Men lie about wanting to be friends when they just want sex

>men lie about wanting to be friends when they just want sex
>men lie about wanting to be lovers when they just want sex
Why are men so untrustworthy?

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have you tried being useful for anything but sex?

absolutely pathetic b8

>>men lie about wanting to be lovers when they just want sex
Here's why

It's because you, women, are so fucking shallow, empty and worthless that the only thing remotely wantable in you is your clit

i mean look at yourself, do you share any hobbies with any potential or current bf?

Fuck, in fact do you have any hobbies or passion at all?

that's why, because you're a basic bitch, there's absolutely no fun in hanging around with you. you're not interesting in the slightest.

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>be honest, trusting and loving with girl for the first time in my life
>cheats on me twice

I'll show you untrustworthy roastie, I'm on a mission now.

It's because men are incapable of love and empathy and only care about short term pleasure. They don't even see women as human so they feel nothing when they use them for their own satisfaction.

in the end that true literally for everything, men and women do everything for reproduction, subconsciously.

>Look for a girl that's into video games
>One or two say they are
>Try to get into said video games with them
>Turns out they're not all that interested actually.

Just give me a fucking female video game partner, why lie to make someone like you, fuck off. I don't even care if we date, it's just an enjoyable experience and different from gaming with a few guys.

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>try to be fren with female
>denied because she assumes I just want her vag

nah, we just show love differently, women tend to think that the only way to show love is being a dickless faggot who always kisses their asses, sad really

>women cheat so much they've classified it into two different versions, physical and emotional, so they don't have to feel bad for doing it because it was "just physical"
>women will marry you just for support and then dump you for the next best thing
Why are women so worthless?

Womens fault entirely, I used to believe in women and was loyal and loving but after I've been cheated on and lied to in long term relationships I just don't trust women anymore and don't feel like investing myself in a relationship that will leave me more fucked up than before.

Then try making a move on that robot guy who's overly nice to you. He'll treat you right.

Robots are pickier and meaner than most men.

This isn't true, they just have no idea how to get a woman, go up to them, you'll be surprised

this is bait but I don't want sex without love and don't know what love is so I don't want it.

>women lie about wanting to be friends when they just want money
>women lie about wanting to be lovers when they just want money
Why are women so untrustworthy?

To bad guys who think womyns are stupid hence you cant just be friends are the cause to the problem! First of, who owns the big companies and decides what womyns should ware? What does a baby guirl gets as presents! Dolls and pink! Licky me me i hated pink and broke all dolls and jijoes from brother and sister, i just wanted a type writer, a microscope, a chemistry kit and all elusional plastic crap toys that are genderized did not bring my attention, nor was the described role of womyn in society, nor the describe men of society! I dont dress like barbie, i have more hobbys then any guys, going from sport, to art work, i clearly not only im not into men to my friends but decided to be alone till i fall in love wich as been 4 1/2years and still not in love, you know why!? First of men are not good dating material, their brain is in their pants, they are fake in their friendship but ok to just go get drunk with talk shit, knowing that eventially, they will try to brake the friend zoning then it will be bye bye! Womyns these days, i must admit, at my age is harder and harder finding one that is not just interested in a car, a house and hockey and have great interest in art and other things and have not let their health go to shit and still goergeous. And no, i dont go for the youngster tho young men and guirls keep trying me, their all set of conversation are as borring as the replies i see to this post!

Why are all people untrustworhty

Why are women so naive?

I've been rejected by "robots" in real life. They always want literal Staceys and think uglier girls are trash.

That wasn't real robots though. They were normies

no thanks unless women can offer male sacrificial love and until men have authority over women. why should I take care of women if I don't have authority over them.

Are you retarded? Just give him a blowjob every once in a while. He will get conditioned to love you and be your friend. No way is he going to want to lose his source of happiness. That's how it works.

The biggest lie women have been taught is that love is mental. Its not. Its biological.

and i just want a fateful girl i can live with that like playing games and go out with and im not talking going out drinking but just go out exploring the city and have simple fun. a girl that prefer spending her friday night gaming or watching movies chilling on the couch, i dont really care about sex anymore. once a week or so i good for me

>That wasn't real robots though. They were normies
Why do you people always say that? The people I'm talking about had no friends, they never spoke, they were below average looks, they would be pegged as school shooters. One guy I asked out was a landwhale with a sweating problem. Is this not robot enough for you?

>women lie about being friends when they just want an orbiter to be an emotional tampon when things do not go their way
Why are women so untrustworthy?

it depend on how you look and how you act. im not asking for a pic but do you have a pic of a girl who would have similar body type

>want to be friends
>want to be lovers
>not overly interested in regular sex
>casual sex seems pointless to me

We exist we're just apparently very rare

You are definitely asian

>try to be friends with girl
>She gets upset if I don't go out of my way to help her
Get a boyfriend if you want someone to coddle you

>meet someone on here of all places
>chat for a while
>conversation flows a bit slow
>she doesn't have any interests past "reading"
>keeps calling me a normie
>still trying to keep the dialogue alive
>turns out we live fairly close by
>asks to meet up
>say I'd rather talk for now
>ghosts me

>implying I don't help my friends
>>ew this creep is giving me presents what an orbitor
No I'm just a nice person you bitch, thanks for disappearing.


Stopped reading as soon as I saw that SJW bullshit.

because the large majority have nothing else to offer