Hi robots my 1st time using darkweb any recommendations?

hi robots my 1st time using darkweb any recommendations?

Attached: 1200px-Tor-logo-2011-flat.svg.png (1200x725, 74K)

go to bed, you have school in the morning.

Popeye's Chicken website

its day from where i currently am and also youre fag

make sure to run unpatched windows xp and ie8, it's the most secure

not really into the illegal activities besides the fact that i make meth from an rv

also looking for a distributor in the d web

OP only wants darkweb information to get kiddy porn MODS BAN THIS FREAK

Tor has not been secure for a while now, do more research and then come back.

First the Jow Forums wiki tricks me into using Bittorrent 6 years ago and now it rused me again with Tor, God damn

I recommend the child pornography

There is a story of one undercover police agency """busting""" another undercover police agency for selling drugs. Literally a police state tax funded circle jerk.

That is the deep web. If there is a SINGLE server on the """deep web""" that is known by more than maybe 6 people that ISNT a Honeypot of some government agency I'll eat my hat.

that seems fun

log into your email through tor

Any legit reasons people use Tor?

try searching for "webcam" videos


go fuck yourself authoritarian pig

FBI knocking on your door in 3...2...1...

just search "dark web websites" on youtube and see what pops up first. not really the most effective thing you'll see in this thread

Drugs, weapons, prostitutes and tax evasion. Basically anything illegal but not immoral in any way.

I am using the Onion Browser app in my iPhone X
is it safe? I am not doing anything illegal, worth to mention...

Fuck you
Fuck your friends
Fuck YouTube
Honestly you people are the reason For is getting looked down upon.
All the "M8 you can buy slaves here xD"
This shit is false.
The original purpose of Tor is to eliminate the middleman aspect of a VPN, giving true anonymity.
There aren't any human trafficking websites, there aren't any hitmen websites.
The ONLY thing you will find which is "Cool and edgy" for you and your faggot friends is child porn and drug market places. That's it.
Stop running this with your bullshit YouTube videos.
Fuck you

>iPhone X

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