>>>Jow Forums

why not work out Jow Forums?
I started a year ago from today and felt genuine improvements

>no longer fat, no food comas or stress and anger from moving too much, drank lots of water, soda and sweet drinks makes me feel noxious now
>still conscious about body but more confident in approaching people
>going to a gym surrounded by strangers helped with reducing anxiety around crowds
>started out scared, only using treadmills for two months, then transitioned to machines, then dumbbells, then barbells - using barbells further reduced anxiety since more people look at you
>feel more productive as a healthier individual, not as depressed

there's literally nothing to lose, just take that first step

Attached: 3030919181.jpg (1936x1936, 207K)

Because underneath all that fat is a man who is tall, with a strong jaw, and wide shoulders.

I'm not fat, I am not tall, I do not have a strong jaw, and I do not have broad shoulders. What is the point?

Are Jow Forums threads the new trap shit? Jesus fucking christ you vermin are annoying. Just go back to you're fucking gay ass board already.

Genetic double chin
Skinny af
let me robot in peace

>why not work out Jow Forums?
"Working out" is a waste of time and money meant for normies with low self-esteem. Adopt a healthy lifestyle, and doing normal things will give you a workout.
I'd rather be alone forever than do extra shit to impress some fake polyester twat.

>Doing normal things will give you a workout
Yeah let me know how that goes for you user

>tfw last time i was there I had a nervous breakdown and clawed my forehead till i bled and just sat and shivered outside.

Are you seriously suggesting that you can act like a fucking slob except for the three hours that you go to the gym?
You're one of those piss bottle guys, aren't you?

that's not even the same guy, he has a completely different nose

I'm not tall, my shoulders weren't wide when I started working out but they got wider, my jaw isn't strong but it definitely looks more defined, just try instead of doing nothing, I just want to help you guys.

fuck off you trap shill, you guys made Jow Forums, you push for the feminization of men and goyboys you kike

bulk and mew (it's not a meme)

I'm a NEET and there are times when I spend the day doing nothing at all, working out just takes 1-2 hours of your day, healthy lifestyle doesn't help everyone, especially if some people are fat.

it's the same guy at a different angle, look at the septal cartilage and it's curvature, cut some of it and it's exactly the same. same curly hair, same brows just slanted, same earlobes, same PD (pupillary distance)

hey man, if that's you in the pic, GREAT WORK!! you look incredible, what an improvement, wow.

for me, i've had chronic fatigue issues for awhile, there are things i need to do to set a good foundation where i can most benefit from physical activity. my sleep is fucked, but i also had a few parasites. i'm also figuring out a lot of things in my life right now. eventually i'm going to go for it though.

>trap shill
How the fuck did you get that from anything I wrote? I said you're just as bad as them.

I do work out at the gym, it didnt fix my aspergers and make me normal

I want to work out but I don't want it to take a year for me to get down to just a "reasonable weight" It make me so I'm motivated that I won't look remotely attractive till I'm 24 and be close to the end of that 25 year old prime

*it males me so unmotivated

Fuck me I can't even type right

nothing is as bad as trap shills
yeah because you have aspergers, some people self-diagnose here and do nothing - spoiled middle-class millennials - and then they actually develop a mental illness

just turn working out into a habit, I just blasted my earphones and space out when I workout and never looked at a mirror during the first few months due to my low self-esteem

I'm not sure I could turn it into a habit, I dotn enjoy anything about it, used to go to the gym because my friends would bother me till I went with them, hated every moment of it, went for 3 months straight and there wasn't a single moment I wanted to be somewhere else. I just don't enjoy the pain or the soreness or the "testosterone"

Or the people there

don't want to get mad fun of by Chads at the gym

Didn't say anything about not living healthy so idk where you got that idea. However, I do know that you are not going to work your body just by moving the computer mouse all day you cretin

Weights aren't going to fix my ugly face

by dummbells and lift at home user.
initially it is shit, but after a month or so, you get your first noob results and feelsgoodman.jpg
just try you have nothing to lose.

Go running in the night between 23:00 - 04:00.
Nobody will be awake to judge you as long as you don't run in front of a club