all I want is a skelly bf content with me holding him every night, caressing him and kissing his forehead until he falls asleep. Why is everything based around something sexual
All I want is a skelly bf content with me holding him every night...
I wish this as well, but I'm a fucking fatso and by default everything will be shit to me until I somehow overcome my complexes and stop being fat. Sorry, user.
>tfw skelly bf who has nobody to be caressed by
Is a bmi of 17.6 too skelly or not skelly enough?
I am sorry user I wish the best of luck on losing weight
I can caress you
depends on your height
Join the skelly caressing server
I'm 5' 11 and in the 124-127lb range. Don't know why I keep restricting, it's just a habit at this point.
oh uh I do not have a discord
lets nibble on low calorie foods together and sleep all day
Then make one retard
haha id love this too bad ur an guy and no girl will ever do this
In reality no skelly would do this with a fat grill baka
indeed dont love the world or the things in the world
what shows love for petty things more than literally storing them in your body
ITT I learned that food is a petty thing.
it is. its something you have to do every day, like shitting. no more
>eatbeast lures a skelly robro to her eatdungeon
>tfw eatbeast with no eatdungeon of hungry skeletons
How big of an eatbeast
I'm 5'4 174 o
Thats healthy. Would you be so inclined to post a tit?
is 5'9" 114 lb skelly enough
I don't want to break the rules
Yes ofc
Not (your) tit, its cool
first I thought, "what if" but then I realized "probably a man"
>Yes ofc
thanks.. y-you too.
Do you camwhore on /soc/ in the chubby or big girl threads?
Don't try to trick me, it's not cool.
>me too
Well, not really
No, they only appreciate really graphic posts.
I am not a man
I am not fat either
I was trying to help you, the praise would raise your self esteem. Worst punishment is a one day ban, big deal.
>I just want a skelly gf who I can hold and hug and kiss with wonderful legs that I can rub all day long
>want to hold her tight and have our ribs touch for a long time
in that case you can probably find someone as long as you also aren't ugly or an awful person. post pic with timestamp and a way to contact, i'm sure there are some skelly robros around.
how skelly are we talking
t. 15.1
5'6" 106lbs biological male. Shooting for 99lb. I'm very weak.
Why do you want to be thinner?
Used to have 30% BMI and got addicted to losing weight. I love the control I now have over food.
sounds perfect skellys are too cute