We're just hairless, smart, slightly better looking apes, aren't we? It's like the putting lipstick on a pig expression

We're just hairless, smart, slightly better looking apes, aren't we? It's like the putting lipstick on a pig expression

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welcome to the Black Pill, user.

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So why the fuck do we have conscious experience? If everything is so reducible to mechanical function wtf is the point of consciousness? Like what in the fucking fuck is the fucking point of anything?

Yeah pretty much. To elaborate we pretty much think and act the same way as animals the difference is we can walk and talk

I'm fairly certain that pretty much anything can be created with DNA and we only think we're the center of the universe because of natural species arrogance and we're probably pretty shit-tier

Human have the biggest dicks of all the primates because, women chose the males with the biggest dicks. Then clothes were invented and selling woman was invented and the micro penis appeared.

Asking the wrong guy here. Consciousness may always be a mystery, but as for the point of everything: survive and reproduce. Just like all other animals.

>what is the point of
You already phrased the question wrong

>implying i'm better looking than that swole boi with huge balls

We have the worst aspects of both bonobos and chimps in us. But we developed language and fancy hands so now we can build a bunch of shit.

does that also mean women are attracted to smaller testicles since we don't have huge ape balls?

>tfw big balls :(

Yes, but I don't agree with saying we're close to being identical.

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Bet these whores would fuck that chimp

So they say. I believe that we are more than that spiritually) which makes us what we are

Jut like death

It just happened to be a good utility for making animals function that evolved over time.

The black pill is realizing Islam is the solution to the first world degeneracy problem user, get your pills right.

The black pill is not caring

No that's the purple pill.

>So why the fuck do we have conscious experience? If everything is so reducible to mechanical function wtf is the point of consciousness? Like what in the fucking fuck is the fucking point of anything?
Kill yourself then, dude.

>tfw monkey never lifted but is more fit then you

would these kind of questions matter to you if you lived in the forest around some campfire and did nothing but hunt and fuck all day

we have strayed too far and now we reap what we sow

sounds more like the so1y pill, being so pathetic and weak that you use nihilism as a huge coping mechanism.