CBC coverage strikes once again
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Thanks Jow Forums.
Thanks Reddit.
Please keep taking all the bad rep.
KEK that grill " they just wanna see the world burn "
They stiIl don't get it.
Why do they keep saying "entitlement to sex"? They don't get it at all. It's about being born genetically inferior because of nothing more than shit luck and being looked past by everyone you grow to love.
I'm not even an incel, I'm in a stable relationship and I fucking get it. How do these fucking normies not get it yet?
I think this is all a ploy for male genocide
Ya, I have no fucking idea what else it could be. I don't think anyone could be as retarded as these "journalists" but they sure as fuck have a track record of being intellectually dishonest. Scum of the earth.
Even better...
The "/A/ was a mistake" banner...
These same MSM shills pushed for "sexual liberty" for decades and now it that it has finally happened they're shocked that it had damaging effects on the minds of young men. I really don't understand how these talking heads can be this stupid. It all has to be scripted for views
>all a ploy for male genocide
christ what an embarrassing shitshow
To date the only media coverage I have seen come close is a cute animation some japanese media put together involving a bunch of pepe frogs in a park. They got almost everything right.
yfw you were born just in time to see Jow Forums memes become real life and incels actually start an uprising against normies.
This place is literally just a frog posting meme but it has such a massive effect on social thoughts and norms.
'These are great days we're living bros! We are jolly green giants, walking the earth with memes!'
So why exactly are incels on the news bros?
>MSM being colossal faggots once again
fucking reporting unironically invokes the phrase "toxic masculinity".
Report lee song toxin
aww they disabled the comments on the video. That's no fun at all.
I need a quick rundown from someone who follows this stuff. what I dont get is why they are pushing this agenda so hard. I realize that it is part of a lot of the mainstream left wings argument to portray everyone as racist, misogynist etc but what do they gain from trying to shut down forums like plebbit and the chan? is it just virtue signalling to show that they are against misogyny or is there some george soros shit going on?
This one?
>man is dying of thirst in the desert
>woman has unlimited supply of water she could share but chooses to deny the man
And according to the so called normoids the WHITE man is to blame. Umm... nuh uh sweetie pie, that's not how this works.
All those letters up top sure are confusing. What's a r 9 k?
Let's just go to pol and blame them.
If this happened someone would do exactly as you say instead of explaining the real problems.
bitch in the video says to shut down all hate speech cases. So I guess that means feminist sites have to get shut down too. Its quite clear most of it is blaming men because some roastie can't get a man because she is a fat single mother.
Try to bang the anchor and reeee on cam.
Because its so clear, if he really did make that post (which I still hesitate to trust), then you cant really ignore it.
It didnt seem like they were pushing to get these places shut down, rather just try to understand.
Also another angle might be so they can shut down any talk about muslims or religious terrorism, but thats complete speculation
If he really did target women then its simply a mental health issue, and as much as I hate to admit, that is relevant to r9k and getting these places under control. Not condoning that, but it would be an action some politician could push to make everyone feel like they did something
There has been a social engineering program to feminize society since the advent of cultural Marxism. Women graduate more often and earn more than men on average and are generally favoured socially more so than men. Why do you think the trap/tranny meme is being pushed as hard as it is? Why do you think that more men are becoming testoterone depleted $oyboys? It's a systematic effort to create a more submissive, obedient society.
you can tell she is laughing at us. all her wording sounded ridiculous compared to the interview from the man yesterday
Most normies cannot be bothered to look into or care about the betas that are beneath them. They are perfectly happy ignoring us most of the time and using us as stepping stools the rest of the time. This attitude creates more betas and some of those betas decide its time to go out fighting. They every reason to hate society and none to love it.
dos mios
la luz extinguido
They have to make men look powerful so they don't look sympathetic. The second it's acknowledged they're weak and on the receiving end of discrimination and ostracism the narrative collapses about how women are the true victims.
So they pretty much have to make it sound like a powerful male group wants to dominate women and make them sex slaves rather than acknowledging the fact that there are males who are sad and lonely and want to die all the time.
>Why do they keep saying "entitlement to sex"?
Yea, this is bizarre. People who have been rejected their entire lives are acutely aware of how they're not entitled to sex.
I think these people are just blind ideologues. They just can't wrap their heads around privileged white males could ever have any problems. To acknowledge that would destroy their world view.
Because leafs lost to the bruins or something.
That was amazing thanks for posting it kek.
That's the one! Oh, I guess it was a Chinese thing.
You should tell them we want sex!
Lots of sex!
apparently someone who may or may not have been the Toronto van of peace driver posted a message on facebook about incels and elliot rodger being the motive for the peace drive. Media have decided to start reporting on the origin of those references. It isn't proven that Minassian was actually the author of that post or what his motive was.
Why is it always focusing on the roasties point of view? Not once did they show any empathy to males for a change.
Normies continue to reap what they sow and it looks like they've not learned anything from the latest installment of the beta uprising.
k. duly noted.
Loved the normie screams.
Talk about communism and how you love it to make /leftypol/ butthurt
Give me a shoutout on air user.
Oh God, that means he's probably seen me posting my secrets in random threads.
because it's bite sized news. they need to put everything in a little box and put a little label on it and get on with the rest of their cycle of even more garbage bite sized pieces of bullshit. it's just the nature of how these 5 minute """news""" stories work.
i hope that faggot numale researcher is reading this thread too, fucking idiot.
>i hope that faggot numale researcher is reading this thread too, fucking idiot.
Ya, it'd be nice if they actually tried to ask people who are actually informed on the issue what the fuck is going on. But they won't, they'll bring some retard feminist on tv to talk about how men are evil or some shit as usual.
>Talk about communism and how you love it to make /leftypol/ butthurt
Please do this
I'm Jack Peterson, the guy they showed right at the beginning of the segment. Tbh I'm not misogynistic or extremist at all and I don't think anyone will be able to glean that from that clip
I've been responding to emails from journalists all day, gonna be on some news show in Canada for an interview tomorrow. This is surreal
Looking forward to my shoutout, Petey.
they will eat you alive during the interview, we are the enemy
And who are you? Kek
at the end pull your shirt over your head and naruto run into a wall
Ban assault chans
Oh my god this is so surreal
They can try if they want to, but I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have confidence in my beliefs. I'm not a misogynist or shooter worshipper so there's not much they can really say about me
Well I'm user of-course, something subtle is fine or a quick nod to let us know you're not being held captive.
You're delusional. They're professionals, their whole lives are dedicated to framing the narrative. They'll twist everything in the worst way without a hint of shame. You'll only ever be what they need you to be.
They are realizing that "incels" are the single greatest threat to their existence and are launching the betacaust. The next phase after that will be the beta uprising, the time is finally here.
They don't understand that being yourself doesn't work when you're broken on a fundamental level.
That would be gendercide and it's a distinct possibility.
Incels are a threat because one day "Chad" is going to get fed up, want a good girl for himself, and self improve x1000
Once Chad downs the black pill whores are gonna get btfo
Of the articles I've been featured in so far, I honestly haven't been misrepresented once. I think it's all about how you present yourself. If you refuse to give them what they want, they can't twist it.
Take this article for example:
There's nothing they can do to frame me as a misogynistic extremist, because that's just not what I am
/our boy/ Eggy made it into the video
Think its about time this was posted again so all the NORMALFAGS here right now have a chance to learn something.
The incelrection is going bring upon a cleansing fire to our society. The beta death squads will roam the desolate streets of our normalfag filled city and raze it to the ground.
Your time is up, normalfags.
Do and just say
>I've realised I'm undesirable to other people so I decided to give up
>(shrug like Elon in the pic)
This one is better
on the off chance you're not trolling, dont do anything stupid. deliver a real message that makes them think
All the stupid shitskin "diverity" hires in Canada make it look like the country is 10% white
say that incels belong to a religion of peace
Holy shit this is so eventful. The robot uprising is real
>a documentary on incels getting together irl to pick up chicks
Let's give this a shot, robots. I will be best wingman.
>why is it okay for me to tolerate that my 15 year old sister sends college aged men nudes and I can't do anything about it because those men are more attractive than me and she might accuse me of rape in spite
Laziness. They can't bother doing real research and rather just look up whatever meme video on FB made by a "journalist" explain it for them.
Even my 59 year old faculty mentor knows the real reason for these attacks.
My mentor asked me about this and he told me that the Canadian guy should be taking out his anger on God for making him ugly and then laughed it off saying God is a heartless bastard.
He is weird like that. But I guess being a Cambodian that lost his entire family to the Khmer Rouge made him have a harsher view on life.
Ask why reddit is allowed to have several amateur porn debauchery boards especially cheating and hot wife who hate us but I can't hate these nasty meat fuckers
make sure you tell those normie scum that some of us enjoy watching the normies die and suffer. I literally rank the lives of normies below the bacteria growing in my toilet.
From what I can tell from Calgary it is 10% wh*te.
t. shitskin
i feel like this is a joke
I'm pretty sure desperate losers are all feminists who think they should do anything for women.
People who actually have experience with women know how full of shit they are.
could you originally provide me with some sauce, please?
sounds like he is pretty based and interesting to talk to. I find that asians tend to be really pessimistic.
god i fucking hate the mainstream media
This guy really likes glory holes
It's china, russia, jews, american elite, and american communist paying for this propaganda.
They do it because without men a society falls apart. Its not just these news stations, its all forms of media, especially media that women watch like tv shows and anything on tumblr and reddit trying to push feminism.
people don't realize how fucked we are. lol
By the time you stop being incel it's already too late.
Because you realize that modern women are incapable of loving anyone, even the hottest chad. They have been through so many dicks no one will ever mean anything to them.
You are not special, you are just one of the many men she has slept with.
Thank you a lot, kind user.
Also I'm not
Things to say:
>I'm an emisary from the gray lands, i'm dead inside i'm a robot.
>Not all black people are niggers
>All women are whores
>Hitler dindu nuffin
>Trump world emperor
>Praise Agatha
Also plead the condition of anonymity and being on live when the interview starts, otherwise they will cut the thread before it shows on tv.
That was a surprisingly dark response to my suggestion.
How do we differentiate ourselves from normies to avoid the mayhem
by the time they are 30 all the nerves in their vagina have died. that is remains is an emotionless floppy roastie for a beta provider
we should all wear pepe and wojack arm bands.
can we wear capes?
>muh toxic
holy fucking shit this must really be "the word" (TM) of 2017, the way how they abuse of triggers me to hell and back
>/a/ was a mistake
This. If they could be born with a 10/10 body, they wouldn't complain.
Feminists should make a male burqa so that women can't judge men by looks.
we deserve better if we band together we demand this and it will happen