Please say something nice to Ciara to make her feel better
We owe her that much.
Please say something nice to Ciara to make her feel better
We owe her that much.
Other urls found in this thread:
i hope you fucking die junkie crack whore
kill yourself vagnigger scum
>Please say something nice to Ciara to make her feel better
She has nice tits.
She is NOT ugly, Ross
Ciara is the CUTEST person in HUMAN HISTORY
She said she was for the beta uprising
You still think that ciara?
Eugene..... kill yourself
this bitch is the epitome of average, you niggers don't actually give her money do you?
Her girlfriend simulator video where she says "thanks for taking me to mcdonald's" was very memorable for me
I donated four hundred dollars shes beautiful
this bitch got fat lmao
i love ciara, she is the most cutest/beautiful woman i have ever seen.
she is what every man would want out of a woman. if there was ciara clones for every man the world would be a great place.
all women should strive to be like her.
yea that was when she was cute for like 15 minutes
this. she made a mistake quitting heroin lol.
she said she would suck my dick so i sent her 1200 dollars and bought a hotel room but she never showed up and i ended up getting drunk and arrested and sobbing in the holding cell begging them to kill me
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Ciara thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Jow Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. Ciara in her "epic" snuggie isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Jow Forums posting about an e-celeb. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Orbiter NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "The emerald gem of Eire does not belong to you." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
What's with that bootleg K-ON wall scroll? That was probably bought at some third rate comic book shop or "otaku" convention. WHAT A ROASTIE WHORE. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE.
how did you get arrested if she never showed up?
also stop lying faggot
>I donated four hundred dollars shes beautiful
Not sure if trolling but I'll take this at face value and ask you the obvious question: why? Why give money to a girl from a rich family who already made at least 5k this month alone in addition to what she makes at her real job? Do you realize she almost certainly has more money than you? For that matter, it's not like she needs the money for something important; she mainly buys drugs and razor blades.
uhg uh hmmm what ?
uhm . yea i did give her money. and i am not that guy. and i only did it cause i love her.
i am sorry.
i went to the hotel bar and got so drunk they cut me off and they said i tried to fight the bartender but they were lying because i'm just a beta loser and why would i lie about something like this? i was a grown ass man crying my eyes and heart out while everybody there just laughed at me
Thats not true. She needs to save money for college, she needs a MacBook Pro , a better phone, and many other necessities. Also jays bday is coming up soon and she wants to buy him something really nice !
ok maybe not a lie but you can't really blame your being arrested on ciara and your previous message kind of implied that connection
Maybe if we all started doing heroin wed be more productive like ciara
no idea who this chick is but I'd date
I envy the tattoo artist that had that canvas of arm fat to work with..?
This will be my only response to you and my final response in a Ciara thread because it's like trying to reason with actual retards.
>yea i did give her money. and i am not that guy
I have no idea which guy you're referring to but that's not important.
>and i only did it cause i love her.
You don't love Ciara Horan. You love the persona she created. The person you're in love with doesn't exist, and if she did, it still wouldn't matter because she would never return your love.
You have convinced yourself that the Eliza character is the real person underneath it all and that this horrible Ciara person is just a phase she's going through. Hell, worse than that, you want to "save" her. But she's not a caterpillar waiting to transform into a beautiful butterfly. She's a worm who larped as a caterpillar.
Look at this pic. Who do you think she's laughing at there? You. She's laughing at you because she knows she can treat you like complete shit and you'll still give her your last cent. She calls you a retard who will fall for anything. And the sad thing is that she's telling the truth.
tldr fuck you copypasta that biiooooooootch
i don't think she would ever get a tattoo. she made a vid about how e-celebs have to look pure. she doesn't even have her ears pierced. but i suppose her opinions could change if her boyfriend likes tattoos etc.
well i thought it was clear by the drunk and arrested part i.e. arrested for being drunk and disorderly but it was all a very powerful lesson about my own hubris in expecting any normie to touch me even for excessive payment
it's weird how nobody ever figured out who she was talking to in that screencap. a classmate? someone who helps her scam?
can someone explain who this is and why this board is obsessed with her? pls and thank you
don't tell me this. i love her. this isn't true.
this pic is posted in literally every other ciara bread user
Fuck off junkie whore nobody likes you and we don't need you shitting this place up right now.
>can someone explain who this is and why this board is obsessed with her? pls and thank you
The CliffsNotes
>Literal psychopath
>Got kicked out of school for being a drug dealer
>Collects child pornography
>Addicted to heroin
>Falsely accuses former friend of raping her
>Comes from rich family but still became a con artist just for the fun of it
>4/10 face
>Weighs 88 lb due to heroin addiction
>Misshapen, pale skelly body is crisscrossed in scars from years of self mutilation
>Has no friends irl and turns on her friends online just for the lulz
Her name is Ciara Horan and she's a white trash junkie from Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania. She's also a notorious attention whore with lots of orbiters. Mainly she's infamous for spamming nude pics of her underage body all over Jow Forums and then accusing anyone who saved or shared them of doing her wrong by "collecting CP of me when I was underage." When she's not spamming Jow Forums, she's taking money off of her pathetic orbiters on discord or running used panties scams for heroin money on Jow ForumsSugarBaby. Her other hobbies including cutting herself and spamming pictures of the blood all over the boards and then threatening to commit suicide whenever someone doesn't kiss her ass and go along with her bullshit. Basically, she's everything wrong with women on Jow Forums.
Also, she has the same birthday as Hitler and appears to be somewhat proud of that coincidence.
See also
you do not need to know who she is
Daily reminder that I, Ciara, currently back from hiatus have not really been here for about a few weeks while you sad cunts on NEETBUX like the chinposter (tehehehehee I totally see your jaw and le pimple memes so kewl XD), Michael, Eaton, Guy and Thomas the shit eater, etc. Don't forget that vacuous-faced cunt Sunny (still laughing about this dumb nigger to this day).
Literally fucking kill yourselves. Still here on this gay """"board""" talking absolute tripe because you're all fucking losers. Seymour spending money on underaged teens like the said middle age man he is for the 21st time this year, guys? LE TEENS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME NOT OTHER WAY AROUND GUISE!
I love that you're all still here. Nothing but losers. I was always a success, for I am Ciara. I am a successful person, meanwhile you cosmopolitan scum wallow in your own semen in your bedrooms.
I will never be defeated. Never. The ideals that surround me are untouchable. They will outlast me and you -- the Volk will live on.
I have a dedicated plan. A plan whereby I cleanse Ireland of all non-Whites. Can't wait desu.
All you faggots will be killed too. All of you. What losers. HAHAHAHAHAHHAajahahahahhahahhaHHHAAHHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHA
no no no
god shes so adorable and pretty,
no wonder she takes advantage of all of you.
Sorry but youre wrong. No ifs, ands , or buts about it. I give her money, we talk on the phone often, we talk on insta, discord, she sends me personalized videos and pics, we laugh together, we are important parts of each others lives. Im happy as fuck, honestly. Wake up smiling every day because shes in my life. Shes a wonderful and caring person. But you wouldnt know any of that because you dont know her. You just regurgitate the rumors you read on an image board.
There's nothing there that the real Ciara hasn't at least thought out loud in a chat log at one point or another. With that said, she's more of a low key racist. She only mentions how much she hates blacks when someone else brings them up. And she doesn't hate all non whites. In fact, she seems to have a preference for Mexican cock.
Its from her old friend toby
hmm seems like you do none of that.
post picture that no one else has ever seen then.
We just get proven right every day
Theres no such thing as a fembot
i don't see whats so funny about it though ?
im glad that guys dead. hes dead right.
so did you really not send her the bitcoins seymour? i find it hard to believe that there's this secret orbiter out there who sends her so many betabux. Jow Forums would have found out his identity by now
yes you are right. they come to our board. and then they prove what they really are. they should never come here in the first place. they think its a fun game. then just prove they are what we say they are.
she's complete slut for heroine mang
Lol Im not the only one who sends her money or btc. Dont act surprised.
I realize this is probably bait but then again, you might be that mentally ill man who calls himself Sleepy Seymour. So on the off chance that you're telling the truth, here are two questions:
1) How many times has she donated money to you just because she loves you so much? After all, if you're equally invested in a friendship/romance/whatever you have together, she should give you money and gifts just as frequently as you shower her with these things.
2) What would happen if you told her you are never going to give her money ever again? For that matter, what would happen if you stopped kissing her ass and constantly reassuring her daily that she's the most beautiful girl in the world?
>Being jealous of someone larping as a beta orbiter
Go to bed, Austin.
is that thing on her arm to cover the heroin needle marks ?
She's probably just covering up recent wounds from self mutilation.
>there's this secret orbiter out there who sends her so many betabux
this is actually a very interesting theory.
i have seen people write before. they want to send her money and they want nothing in return they don't even want to talk to her or her to even know them.
what did she mean by this lads?
oregano: origins
it means she wants to date Seymour.
Typical modern roastie
Gorging herself with drugs and sex like king henry
1. She does give me things. Attention, pictures, videos, phone calls, shes offered to send me gift cards but I always decline, I dont need them.
2. She never even asks for money anymore. I havent given her anything ina while, she declines when I try to give her money. and she still messages me and talks to me daily. We are actual friends , Ive ascended past orbiter status now.
holy shit its true.
I have her kik if anyone wants it