Hey user it's me! Your government-mandated wife...

>Hey user it's me! Your government-mandated wife, just like you wanted! Legally I am now the only woman you can have sex with for the rest of your life! Your dream of effortlessly getting a loyal, life-long partner has finally come true. Aren't you happy!

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I used to think the pictures of her were photoshopped. I know niggresses are ugly but holy fuck.

Gib milkies qt mommy

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I didn't sign up for this.

i would create a game where i stand so far away from her and try to shoot cum onto her nose. everytime i am successful i will take a step back

I see what your doing and its really stupid lol. Not even a robot should have to fuck that. Women turn down guys who are good looking because they arent super good looking. Men just want women who arent ugly. Your argument is invalid. Get out.

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That's a ugly ass bitch

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Fucking hell black people are ugly

I'm sorry annon we've made a mistake. You two are not within the required age range so we'll be reasigning you both to new partners.

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>Women turn down guys who are good looking because they arent super good looking. Men just want women who arent ugly.
Are you saying the only people who can get dates and relationships are extremely attractive men and hamplanets refuse to settle for anything less than a chad? When was the last time you've been outside?

>Are you saying the only people who can get dates and relationships are extremely attractive men and hamplanets refuse to settle for anything less than a chad?
>When was the last time you've been outside?
Yesterday, now get off my board

You're deluded, my friend. The idea that less than smoking hot people of either sex can't get dates is objectively disprovable.

fuck yes qt

that thing you posted is a monster

That thing would most likely be your government-supplied waifu than whatever unattainable qt you think you'd get.

The nose is larger than the mouth wtf

>Puts down for incels for not being able to be successful with women
>Scolds them for not being good enough to obtain one anyway.

The hyposity of the leftists.

i ain't fucking a nigger

You misunderstand. I'm scolding you for being a choosing beggar. If anything incels are hypocrites for basing their anger on a self-invented myth that even ugly women have too high standards when in reality it's incels who refuse to settle for women in their league because they're too used to jacking off to anime girls and twitch thots to settle for anything less. That's where these government-issued waifu fantasies come from. You're not so hopeless that you need the government to assign you a girl, ANY GIRL, you want a beautiful qt to be forced to be your girlfriend like some sex slave.

She is one of the most ugliest looking girls I've ever seen and I thought I was ugly.. holy shit. (Still getting plastic surgery tho)

Hi user! I'm your government mandated mom- uh, I mean girlfriend! I hope that I can make you happy with my dusty milkies!

Attached: ugly milf.jpg (300x439, 39K)

>ugly women have high standards

Pick one. Broken lock, master key.

Who molested her

Stevie Wonder?

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Her skin has the texture of a mini babybel cheese wheel

>ugly women have high standards
>Broken lock, master key.
Let me get this straight. Are you referring to women having sex with many partners (broken locks) as proof women have high standards? Sexually promiscuous people typically have low standards or else they wouldn't settle for what random fucks they could get.
So which is it? Are ugly women holding out for men too handsome to consider fucking them or going on wanton sex romps with whoever comes knocking?

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I do not care about how attractive someone is, just how degenerate they are.

If s/he's willing to do some pretty gross stuff then they're perfect.

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if she was younger she'd be hotter
you could probably get some makeup on her and make her look way better
op image looks like a damn avocado though

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