What thoughts does this image make you really think?

What thoughts does this image make you really think?

Attached: 2018-04-25 22_44_43-Moby & The Void Pacific Choir - Are You Lost In The World Like Me_ (Official (991x597, 523K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no plastic bimbo gf

is that that stupid cup game

>heh wow so insightful so socially CRITICAL look at my deep new game im so ENLIGHTENED
>playing a fucking video game
fuck numales

>look at me I stopped playing games because Jow Forums told me so
> I'm not an idiotic sheep at all

It makes me think that Moby is an insufferable faggot

>heh someone gives you good advice? well guess what people hate them so im NOT gonna do that advice HA checkmate

enjoy your '''games''''', numale, i hope youll find fullfillment. somewhere

Attached: 1325288896277.png (200x200, 91K)

What about this, does it, perhaps, really make you think?

Attached: 2018-04-25 22_52_33-Moby & The Void Pacific Choir - Are You Lost In The World Like Me_ (Official (992x586, 514K)

>is that that stupid cup game



lmao he really can't think for himself

Attached: 1315295067810.jpg (334x393, 19K)

>check out this new thing i made only smart people will understand it because it's intellectual. it's also anti consumerist because we are all fat pigs now buy my shit because i can only make money by peddling to the retards i criticise with my marginal talent

stop posting and play your video games, numale ! theyre much more funner !

Attached: download.jpg (188x268, 8K)

The jews did this. Originally.

>calls others stupid
>hurr anything with x style must be y thing! Fucking numales
Kill yourself you idiot

>can't read filenames

Attached: 1497814655223.png (936x772, 28K)

Because posting on Jow Forums is so much more productive.

Good job being an absolute fucking tool.

Attached: 1495323190660.jpg (329x399, 44K)

"Stop doing what you like" is not good advice when what you like isn't necessarily harmful.

>can read filenames

Attached: 1516531656893.jpg (720x736, 32K)

this is how i socialize i'm trying my best ok at least i dont blow $50 on a base game and then be forced to buy DLC THEN pretend im going to earn an income like some streamer FAGGOT NUMALE FUCK YOU

Attached: cf0.jpg (166x231, 7K)

>not mainstream
>not normalfags
>not numales

it's participation in a wasteful system that is wasteful to the point of harm

>it's participation in a wasteful system that is wasteful to the point of harm
Not if you pirate and only buy indie/small dev team games or are part of the freeware game master race :^)

you're a sly one ill give you that

Attached: 1392326129891.jpg (193x300, 19K)

Then what are you doing on R9K?


saving money by not enjoying things a hundred times more costly

>paying for games

Attached: 1324685104001.jpg (287x277, 15K)

What about....this....? Does it make your thinker tinker?

Attached: LOL.webm (1280x720, 1.44M)

I love how a show from 1994 provided you with the perfection reaction to this thread.

Space Ghost truly was ahead of it's time.

fallout 5's character customization looks rad