Hey robots

Hey robots...
why dont just you guys lower your standars and try getting a 6 out of 10 as a girlfriend??

you realize that we arent living in a fucking disney movie and a really pretty girl wont be with an ugly troll like you right??

so be realistic, stop being a shallow shit and get something you actually can.
otherwise you are being as fucking shallow as the bitches you criticize everyday.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>posting a cam girl who uses dicks 3x the average size
>will feel your tiny pencil dick

good luck getting a gf

She is at least an 8/10

hey, why don't you fuck off somewhere else?

also because 6/10's dont show interest in me

Looks familar, name?

nah, this is an 8
she is like a 6.5 i believe.

Attached: Qtmexigirl.jpg (640x640, 95K)

6/10s? Fucking 3s think they are 6s and are entitled to Chad cock

I say she is 9 or 10

fuck no she's 2/10 at most and is probably ridden with aids
good luck sexing that

Don't you think I fucking tried that?

Its not me who needs to lower my standards but roasties who all want nothing less than a 6/10.

nah man, just cause us robots are ugly as fuck means that we should overvalue girls beauty that much..

that mexican girl is the perfect definition of an 8 desu.

>5th thread like this today

Where the fuck are the mods?

I cannot lower my standards any lower. I would literally be willing to date just about any woman as long as she is not literally 600 pounds or literally has Down syndrome. No girl will ever like me. I am not worth anything.

this threads are fun, so STFU

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Is there anything more pathetic than crispyfags? You guys like her giant eyes otherwise she looks generic and spic like. Just admit you are gay and start fucking traps

You guys have really low standards when it comes to rating beauty.

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and why is that? care to explain?

Hey guys! Chad Marco here. Gonna hijack this bait thread to promote the only robot mixtape on the net. Get it now!


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>implying most guys on here wouldn't kill for a 6/10 gf

I'm stuggling right now man. I went to college out in Kansas, where it was full of 6s. Had plenty of opportunities, but nothing really stuck. Moved back to California, and forgot how fake everyone is here. Shallowest state in the union by far. Everyone is either a 10, caked in makeup to try to look like a ten, or curvy (whale). I'd love to meet a solid 6, as long as she's not fake as fuck.

Redheads are not human, they are goddesses so you cannot rate them as you would with a mere human slut.

looks like my oneitis ;_;
>tfw haven't talked to her in 2 years

I think her nose was cute.

I did and 10 months later she said I was boring and left me. C'est la vie

Attached: MtBrV.jpg (500x715, 100K)

>You guys like her giant eyes otherwise she looks generic and spic lik

So it seems like a girls eyes should no longer be consider a part of a girls beauty says this brilliant fellow...

Just shut the fuck up and go to sleep kiddo.

the 10 point scale you all work with is stupid. For me, every girl is either a 1 or a 0. would you fuck them or no? That's the only standard that really matters. If you can fuck them and can enjoy talking to them they are girlfriend material.

This. They simply cannot get this through their heads, that there are men who so fail to meet any of the criteria by which a woman judges a potential sexual partner that even the largest, most hygienically-challenged of women will outright reject them. I do CrossFit, can engage people in adult conversations, and have hobbies that don't include salivating at the mere sight of a woman. Yet I have, and here I fucking kid you not, turned my head to see women who couldn't possibly be more than 5/10's themselves stretch out their faces and make the "puking" gesture with their friends upon seeing me. It used to tear me up on the inside, but now I understand; being Costanza-bald, brown, and short means that you couldn't possibly lower your standards anymore, were you to try and seek out a romantic partner. They don't want you.

Bro I fucking tried. I'm an average-looking guy, not ugly but not attractive either. I'm fucking invisible to average-looking women. They don't give a fuck IRL. I tried online dating but women get so many replies online, I wasn't able to find anyone.

So my options are either settling for someone who is downright ugly or fat. It's not fair, I should be able to find someone that is average-looking like me.

Fucking thirsty betas with low standards. She's a 5/10. Average. Possibly even on the border of being 4/10, with a visible ugly feature (her broad nose).

Sablesomething right?

shit man thats sad..
look, im also a pretty average looking guy as well and i still manage to get some nice looking girls...
have you try going to the gim or changing your dressing stile?
that could help, maybe its just the city you live in.
belive it or not people can change a shit ton from city to city, that may as well be the issue here.

>probably ridden with aids
You know she only does solo work and is probably a virgin (never had sex with another person) right? She's quite shy irl

I go to the gym occasionally but I have trouble eating much so I'm not able to bulk up significantly. I'm a half-skinnyfag as a result. My dressing style should be decent, not great but alright, I try to make myself look presentable, take tips online, etc.

I think the main problem is that women care about social status and I am a complete fucking autist. I have very few IRL friends and they are autists like me, and I struggle to build relationships with normies. That as a result means I am fucked when it comes to finding women, because they completely blank me as I'm just some average-looking nobody to them with no social status or money.

And I can't change city, my job is here.