Hey user,
I'm your goverment assigned gf
It is an honour meeting you, let's build a good house together!
I will give my best shot if you can too!
let's help supporting each other
Hey user
>no honorable warrior gf
I never knew I wanted this until now, fuck you op.
Am I dead? Or is this a dream? Oh how I wish this too be true
But its not
honestly I don't think I'm up for the task
best thing is that she is honorable, so no worries on cheating with other people
I dont feel like building a house
But that would be dishonorabru
>nobody will ever build a good house with you
feels 2018
>Hey humie bloke. Imma be ya guvmet signed gurfurnd. I hope yewll be aba ta make me feel gewd wen we fuck each otha.
>oh, and imma be ya gurfurnd fa life! So dunt thing abat eva leavin me.
what is it about girls with defined jawlines and this kind of serious expression that makes them so attractive in a non sexual way?
user It's nice to meat you! I'm your genetically engineered goverment-issued catgirl for domestic ownership and procreation
Pleeessee pet me master!
>muscular Dom Ork gf
CAWK!!! user!! let's breed!! let's make nest!! cawk!!!
Saved to collection.
what the fuck did you do to zoro? where'd you get his swords?
This thread is full of them.
But i don't want government assigned gf!
Nor do i want to build a house!
I am sorry for you. (But not really.)
what's the point of having a gf if she's government assigned and she didn't actually choose you and won't really love you
Wake up master!! I want my milk cereal :3
I'd expect waifing her and making more tax payers soon after.
> she didn't actually choose you
Yeah, that would bother me as well.
> won't really love you
About this i wouldn't be so sure - i mean, people united by outer circumstances might develop strong mutual feelings between themself. Or not? Arranged marriages worked reasonably well for centuries.
Also, i think love is somewhat over-rated and there are other, more important qualities.
>didn't actually choose you and won't really love you
Arranged marriages have a higher rate of happiness than "choice" marriages.
Thank you, user. I appreciate your dedication. Unfortunately, I cannot reciprocate. I'm loyal to my wives.
But user she's in heat. Her pussy's pussy is swollen and red, she needs you! It's just unbearable for her.
Don't do this to me, user. It's cruel.
Thanks for the catgirl, though.
p-please master
m-my body is so hot, I can't stop it.