It's 2018. This is what sex looks like now.
It's 2018. This is what sex looks like now
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and it's great
Kendall dreams if you were wondering
Bestiality is a sin against nature
honestly i fucking wish white people just died, they started this tranny shit
>implying Latin porn isn't filled with trannies
>implying Native American didn't have "two spirit" peoples
>implying Indians don't have "third sex" people
>implying Thailand hasn't always had ladyboys
I guess I'll stay a virgin then.
white people is redundant since only whites actually qualify as people
that would make sense if whites also weren't the only weird pasty melanin lacking motherfucking mutants that appeared out of thin air a few thousand years ago and have been a raging menace since then
whites go to asia to fuck ladybois, they're the main costumers.
no thanks then, orifuckinginalio
You fuck my ass. I fuck yours Jamal I mean Chanice. Now spread that boipussy.
Yet they were around for long before whites ever went there.
(((White))) "people"
God I wish I was a passing tranny
I have been watching tranny for 10 years now, where can I apply my knowledge gathered after these years?
woop it e doo
okay doom
hmpphey dump
at least dump pics
r udoing , Iam