I fucked up guys

I said a little bit too much and now I got forcefully hospitalized
Luckily Im allowed to use my phone so I can sit here and browse Jow Forums and be depressed instead of at home
What do? Should I just act like Im feeling fine to get out of this shit?

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you better act like you are feeling fine or you will spend your entire life in that shithole

How bad conditions are you in now? Unless you're paying for the hospital, I wouldn't make the effort of going home.

It won't change how depressed you are if you're on Jow Forums

What did you do to get yourself into the psych ward in the first place?

underaged fag detected, go get your mental issues cleared up and come back if you must when you are 18

I remember when I was getting high on aderall in high school and had a psykiketrist, after I came clean she told me she was this close to having me institutionalized for my manic behavior, our sessions were like twenty minutes every other week mind you. Dont trust them,

uh well, if you're unhappy, why not try and make use of the therapy you'll get user? you could try and stop browsing Jow Forums and do something else and try and actually recover.

its not a good situation but usually only the best institutions let you have your phone so you might be in luck.

What did you say? Threaten to kys maybe? Talk about chad and stacies immediately after the robot attack like a retard might do?

You might want to actually get a terapist honestly, the fact you are on Jow Forums means you probably need the help anyways. Just don't take any meds unless you're sure about it.

>letting a sick person indulge in what enables their sickness
letting bugbois get on Jow Forums in the bughouse is like offering all you can eat McD's in the bariatric ward.

So because he has mental issues which over half of the people on this board have he is supposedly underage? Go be a faggot somewhere else

>take drugs that make you crazy (most school shooters were on it)
>don't tell therapist
>therapist thinks you're crazy because you're acting crazy
>therapist relieved when they find out you aren't crazy but just a fucking druggie

Kek. Never fucking trust government workers. They are all itching to get you on meds and their therapy sessions.

Yeah they do that so they legally can take your guns.

>therapist prescribed them
Dont act like you know anything.

but you were not using them as directed though right?

Yeah no Shit! It's their job to say something is wrong with you and give you shit drugs.

I took the prescribed dosage. They made me high. The fact she could not anticipate that result says everything about her.

I definitely have problems but not ADD. More like depression or something. No way I should have been put on anything in fucking high school though. Fuckers.

Thats for reminding me not to tell people I occasionally contemplate the possibility of ending my existence.

>forcefully hospitalized
acting won't help now, since you're already there. now you're locked for very specific amount of time and they won't let you out a hour earlier.
mental ward is not a super terrible place, actually. all I can say is relax and roll with it, don't think too much about it. if you're assigned in observation ward - try talking to nurses, if you're lucky and they're a decent people you may have easier time. find some humor around you, theres some seriously fucked up people in there and even though its strictly forbidden fucking with their head is really amusing at first.
also, remember that females in mental ward are not waifu material, do not, i repeat, do not put your dick in crazy
don't repeat my mistakes

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mom made me go to one of those when I was underage, just pretend to be normal and they'll probably let you go eventually. Whatever you said don't make that mistake again, those people are not your friends.

I don't think he was institutionalized user, I think he acted out in a retarded way and he's in the hospital for his own safety. Probably threatened to kys

>I think he acted out in a retarded way and he's in the hospital for his own safety. Probably threatened to kys
That's what being institutionalized is. they don't let suicidal people in the normal part of the hospital.

>Probably threatened to kys
I don't know about 'murica, but in my country this is a death sentence. If you say you're about to KYS you're guaranteed to have at least one months vacation in ward and if you attempted suicide but was caught you're in for two to four months with daily tranquilization treatment for a week.

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>people say mer*ca is fucked

>Should I just act like Im feeling fine to get out of this shit?
Absolutely. Hospitals will only make you feel worse about yourself.
Next time don't open your mouth. No one wants to help, so don't bother trying to seek it out.

It works though. If you can't protect your own life, meds and doctors will do it for you.
I've seen those people, I've been there. Vast majority of those who went through this are grateful for saving their life. Even if it was rough.

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>being forcibly tranqd, ever

Not paying for it This aint murica
Tried to kill myself and failed like the failure I am
Just took my meds Am I fucked?
Im not in murica

I don't quite understand what are you implying. It's a necessity. Are you just being childish towards meds?

>Tried to kill myself and failed
Well congratz, you're in for a good time!
Read my previous posts.
Do take your meds since they will check if you're taking them or not and if they find out you didn't it WILL make things worse. They're nothing special mostly. My guess is that it's just a sedative. They're not allowed to give you anything strong before you're examined and diagnosed. Unless you're aggressive and trying to escape/harm anyone.

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>be under 18
>forcefully get hospitalized
You fuckin retard.