Reminder: you are NOT an involuntary celibate if you don't choose to settle for ugly women...

Reminder: you are NOT an involuntary celibate if you don't choose to settle for ugly women. You are by definition a volcel.

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top left isn't ugly.

would jackhammer the top left

That Asian girl is not ugly at all, she's really cute. What are you even saying OP?

No, that's bullshit. We deserve love from *REAL* women not your fugly leftovers, mongrels and obese legbeards.

You're not an incel then, congratulations you can fuck off to normie land.

Fuck you. You're the actual normalfaggot if you think dating those things would make us happy and should fuck off. Fatties, disabled chicks, ethnics, and other undesirable cunts don't count.


Lol that hurt.

I mean the top 3 are men and the niggress is probably almost 50 years old
This image is just all kinds of wrong

The one on the top left is actually fuckable.

I'm not ugly myself, so I shouldn't have to settle for ugly women. I'm actually good-looking, but I have a bunch of other problems that have led me to where I am now. Fuck off.

You say this like ugly women always go for ugly men. They get used as a quick fuck and it inflates their egos.

>I mean the top 3 are men
You're a fucking idiot.

>I'm not ugly myself

You're a volcel, like I already said you fucking retard. Go back to r*ddit where your kind belongs

you dont deserve shit kid

Which one lads?

You probably think everyone is a fucking volcel. Do you really think dating some ugly chick is going to make robots not depressed? Your bullshit normie advice is on par with "just buy a prostitute bro XDXD"

Do westerners actually think this? Now I know why Chinese stereotype is westerners chasing ugly girls kek. Guess you really can't tell our features apart, she's ugly as fuck.

Whats the point of purity spiralling on this "volcel" bullshit. Were all virgins here

>Do you really think dating some ugly chick is going to make robots not depressed?
Nice job proving his point. You sure showed him.

If you are being picky you aren't incel. You're volcel. Being happy with your choice of woman has no relevance when it comes to determining whether or not you are volcel or incel.

Explain what makes her ugly. I'm not saying she's 10/10 but average

She's a hag, it's just she's next to even worse 'women' so she looks better

>You're a volcel
No, I'm not. I have issues that make sex impossible. If I didn't, I wouldn't be an anything-cel, because like I said, I'm good-looking. I don't know why the fuck you're even here. To kick people when they're down? Real fucking classy of you.

Oh fuck off. Men are accused of being "picky" if they have any standards at all, but if they have no standards, they're "pigs who can't think of anything but sticking their dick in a hole". Men can't win with ignorant fucks like you. You just want to look down on people.

Involuntary celibate is someone who is unable to get laid out of no control of their own but wishes to. Incels are supposed to have no standards, and should fuck anyone by their definition of being an incel. Youre a volcel at best if you reject ugly women like pic related since you are denying opportunities given to you unlike incels who have none. It's like when an average girl calls herself a fembot because Chad doesn't want her, even though she wants Chad and would only settle for a Chad.

So a depressed guy dating an ugly chick isn't a robot according to you?

who is that black chick tho

The one on the left is clearly a trap
I wouldn't go for a nigress or asian because Jow Forums
fat chicks tend to be either genetic trash or insufferable Tumblr-users

I know beggars can't be choosers, but being with any of these bitches seems even more humiliating than being single.

A depressed guy dating an ugly chick isn't an incel, and anyone who is dating or has dated is sure as fuck not a robot.

I meant the one on the right is a trap

It's not really a good opportunity though. It would be more humiliating in fact. It shouldn't count. It's like saying you can't complain about not having a nice car if you could buy a crappy used one for 500 dollars.

nah, only amerimutts because they have such a warped genetic pool already.
I'm european and see "her" as a manfaced pig.

So you've just established yourself as a volcel. Cool. Now get out of my thread

No, I'm just an incel who wants better options.

You're a fucking retard, that's not what an incel is and I've already explained it to you. Just fuck off

>I'm just an incel who wants better options.
You're worse than the femwhores who complain they can't get laid. You can get laid just like them but you choose not to because muh standards. Fuck off.

Why do you fucking care so much about this "volcel vs. incel" shit?

Would you seriously prefer dating a fugly chick over being single?

Does it matter if you are still a cel?

Because you're using the term incorrectly. You're undermining the struggles and hardships of what a genuine incel goes through

Based on your description it sounds like volcels have it way worse because you actually expect them to be seen in public with ugly girls.

>If you are being picky you aren't incel.
Oh fuck you. If I can't get hard for an uggo, it is not "picky", it is just you setting retarded defenitions for what is incel or volcel.

t. someone that would date an ugly blonde

I'd wager that most incels would totally understand not wanting to settle like you're insisting. Here's why: It's not just about the physical act of sex. There are mental and emotional factors that won't be satisfied merely by the physical act. That's also one of the reasons why an incel might not want to go to an escort even if they had the money to do so.

No I expect people who are incels to settle for the bottom of the barrel females. Someone who has standards and doesn't want to be with an ugly girl is a volcel, by definition. I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself for the millionth fucking time

So you would honestly date, have sex with and be seen in public with the girls posted in the OP? I find that extremely hard to believe. You're just bullshitting.

>by definition
>source: my ass


Can't answer that or else it will steer my thread to a different direction

>source: google definitions

You're welcome retard

Ha ha ha ha. Even you wouldn't fuck those fuggos but you're going to lecture us for not wanting to.

No I'm lecturing you on what is and what's not an incel. Don't want to date an ugly girl? Fine, no ones forcing you. Have standards? Ok, that's fine too, but that literally doesn't make you an incel.

This is an excellent point.

Which one, faggot? If the one about "anable to find a willing partner" - than I have to inform you that you need both parties willing, and who the fuck would be willing to fuck an uggo if he has at least a bit of self-respect?
Googled that shit, it just says we are all misogonysts and racists. How helpful.

Translation: "I don't want my hypocrisy exposed."

It's not hypocrisy if I can't fuck them for biological reasons.

>biological reasons
Such as?

I'm a transsexual incel.

He is an ugly female who wants to fuck but incels ignore her.

She's hot as heck and I would dive on the chance to put a baby in her.

What are you if you have never had a female show the slightest bit of interest in you, been constantly rejected and literally laughed at by women for being outgoing and confident enough to ask them out?
What are you if you aren't obsessed with sex and genuinely just want to not be lonely anymore?

Exactly what complications does that cause, if you don't mind my asking?

You're inconvenient for the narrative they're trying to spin. Therefore, they'll pretend you don't exist.

looks like a dude to me
in fact "she" looks like that asian guy from community but with a wig

No wonder you're a permavirgin fag when you try to date waaaayyyy out of your league. Lol
Now excuse me please, my GF is about to blow me. (Shit will be SOOOO cash)

Not me, I'm not a trap. I'm also not going to name my biological reason as to why because I don't want to derail this thread

No, you must be a sexist, racist, mysogonistic pig, or else you don't exist.

Left isn't ugly. I guess that's a side effect of arr rook same.

Right needs to buy $30 of makeup to make her acceptable.

Middle two are fat, which is more than just being ugly.

t. volcel

You're dating women way out of your league maybe if you lowered your standards a bit you wouldn't have this problem.

Not dating I meant trying to get with***

Let me guess. You're sterile or castrated or something? Tell us how it happened, faggot.

Stop with this dumb reddit shit. Why are all these "incels" here? Did they shut down your subreddit or something?
Our board is cancer, but these "incel" faggots are legit worse. Stop making these shit threads, go back to where you came from.

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Unlike reddit incels I don't irrationally hate on women. Point to me on comment where I signal misogyny

Is the nigress 100% pure abo?

I didn't say anything about misogyny. What are you on about?
My issue is with the culture and terminology shift taking place on Jow Forums.

>fugly leftovers
but you ARE fugly leftovers

I wasn't even aware of how much beauty standards can vary between cultures that the top left girl is considered just as ugly as the rest holy shit

I don't care, she's at least not jarring to look at.


I'm white, 184, not overweight, about 3/10 face, and most likely mild form of autism.
My requirements for a girl is white, not overweight and face above 2/10.
Am i being picky?

Lolomgkekingmao look at day niggas shnoz wow I feel bad for her how is she even smiling
>".tfw every smile I make is a lie because I'm so disgusting,as a woman I'll never be truly happy...all I had to be was fuckable and I'm not even that" holy shit she should just stream it


Yes you are, now fuck off normienigger.

Does slav really fully count though?
Eastern Europe is the ultimate robotland

>you don't fit into the incel label so clearly you're shallow or flawed somehow
>you obviously need to lower your standards because women can't be expected to lower theirs

Attached: 1521619101177.jpg (800x1024, 51K)

>just date a 1/10 El goblino
What is even the point then? You fuck a woman cuz you're attracted to her.

I'd date an ugly girl but not a fat one, seems like this kind of girl isn't struggling though.

And that means I have to like other fugly leftovers?

>Do you really think dating some ugly chick is going to make robots not depressed?
Worked for me.
Although she's just fat, not ugly.

Why the fuck do you ugly wh*te creeps think you're entitled to get good looking girls? I mean seriously, even I as a fine black gentlemen have to put in work to get cute girls to blow my BBC. Why should you get everything for free without even trying to improve yourself? That really would not be fair.

Because Asian's delimiter for "attractive" is ultra-generic plastic surgery barbie doll

The 'women can't be expected to lower theirs' part is a good insight/joke fren
If you suffer from involuntary celibacy (incel), you can find support here as well. Involuntary celibacy is defined as being unable to obtain a romantic partner within six months, for whatever reason. Incels tend to be otherwise healthy individuals, who may or may not suffer from social anxiety issues. offers extensive support for people suffering from involuntary celibacy, as the suffering often overlaps that of the love-shys. Read more about it in the FAQ.

only normies care about sex or being an "incel" lul it's just a pointless meaningless empty pleasure

Because they rejected me as well.