Hows it feel to be like this guy...

Hows it feel to be like this guy? Is the women hatred really worth it when you realize youre in the same mental boat as Elliot Rodger or Alek Minassian?

Get some counseling and medical help before you start murdering people you incels

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Yes goy spend 300+ on trying to become a failed normie
I rather die being myself than die trying to be something I do not want to be
Go be a cu ck somewhere else op

>caring about other people
Where do you think you are?

this desu
i like myself the way i am im not going to change my likes and hobbies so i can appeal to the normies
fuck off and let me talk shit about women and black people
you glow in the dark nigger

Literally an "ok cuck" level response man

Step up your game

But normalfags told me karma is real. If it is real than those people absolutely deserved to die using basic logic. Karma at work.

Its not about hobbies or any of that shit, its about how people with youre mentality let that mentality poison them until they become toxic murdering machines

i find it really weird that guy kinda looks like a chad. i assume most incels are incels because they looks like someone repeatedly stomped on their face and have incurable acne

Then what did they do to deserve to die that you havent done?

yo. what about tv's guy? the pilot who crashed his plane because of bane memes?

That was all a meme idiots.

The screenshot and fb page was made after everything happened.

Most incels look similar to him. I look like a white version of him. He basically your classic middle eastern incel.

Man have you seen Elliot Rodger? Man looks like Chadimus prime

and fits guy? george siodini.

and /b/s guy? adam kallack

huh? and i forget the pol peepol

Obviously normalfags are horrible and using karma logic it came back to collect from them. Since I haven't harmed anyone and therefore don't have bad karma I live.

and im positive there was a Jow Forums guy, some agents asked r9k about operator chan.

huh? what about those fools

Go be a failed normie somewhere else
You are as equal as us

The only killer that ever posted on Jow Forums was Mercer who made a thread the night before warning people not to show up.

Shit up you normie you caused this so deal with it, who cares if a bunch Normals dies anywyas i couldn't care less

Jow Forums is just cancer in general

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What mentality?
What are you implying?

oh yeah i forgot mercer. i legit thought he was fantano for a few weeks.

Implying that killing people because theyre different to you has ever justified the means to that end

Nice meme friend

they're gonna hate me regardless of any counseling i get. its genetics.

Im implying that constantly shit talking women can lead to a very real hatred m8

Theres something about that smug shit eating grin roasties have.
They really think theyre untouchable.

Being a likable person isnt something youre born with. Its a develooed personality trait.

Being attractive helps of course but im ugly as fuck and im pretty well liked

They did pretty much destroy the lives of the people who were tormenting them.

what do you think of all the bullying that happens to loser kids in schools?

> Is the women hatred really worth it when you realize youre in the same mental boat as Elliot Rodger or Alek Minassian?
Yes, more than worth it.
>Get some counseling and medical help
There is counseling against reality? Cool. That must be why normgroids are so happy go lucky in a world of shit. As for medication? I'm not too fond of mind altering stuff that has things like depression and suicide as very likely side effects.
>before you start murdering people you incels
Neither incel nor will I murder people so I think I'm good. Now gtfo or better yet, kys.

I wonder what its like being this delusional

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their hatred is just

>Get some counseling and medical help before you start murdering people you incels

being underclass, even if i could afford one, I'm beyond the level of being worthy to treat.
I wish that someone with heavier machinery like Boeing full of passengers hit some Chads and Stacys house.
Yeah fuck you, go ahead & kill me, i don't care.

I'm trying to feel less pathetic and pretend i'm a victim, to have some pity from surroundings , but that's just not working nor does it have to. I'm dead inside, please send help!

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Youre never beyond the level of being worthy to treat. Thats why rehabilitation is a thing, and its what a lot of non-american prison systems are based around. Even Minassian is being given the chance for rehabilitation.

Do you go to school? They may provide free counseling there. Theres also crisis help lines you can call

Where's the delusion?

You have it backwards. I sidn't start hating women because of shittalking them. I started hating and shittalking them after I learned what absolute scum they are.

Oh give me a fucking break. As a guy who has been in treatment for 16 years I can honestly it doesn't do shit other than the fact that sometimes the meds you end up trying make you sick or give you temporary erectile dysfunction.

Therapy and Psychiatry only fix the problems of normies who are just temporarily depressed because of some event in their life like a break up. I have seen endless fucking stories over the years of the hopeless cases like mine constantly in therapy that does nothing for them and sometimes actually makes things worse. In the end these people either end up on neet bux and live in poverty. Others go to jail and end up homeless or they commit suicide. All the success the so called therapists brag about only works on people who would have likely got better on their own without therapy. Therapy simply sped things up.

Its a fucking joke and a massive waste of time and money.

He is just a symptom of our broken and cruel society. It drags you down with it, a rave to see who can get to the bottom fastest. Highlighted with acts of savagery and brutality. Same deal when that goblin bitch said nicolas cruz was bullied but it was because he was weird. When she said that it made me lose all empathy towards those little shits. If you normie faggots dont like it start treating those who arent privileged or those people who are "too different" like human beings.

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>A profile on social networking site LinkedIn identifies Minassian as attending Seneca College in suburban North York from 2011-2018.

What the absolute fuck? I did the computer networking program at Seneca in 2 years and got a job immediately. How did this fuck take 7 years?

You're kidding right? He has a fucking unibrow for christ sake. I'm not even wondering why he couldn't get laid.

>Get some counseling
You mean "Pay someone to tell you it's all your fault and that you need to work your ass off to meet some arbitrary standard of 'self-improvement', at which point you can maybe, MAYBE, think about being rejected by a hundred 6/10s before finding one 5/10 who will settle for you." I can get that for free on the Internet, and it's bullshit either way.

>and medical help
I've got medical problems that can't be cured.

Just proves that a man can still have these kinds of problems even if he doesn't fit the stereotype. That terrifies the normies, because then they might have to admit that it's not as simple as they thought.

I know right.
People tell me to work out but im 6'2
Like if thats not enough to please these sloots then what is working out going to make a difference
Like i could understand work out so you get better women but right now it just seems like roasties made up their mind about not fucking me

Likable and fuckable aren't the same thing. It's entirely possible to have people like you while none of them are sexually attracted to you.

>Hating women
Is this the new meme? Why would you hate someone for a matter they didn't have any control on.

this guy was seriously deluded. in hindsight he probably sees so many other options before choosing this extreme that he idealized with his mental illness. seriously robots, if you feel this extreme, spend three days doing either the opposite of what you're doing or reflect on yourself, or consult someone you trust (not necessarily someone you know, it could even be this board, but we're pretty toxic tBh). but i'm 100% certain he regrets all the choices up to this point, especially since his suicide by cop plan didn't work.

Maybe cause they treat us like subhumans?

I would like to have a conversation about that.

In what way do you feel treated as a subhuman by women?

We're talking about hating women for what they do, not for how they were born.

>Why would you hate someone for a matter they didn't have any control on.
Because we've spent years being hated by them for things *we* didn't have any control over.

Therapy/intervention is only effective if the person wants to change. Incels don't want to change user and they don't desire solutions. they desire catharsis and affirmation that their black pilled out look on the world is true.

Well the part where they say we should all die

No they didn't hate you. They were uninterrested in you as a potential sexual or breeding partner.

If your genes suck it's their right to aim for better men. It's how all humans are programmed , we want to have the best children possible.

You don't hate women , you hate human instinct.

Who says that? You're blaming all the women for some remarks a couple of fat feminists make?

By that logic, there's no problem whatsoever with men murdering women. It's just their instinct, and they're strong enough to overpower most women and murder them. It's their right to take revenge for not getting sex. It's how humans are programmed.

It's you who hates human instinct.

So women are allowed to have negative feelings about men, but men aren't allowed to have negative feelings about women? Take this gynocentric bullshit and shove it up your ass.

>Men murdering women is their instinct
In what fantasy world do you live? Just because you're a loser you want to kill people? Killing people is not human instinct.

Most women don't have negative feelings about men. Where did you came up with that echochamber bullcrap?

For them the frustration must be even more than ugly incels. For you see an ugly incel knows at heart it's because he's ugly. There is some comfort in that. For the good looking incels, they simply have some sort of mental malfunction that prevents them from getting a girlfriend and being good looking makes that fact even more apparent.

fuck off tourist normiefaggot

Or spend a couple of hundred bucks on philosophy books, redpill yourself on (((them))), and join the reactionary movement. Women were not always this terrible, he Jews have truly done a number on gentile women in the past 20 years

is there really medical help for people this far gone?

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>In what fantasy world do you live?
The one where men have murdered people because, among other reasons, they were incels.

>Killing people is not human instinct.
Says who? You? You don't get to say something you approve of is instinct and something you don't approve of isn't. In fact, your whole evopsych-style argument would say that yes, killing *is* human instinct, because men had to fight and kill in order to get women.

>Most women don't have negative feelings about men.
Really? "I reject you because I think you're inferior" isn't a negative feeling? Sure sounds negative to me. Unless you really expect men to not feel hurt by something like that, in which case I invite you to eat shit and die.

>Where did you came up with that echochamber bullcrap?
From here: .

i for one have asked my govt for mental health help many times they dont have the resources :(

>No they didn't hate you. They were uninterrested in you as a potential sexual or breeding partner.
One and the same with women actually.

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>For the good looking incels, they simply have some sort of mental malfunction
Or a physical one. I remember reading something a few years ago about a guy who was good-looking but had erection problems and couldn't handle it.

You cant convince me your shit smells like roses

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I'm not usually an r9ker, nor am I an incel or a woman-hater, but...what the fuck did you (society) expect to happen?
>"liberate" women so sex becomes hyper-competitive for men, creating a whole class of frustrated guys who will never have sex or intimacy
>oversexualise EVERYTHING and rub it in their faces that not getting laid makes them worthless, where before they could have found solace in a monastic lifestyle or something
I neither support nor condone this attack, but seriously. What the fuck did anyone actually think would come of this?

>I'm not an r9k incel
>Proceeds to spew r9k incel garbage

>The one where men have murdered people because, among other reasons, they were incels.
A small amount of losers.

>Because men had to fight and kill in order to get women
Living too much in that fantasy world. There is no time in history where the average men killed his peers to get a woman.

>I reject you because i think you're inferior isn't negative feeling
No , it's nature. You got the same right when you reject a woman. You might experience it as a negative feeling , but the women doesn't reject you because she feels negative about you , she doesn't want to mate with you , just like you have the right to reject others.

Drop the edge and get a clue.

>This 1 picture represent all women
Nice logic.
You guys spend too much time with other rejects and created a fantasy world which has nothing to do with reality. You guys are just as bad as feminists in the way that you think it's not a woman's right to reject someone based on their genetics.

Yeah well a lot of people like retards as well cause it makes them feel better about themselves

Do you hear yourself?
Its not a womans right to reject someone based on their genetics?
Why should we be ok with this?

>anyone who recognises the inherent contradictions of the sexual revolution is an incel
I mean, it's well understood. When we analyse Islamic cultures, for example, we observe how the unattainability of a family life for so many young men means they're easy prey for any radical imam looking for cannon fodder. But somehow when we apply this to the west our whole understanding breaks down because muh freedumb. If you structure society in this way, some people are going to snap. Case and fucking effect.

You are ought to be ok with it since it's nature. Accept you're a reject and off yourself.

Typical r9k incel rant. You haven't left the basement in years and base your worldview on women and sex based on memes of other bitter virgin basement-dwellers.

If you'd rather namecall anyone you imagine to be a basement-dwelling neet than engage with the problem at hand, be my guest. But this problem is not going to go away, and shaming incels is not going to solve it.

I could off myself
Or take people with me while im at it
Theres no logical reason not to

Don't spew lies then. Everyone knows that incels are lying about not being able to get women. They simply do not try.

>mfw I realised that people unironically buy into that incel crap and don't just troll on reddit to anger the normies over there.

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Incels seem to be increasing in numbers and theyre getting more pissed off

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>A small amount of losers.
You do realize that talking about people like that is only going to create more of these violent incidents, don't you?

Your personal hatred towards them doesn't change the fact that they and their actions are real.

>You might experience it as a negative feeling , but the women doesn't reject you because she feels negative about you , she doesn't want to mate with you , just like you have the right to reject others.
Stop talking like people are fucking robots. You know damn well that there's far more emotion going on in these situations than you're letting on, and you know damn well that women are far more vicious when turning down men than men are when turning down women (on the exceedingly rare occasion that women actually make the first move to begin with).

Genetics doesn't have shit to do with it. Women aren't telling men to come to them with lab results that show they don't have any family history of heart disease or some shit. Once again: People aren't robots.

Why do people want girlfriends anyway I genuinely don't get why you'd want to be around an annoying cunt for the rest of your life, I empathise with incels but I don't see why you'd want to be with a woman in the first place.

Bros at 20 something you can bet your behind ppl have tried one way or the other

It seems unlikely that people being driven to mass murder and suicide are merely pretending to me, how about you?

The "appeal to nature" fallacy? Really? You're *that* mentally defective?

This. When you continually dismiss men with "You're a reject, KYS loser," don't be surprised when some of those men come back to blow your fucking head off. And you'll deserve it.

People like that aren't interested in solving the problem. They *are* the problem. They're only interested in kicking people when they're down and beating up on vulnerable individuals that society has decided are acceptable targets.

>Your personal hatred towards them doesn't change the fact that they and their actions are real
I would not call it hatred , i would call it pity. I want every incel to fix theirselves and try to better to better the world.

>Women are far more vicious when turning down men
That's your opinion. Ugly women probably feel the same way about men.

>Genetics doesn't have shit to do with it
What is race , height , strength and mental stabillity? We should aim to create a stronger generation than ours , we don't achieve that by letting all Incels get just as much babies as the alpha's.

>Mentally defective
I found a breeding partner and you probably haven't. I am probably less defective than you.


No ugly people reproduce!

Ya'll are fucking losers. Go outside and observe how many ugly as fuck fat couples you see.

The only way to fix incels is for incels to want to be fixed. Like this thread shows incels do not want to be fixed, they want to wallow in self-pity.

>I would not call it hatred , i would call it pity.
I don't give a shit what you'd call it.

>Ugly women probably feel the same way about men.
I doubt it.

>We should aim to create a stronger generation than ours , we don't achieve that by letting all Incels get just as much babies as the alpha's.
Christ, you're ignorant. I bet you think there are "levels" of evolution that lead up to some ultimate ideal.

Its pretty ironic
You roasties keep complaining about nazis yet youre worse than nazis.
Atleast nazis looked out for the best interest of a race.
Youre all plain eugenics.
And you do a shitty job at it too.

I think it's just a troll thread. Still, this is as good a place as any to talk about a real problem.
Obviously a return to full patriarchy is unrealistic in the near future, so what could be done to rebalance the scales? My first instinct is to legalise prostitution, but I think a lot of incels crave intimacy more than just sex, and besides that doesn't help those with no money.

>I want every incel to fix theirselves and try to better to better the world.
The better world we want won't have anything in common with the "better world" your ilk desires.

I want a full on return of traditional societies where women's main role is to be mothers and men's role is to be the providers of their families.

I have no interest in ever working towards the "progressive utopia" your ilk has dreamed up. To me, it is the most disgusting dystopia imaginable and I will have no part in it. I'd rather work towards destroying your dream, than ever aid in it's construction.

>Is a 3/10 beta male
>Thinks he deserves atleast a 6/10 just like Eliot Rodgers
>Is disgusted by every girl under 5/10


This. I hope they all off themselves. They won't serve any purpose in getting rid of (((them))).

>I don't give a shit what you'd call it
Alright buddy.

>I doubt it
No answer i see

>Christ, you're ignorant
Wanting to ragekill women because you can't get laid isn't ignorant?

I'm a man buddy. I also fight for the strongest possible white race. Incel genetics won't do the job.

>Implying i don't have the same goal
You think that traditional women are interrested in incels? Don't make me laugh.

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>You think that traditional women are interrested in incels?
The reason I am an "incel" is because wherever I go, all I see are fucking disgusting sluts that repulse me with their behavior. I am not some basement dwelling neckbeard. I study at the biggest university of my homeland and have relatively active social life. I am a "failed normie" I guess, though that term would assume that I ever had any desire to be a "normie". I am utterly fucking disgusted by modern culture and modern women. They make me sick with their promiscious behavior.

In my view, the only reason to be intimate with someone is if you intend to start a family with her and I am yet to encounter any woman who would make for a good mother.

>No answer i see
No less of an answer than "Ugly women probably feel the same way about men."

>Wanting to ragekill women because you can't get laid isn't ignorant?
No. If anything, it's the opposite of ignorance. It's the result of learning things about the world that drive you to isolation, despair, and eventually anger.

>I also fight for the strongest possible white race. Incel genetics won't do the job.
Well, thanks for admitting that you basically are a Nazi, I guess.

Ah so we have a tradthot here. Don't inflate your ego too much, you're just as much scum as regular thots.

Lowering their standards would make them as unhappy as if they were single. You're just spouting "be ur self" tier bullshit.

According to the UN deliverately inflicting on a group conditions in life to bring about is destruction is considered genocide.
Tell me thats not enough reason to go on a rampage.

As if he cares about those guys' happiness. He's just here to kick them when they're down. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he was an incel himself, and the persona he's adopting in this thread is some kind of coping mechanism. If that's the case, he has my sympathy, despite everything he's said. Of course, it's also possible he really is as big a piece of shit as he seems. There's no way to know for sure.

I feel the same. But a lot of the guys in this thread feel it's a crime against them to not have a girlfriend even though they're losers. Ofcourse women are corrupt , doesn't give you a reason to hate them. Hate the offender , not the victims.

And why shouldn't they? It's obvious that your hate has been forged by rejection , i would only imagine if it were the same for ugly women.

>It's the opposite of ignorance
No you are the one whose ignorant. You somehow believe that you have the RIGHT to have a girlfriend , what could you offer her what alpha men can't? Anger , despair are emotions that fuck with your head. Try to overcome those emotions and you are one step closer to becoming a better potential breeding candidate.

>You basically are a nazi
You got the feminist mindset. They feel their life is ruined by men , while you believe your life is ruined by women.

I'm a guy , nigger.

Then we can conclude there's no way to solve this conflict , no? Just make sure to decrease the amount of incels we get next generation.

>He's just here to kick them when they're down
No. I want to protect you from yourselves so you don't live a bitter life or might even hurt someone else.

Your description of yourself is 100% volcel. Stop calling yourself an incel.