Finding a job

>finding a job
>submit resume
>submit cover letter
>go to Interview
>can't talk
>interviewers look uncomfortable
>get an email a week later, saying my application was rejected
How is this fair? You put all this time and effort only to get rejected for being shit at talking. I want to get better, but I don't know how.

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You can't work with other people if you can't talk to other people

recommend killing yourself

You know what to do.

i stuttered and got confused at the questions. I also spoke too fast, which resulted in the interview ending early.

Usually small mom and pop businesses don't do formal interviews. Try to apply to those.

The night before just rehearse, come up with questions you think they'll ask you and answer them repeatedly over and over again. Then an hour before the interview, pop a couple norco and you'll think fast, clear and be on a roll.

Dont ever blink during an interview, dont lose eye contact for a second. The more awkward pauses the better.

I wouldn't let it get to you man. Jobs are a complete crapshoot in this day and age.
I've sent out well over 1000 job applications since I graduated. Only got 20 interviews (half of which were not even in my field). Either they don't call me back/send me a rejection letter, or they tell me that I lack experience and to come back to them in 2 years when I have more work experience.
I graduated with a 3.6 GPA, I was vice president of the student society of my faculty, and I have a large portfolio of projects. I don't even have a problem talking and can get hiring managers to laugh and warm up to me very easily.
Thinking of just starting my own company.

I have this problem too, except I also get sweaty and anxious. I can't imagine why nobody will hire me.

Have you guys found decent jobs yet?

Sweaty user here. No. They want me off welfare so I've been referred to a job program where they teach you interviewing skills. I also got sick of trying to get a doctor to prescribe Xanax for anxiety, so I bought some off the earlier. I am hoping that the combination of anxiety relief and interview skills will make an employer look past my empty resume and grace me with my first minimum wage job at 26.

I'm volunteering for this startup that the uncle of a guy that was in the student society is running. Doing IT tech and administrative assistance. Virtually nothing to do with my degree.
Basically, with the gas I'm wasting everyday to drive there, I'm paying them to work for them.
I worked there for 9 months and they have no interest in hiring anyone because they're getting free labor from volunteers. I'm going to quit soon, once I can get a reference letter out of them. Not like it'll help anyway.

Try the darknet if you can't get prescriptions. It's a God send if your doctor cuts you off.

Oh, my phone cut off darknet from my post. I ordered some Xanax off there and it is due to arrive Thursday or Friday.

I'm really sorry to hear that user. It pains me when people are neglected because their skills are not in demand. I wish society appreciated us more.

It annoys me that after 2 years out of school the only thing I could get for working my ass off is a measly volunteer job. I had to beg to do even that.
I have ideas for devices I could make some money off of. I might just open my own startup and do that honestly. What's the point of making some stuck up ceo rich when he won't even risk hiring someone like me?

Stare at them all the time, don't answer any questions. Raise your breath as loud as possible and whisper all the time - "GOD DAMN I LL KILL ALL OF U"

>Walk into company I know is recruiting
>Introduce myself with resume
>Charm them and get the job I'm not even qualified for
>Get good at it in a few months
>Bored of it after 6 months
>Walk into a new company that is recruiting
>Repeat process

10 jobs in 5 years, applied for 12. Never got fired, always quit. Only low tier job in that time was telemarketing, but I've been a hotel manager, chef, sales representative, etc. Dont you have a friend or relative that's good at this shit? I've helped alot of people land their dreamjob and even some NEET friends get a decent job who didn't have a degree and didn't work a day till over 23. There is alot of information on the internet about resumes, motivation letters, the job you want, solliciting tips, etc. Preparation is key, I never walked into a company without exactly knowing what they do, what they want, what they need and why I am the one that they want to hire.

Are you memeing?
I've applied to thousands of jobs and got nowhere.

same boat, except i talk plenty.
>apply to kfc that has help wanted sign
>3 weeks later sign still there, no call
>apply to sonic
>get interviewed, they tell me to bring my ID tomorrow cuz in hired
>next day get told never mind
>2 weeks later 3 new employees are there
>apply to flea market
>no call
>month and a half later help wanted sign still up
>never got interviewed at a mcdonalds or walmart despite applying multiple times
>nearby warehouse puts up and ad weekly
>apply all the time
>after the 4th interview i ask them why they dont just hire me since tm
>"we just dont want to"
i gave up. i am a NEET and mom buys me video games and snacks to keep me entertained. they only hire middle aged people with an accent

How do I land an electronics engineering job with 0 experience?

How do you structure your resume?
Do you list your credentials, schooling etc, or do you write something personalized for the job in question? If you could post an example that would be appreciated.

>all low wage shit is in the service sector

I want out of this nightmare

go work for some labor company. yea you're gonna have to bust your ass to a degree but you either do that or learn to speak.

Post resume with names and addresses censored or you're lying.

Small businesses can be super-comfy and casual, or they can be pretty terrible, and basically two scenarios to get in.
>you are friends with the owners and they know who you are, and they'll get a job and treat you fairly, but this takes years to accomplish
>they hire from the community but they give the best jobs to their family and closest friends, and you will be passed up in potential promotions while some overpaid, underaged stooge is your boss