandless spinsters who wonder 'where all the good men are'. 'Good' meaning above all else 'makes more money than me'.
pretty exciting, had 7 threesomes and one big blow-out orgy night that moved from room to room
minor regret afterword, but that fades quickly, everybody laughs
now I see these people and I have to remind myself it even happened, no big deal in reality
how doe
AMAZING if the girl is hot or even above average
NOTHING SPECIAL if the girl is below average
HORRIBLE if the girl is a landwhale or similar
>being a normie
would you mind getting the fuck out, my dude?
thing is though I'm not rly
most of my "friends" would classify me a a shut in, autistic
when I get my AA this semester it will be a struggle to turn on my social skills enough to get a job and not slip back into NEETage
I just benefit from good genes so it doesn't take a lot of work
Leveraging booze, drugs and human company into wild sex isn't just for normies, you should try
This, Ive been helped and befriended, or at least treated nicely by chads instead of other robots
It is a cool feeling but (if u guys end up actually not being retarded) youll soon realize that sex and girlfriend and stuff isnt rly that fulfilling, especially if u base ur entire life around wanting and desiring to have these things (as all of u do). If u start having sex you'll be happy for a few weeks, maybe a few months, and then finally end up more depressed than you originally were.
tbqh there's nothing wrong with her leaving him if he legit just did nothing with his life but waste away for years
but saying that shit to him is downright psychopathic.
It's like what the hells going on! This isn't right! Fucking a girl with no condom feels like the rightest thing in the world.
I won't disagree, blowing a load inside of a girl on the pill definitely rates
I have a buddy who told me he only ever busted his nut on faces and chests and shit, I was completely confused as to why this would even be a thing
the last redpill to end all redpills. Youre to aware for this planet.
this is a real fucking neat image.
Super cute 19 year old girl ive been fucking has been texting me this kind of stuff after i fucked her last. Feels good, fags. Im only here to laugh at virgins lmao
moar texts
and cont
f-fucking phoneposters
laughing at virgins is the best, only reason to come here to this cesspit
this is only fun when youre young or have been fucking around young girls for a short time. it gets old really quickly so enjoy it while it lasts man i remember these kinds of texts getting me excited but its just cringe now
another example of why smartphones ruined the internet
Im on my phone because im not at home right now like you, fuckin betabitch
then do whatever the fuck it is you ventured out into the world to do, fucking turbo moron, and quit posting this shitawful phone-tier fail
me again, this bitch is sooo tight. I dont give a fuck about her at all. The black dots are from my phone cam lmao
Only on a board full of faggots is a girl wanting you a fail lmao go jerk off bud