Do you guys actually read whole sections of books/pdfs..
College students only
Fuck no, I barely even read the book. Khan Academy is your friend.
graduating soon with an accounting degree
I think I have under 5 hours of total reading time of a college textbook in my entire uni education. Everything is mostly self-taught or from notes.
i just ctrl+f on pdf's and look for whatever the worksheets ask for kek. I never actually read anything
Fuck no lel, I just skim and take what quotes I need
I managed to 4.0 a class in which it's all about reading books and giving reports on them without reading a single book.
kek what do you study with an accounting program? is that actually what you want to do with your career?
I say this as someone who works in an accounting department
my degree was sociology
>taking at 300+ level class
>only major assignment is a research paper
>play video games and blow it off until week before it's due
>go on a caffeine binge and spend 72 hours straight writing up paper
>get a B on it
Yeah I'd literally sleep with my science textbooks on my bed because I was reading them so much for college classes. I didn't mind though because that shit interested me.
If you don't enjoy reading about your subject you shouldn't really be at university.
I sometimes only skim, but that's in moments of desperation or when I'm reading something I really don't want to.
>lab partner for computer engineering lab never does prelabs before coming into class
>I do not do the prelabs either
>I am completely lost during the lab since I didn't do the prelab
>lab partner does just fine and intuitively understands what's going on without much difficulty
>I just sit there and let him do the lab while a mental haze envelops me as I attempt to understand what he's doing
>usually get less than 5 hours of sleep before coming to this class, so tired I can't muster any emotion and barely talk
>he always comes in with a calm demeanor and is mentally ready to do the work yet it turns out he seems to get less sleep than me
>another class
>some guy just sits in the back of the class awkwardly curled up in his chair, facing to the side, glued to his phone that he's constantly looking down at in this weird position
>doesn't ever seem to pay attention to the lecture
>still answers questions and corrects professor while constantly being immersed in his phone
>I sit there and just listen to the lecture and am lost half the time, again a mental haze enveloping me
>Sometimes I sit there attentively trying to immerse myself in the material but I know this attempt just barely conceals the fact that I truly cannot grasp anything going on conceptually
Feels bad being a brainlet. I feel like long-term depression has made me regress mentally.
so true. im looking at a video rn. feels so much easier rather than studying on my own desu
honestly this. I went to college because I wanted to study and I studied what was interesting to me. I went to college and have no debt because my parents could afford to pay for my education without me taking out a bullshit loan at age 18. In college I learned that historically college was only ever intended for those who could afford it (i.e. privileged) or those academic types who are worthy of someone else staking the cost of their education also known as scholarship. I even commuted to school from home to save more money and I worked part time throughout to support my own habits and recreational activity.
half of the people in my department don't even have degrees which is the real joke. I wouldn't have my job if my brother didn't help "get me in the door" as they say. I also applied a firm handshake.
>first 2 months of class
>read all the suggested readings plus the stuff in boxes at the end of the chapter
>last 2 months of class
>haven't touched the book
Literally no. I just write like 1000 word essays from own knowledge, and even then I got that shit from youtube when I was 14 and bored. IT.
I read books and papers regularly.
>typing lel in 2018
Might as well post a cool face or master ruseman too you absolute cocksucker
I haven't even bought a book since freshman year. Waste of money, honestly.
>tfw I still can't into biochemistry
No, I don't read them at all. I use them to pull out quotes for lab reports.
I'm a book freak. Hyperlexic since before my 2nd birthday. Live in a house that contains over 4000 books, databased because I'm fucking autistic about it.
And you know what? After a lifetime of consuming books, I can honestly tell you: most of the time, you can just read the introduction and already know what the rest of the book will say.
>Pick up book about the late Roman Empire
>Introduction says it's a "re-evaluation" of the period
>Immediately know what the rest of the book will say
And with fiction, it can be even worse. With modern fiction I can generally predict the general thrust of a work by looking at the design choices made in the jacket art.
Sad, really.
yup, but just on the subjects that matter
I know that feeling well. Still the only C on my transcript and I'm not even sure I'll pass biochem 2.
I don't even buy the books in the first place. Only things you need are class notes and online programs to turn in homework.
>tfw so smart I can read the book without reading it
>Read books
>Not bullshitting your way through
Year 4 here, still got it.
>>I do not do the prelabs either
>>I am completely lost during the lab since I didn't do the prelab
>>lab partner does just fine and intuitively understands what's going on without much difficulty
Fuck people like you, you're making it worse for your partner and you're leeching off his efforts
I don't read anything but subtitles on anime. I don't read essays, articles, or text books, I don't read my notes, and I don't read my homework.
I'm too burnt out to waste hours reading and inevitably rereading sections of a book because I am not interested and cannot pay attention.
as a college student I read in diagonal.
for my free time I read the whole book, for my pleasure.
But I tend to spend more time in vidya games than on books.
I already figured out I don't belong at uni but can't convince my parents to let me drop out and teach me how to get a job.
College grad here.
>if the material was difficult I would read the chapter and take notes. If it was really difficult I would review the notes.
>if it was easy the lecture would be enough. Most classes were easy, maybe 80%.
>you can get by without buying the textbook by downloading it instead for free. if it had questions you could ask a classmate to let you photograph those pages with your phone.
>the advent of online keys fucked this, but you can buy the keys separately for like $10 on ebay from someone who didn't need them. Better than paying $200 for the book new or $90 for a key from the publisher.
>if it had assigned reading, like for a lit class, I would speedread. I am a speedreading god and can annihilate a novel with high retention in less than 1 hour.
>speedreading is actually easier and better than reading some $4/hour pajeet notes off cliffnotes. Retard quality info, retard quality grades.
>also could write a 10 page scientific paper with citations in one night. 4 pages an hour was my typical speed for A quality.
>people paid me to write essays for them. Got what came out to $50/hour to do so. Never got caught because I modified my writing style to match the client's, only smarter.
More or less.
>bragging about 4k books
I probably have more than that on my hdd right now. E-reader master race. Any book I want no matter how rare, no need to leave my house or pay a cent, reorganizing is as easy as dragging files around. Only downside is pdf are shit tier and never convert properly so I need to read them on my PC. All ddl or irc so no tracing back from torrents. Typical download speed is less than 10 seconds. E-reader has never been connected to wifi in its life.
I have this feeling of having the Alexandri library in a USB key, but I still like to have a physical copy from time to time.
You're a smart man
t. Graduate with 2.3
>trying this hard to brag on Jow Forums about being able to read and write at a non-retard level
No wonder you don't have any friends, jesus christ dude.
John? My lab partner was exactly like this.