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I know that feel, it doesn't apply to everything but at the very least from a sexual standpoint being a woman in the modern day beats being a man any day of the week

transition, better a mutilated but desirable boy than a despised suicidal robot.

it applies to fucking everything m8

transition is not an option for me

Yeah just trying to leave a concession but then I realized r9k is mostly safe from white knights

You might as well start the hormones now, you fucking faggot.

You're (presumably) a young, white, male. Why would you spend thousands of dollars, inject yourself with incredibly harmful hormones, and likely destroy your mental state just to reduce yourself to the absolute lowest low of the caste system as a fucking tranny? There's almost no chance that you'd ever pass as a biological female, and your existence will literally be reduced to the chuckle that some Chad will have when he sees your pathetic new "female body".

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Nowadays being an average guy is far more difficult than being an ugly woman

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Even if you were an ugly ass woman, there's probably thirsty robots out there looking for fatties or whatever kinky shit they call pull out.
We gotta be real to ourselves, being a guy in this society doesn't cut it off, you either gotta be a chad to win or might as well just kill yourself.

Why couldn't I have not been born

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100% true but there will always be white knights who claim that women have such hard in their lives

what if you were born and looked like this.
you really think things would be better user?

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It sucks being female. You won the genetic lottery and you're complaining. Makes me sick.

The convenience of using a benis to urinate is worth being male

I guarantee you someone has banged that troll. And if not, all they have to do is lose weight and get better at makeup. And worst case scenario get plastic surgery. A man can be extremely attractive, and he still doesn't have all the privileges a woman does.

imagine if men never went bald but 1/3 of women went bald instead

imagine staceys balding early

imagine them realising they are losing their hair.

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I'm a girl and I'm ugly as fuck. Why couldn't I have been born an attractive Stacy. I hate living like this

I'm female and balding. It happens to women, too.

Women are very good with wigs so they already solved that problem

Unless you're white, win the genetic lottery, and are in a Western nation, being a woman is meh to shit tier, and even the hot ones have problems with the uggos trying to pull the rug out from them at every opportunity. If you want to see what irl god mode looks like, hang around your nearest Chad.


>Pretty much never have to worry about sex because you can easily find a man even if you're a fucking 3/10
>Even if you can't find a man women aren't looked down upon for being virgins nearly as much as men
>Get the easier side of relationships, men are generally expected to pay for shit and do what you want over what they want
>Lower societal expectation because men are supposed to be breadwinners women are expected to be pencilpushers at best (Sure the stay-at-home meme is pretty much gone but women still aren't expected to accomplish as much)

Explain how being a woman is even remotely not easy

Yeah life on easy mode would be great.

It's a symptom of the situation, guy doesn't get any attention of recognition growing up and then in a twist of fate he says something politically correct around a girl and she praises him for it and he's hooked for life.

can we discuss being a girl desires leaving the easy mode nonsense?

But it'a a major part of it. I'm not attracted to men in the least but god damm being a pampered modern woman that gets spoiled by everyone and has an inflated ego to think of herself as some divine thing sounds like paradise.

I wouldn't want to be a woman because I'd probably be a cock sucking whore