>Hey user, wanna kiss my toes?
Wat do?
>Hey user, wanna kiss my toes?
Wat do?
sorry, im no nigger
I'd say yes and kiss her toes. She's a good friend to cater to my foot fetish like that.
Reject her knowing whites have disgusting feet and go for some cute latina feet.
She has injected heroine through her foot veins
only if you have good teeth
and havent injected heroin into them
take a big whiff then kiss
>Sorry user... I have injected heroin into my teeth. :/
what is it with degenerates and feet?
back to Jow Forums with you
>not being infatuated with the feminine foot form, a sign of hormonal and bodily health
I feel sorry that you are gay. It must be hard
You have to be retarded to believe that.
Or anything she says for that matter.
Feet are nice and all, but that bitch is just gross.
>it's a "feminine" foot
sure thing AIDS boi
seriously this, foot fags are creepy
>le Jow Forums boogeyman
go back to r*ddit if you want a fucking safe space. It's an insult with no political ideology behind it, fucking moron.
She has notoriously bad hygiene. Her feet undoubtedly smell terrible. And her pussy probably smells like a dumpster full of rotting seafood on an August afternoon.
Honestly, can we just stop having threads about this stupid cunt?
>Her feet undoubtedly smell terrible
No I'd rather sniff and lick her entire sole and then suck on her toes.
>Her feet undoubtedly smell terrible
This would be objectively a good thing.
how the hell are you people attracted to this girl?
she comes off as if she has some kind of legitimate disability
no toe sniffing?
I recently had the opportunity to taste test a very cheesy pair of feet. It was great.
On a side note, I wonder how I can get myself involved in a situation like pic related. Breaking into a woman's house so she can overpower me and kill me with a barefoot neck snap seems hawt.
Forgot pic related, I forgot it, wow but here it is