The Federal Bureau of Investigation ACTUALLY invests time, money, and other resources into monitoring this board

>The Federal Bureau of Investigation ACTUALLY invests time, money, and other resources into monitoring this board
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I wonder how many of the agents have been turned trap-gay or have developed a cuck fetish. Probably quite a few. Anyhow what a waste of time, there's no way I would willingly go to work just to sit and watch a bunch of social outcasts deny their latent homosexuality

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its gotta be pretty easy. vacation mode.

they used to post their cute fbi interns here to bait us.

lego chan
hot stacey in the construction hat and hot purple pants

>Notice pattern where mass murderers tend to be virgins or sexually-frustrated males.
>Invest resources into monitoring one of the biggest online hubs of virgins and sexually-frustrated males.

Why does this surprise you?

>The amount of needles gay sexual references in a single post
Ops a fag.

Not suprised, I just find it hilarious.
You got me. I mentioned the trap-gay thing because I myself have fallen victim. No sense in denying the obvious

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Holy shit this post actually made me laugh like a madman.
Thanks OP

when will you post your cute interns again? those were some fun times.

Not as pathetic as those NSA nerds who unironically try to perform "meme magic"

They have to justify their terrorist organization's existence somehow. So they create problems that don't exist to say they need to stop them.

Fbi senpai, if you're listening... please send me a bf thx

Fuck off, homo. You didn't "fall victim." You're just a queer.

I heard they have a division dedicated to are memes.
I fell the fuck out when i heard that.

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this whole board should be taken down instead of just monitoring it. There is no reason for this circle jerk of psychosis and you all know this. go get Jow Forums and leave your basements. consider it Moot freeing the Voluntarily Celibates who think they're involuntarily celibate.

>goodbye im done with Jow Forums!

here u are

deleting places for disenfranchised robots is only going to cause them to snap and become violent. If you think its bad now just wait to see what happens if this place and other similar places are shut down.

This whole "beta uprising" was supposed to just be a meme, but now I can't even walk on a sidewalk or take a stacy out to a wafflehouse without worrying about one of you faggots going maximum roboto autismo

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>being protected by Big Dawg because monitoring this quaint hole is EZPZ

u lost, Chris.

just on here to show my gf what the incel breeding ground looks like.

>the absolute state of (((federal agencies)))
Projecting much, fellow faggot? We'll both go to together. Maybe we can hold hands UvU

looking for a new bull?

Not sure about the FBI, but NSA and CIA absolutely do, as does FSB. Dunno about GCHQ. Boring fucks. Anyway, the funny part about the monitoring shit is that the poor cunts have to write daily reports on this shit, and on specific posts. The harder we shitpost, the more miserable we make them. Kinda want to get a beer for the poor cunts but they're boring normies so I wouldn't want to hang with them long.

It's like the cherry on top of Jow Forums. This place is so lulz.

nice larp faggot. does your imaginary girlfriend like what she sees?

Post her tits or gtfo

sshhh... dont say that too loud... you never know which ex-admins may be lurking here...

I'd bust his cherry.

Yeah me and a friend were talking about this a while back and imagine a bunch of these morons sitting in a room trying to explain how we all tried to come to a conclusion on are traps gay or not.
Then trying to figure out what the correct answer actually is.

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The thing is that this board actually was deleted back in 2011, but that just caused /v/ to get flooded with "tfw no gf" stuff.

Alphabet soups are always doing stupid, pointless shit. In the 70s they spent tons of money investigating that fag Uri Geller who claimed to bend spoons with his mind but really just does it when you aren't looking.

>that guy who keeps talking about deletions like he owned the place

I remember that autist. The one with the same stock photo of so-called deleted threads?

>Article B, Section 5: Sowing division
>Recommended for further investigation: Are traps gay?

the fbi is baiting r9k with fembot threads to track the ip of the ones who posted violent responses.

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a-are you sure about this user?

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>breeding ground
What did he mean by this