Hey user

Hey user,
I'm your goverment assigned gf
It is an honour meeting you, let's build a good house together!
I will give my best shot if you can too!
let's help supporting each other

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>no honorable warrior gf
I never knew I wanted this until now, fuck you op.

Am I dead? Or is this a dream? Oh how I wish this too be true

But its not

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honestly I don't think I'm up for the task

best thing is that she is honorable, so no worries on cheating with other people

I dont feel like building a house
But that would be dishonorabru

>nobody will ever build a good house with you
feels 2018

>Hey humie bloke. Imma be ya guvmet signed gurfurnd. I hope yewll be aba ta make me feel gewd wen we fuck each otha.

>oh, and imma be ya gurfurnd fa life! So dunt thing abat eva leavin me.

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what is it about girls with defined jawlines and this kind of serious expression that makes them so attractive in a non sexual way?

user It's nice to meat you! I'm your genetically engineered goverment-issued catgirl for domestic ownership and procreation
Pleeessee pet me master!

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>muscular Dom Ork gf

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CAWK!!! user!! let's breed!! let's make nest!! cawk!!!

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Saved to collection.

what the fuck did you do to zoro? where'd you get his swords?

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This thread is full of them.

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But i don't want government assigned gf!
Nor do i want to build a house!
I am sorry for you. (But not really.)

what's the point of having a gf if she's government assigned and she didn't actually choose you and won't really love you

Wake up master!! I want my milk cereal :3

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I'd expect waifing her and making more tax payers soon after.

> she didn't actually choose you
Yeah, that would bother me as well.

> won't really love you
About this i wouldn't be so sure - i mean, people united by outer circumstances might develop strong mutual feelings between themself. Or not? Arranged marriages worked reasonably well for centuries.

Also, i think love is somewhat over-rated and there are other, more important qualities.

>didn't actually choose you and won't really love you

Arranged marriages have a higher rate of happiness than "choice" marriages.

Thank you, user. I appreciate your dedication. Unfortunately, I cannot reciprocate. I'm loyal to my wives.

But user she's in heat. Her pussy's pussy is swollen and red, she needs you! It's just unbearable for her.

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Don't do this to me, user. It's cruel.
Thanks for the catgirl, though.

p-please master
m-my body is so hot, I can't stop it.

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