I'll start:
>Dyed hair
>Left wing political views
I'll start:
>Dyed hair
>Left wing political views
>she breathe
>drugs, alcohol
>any piercings
>wears hats
>plays video games
>wears hats
This is true
>has no interest in children
>has no interest in history
>doesn't like animals
>doesn't like nature
i don't think i've met a decent hat-wearing girl
>has male friends
>literally any unsupervised contact with a male outside her family
Until now I'd never really thought about this.
It's fucking true.
>doesn't go to church
>has ever used online dating
i fear the day when i meet a cute pure redheaded gf on the street and when i'm about to say hi she puts on a beanie or something equally awful and i'm forced to turn around and leave
>left wing views
What's wrong with this?
>liberal arts or some other retarded qualifications
Fuck off you communist whore
The entirety of human history.
It seems like you're the problem here.
I agree. Jesus never should have existed.
>Sleeps around
>I agree. Jesus never should have existed.
Jesus advocated CHARITY, not socialism.
Fuck off commie whore.
double double, toil and trouble
He also advocated obedience to the system, confirmed by Peter. Sounds like him and Stalin would get along well.
>Left wing political values
This is the only one that matters. If she has this then she'll have tattoos, be a slut etc...
>loves horses
Horse girls are fucking mental. Stay away.
>hates her family
>Believes in a higher power
>believes in newage meme shit
>believes in reincarnation
>defines herself as traditional OR liberal
>shorter than 5'7
>watches reality shit
>has more than 2 trusty friends
Not racist just don't like blacks
Not a single girl without one of them that I know.
It's just an animal? Why?
Dont date mormons
Dyed hair is alright.
Tattoos are alright.
Left wing political views are what most people who aren't interested in politics hold.
What is not alright is feministic views and skewed look on society.
Being overly emotional and not able to argue.
Being just straight up dumb and basic.
Basic women were given everything they ever needed and wanted. That's the biggest red flag.
I don't know why. Just based on my anecdotal evidence. Every single horse girl I know is fucked in the head.
my girlfriend has a really shitty family that she hates. Is it that bad?
Every horse girl is autisic or crazy. And not the good kind
>drugs, alcohol
So every modern woman ever?
Fuck off straight edge fag
Not if the family is at fault.
Basically use your discretion. If family is a degenerate lazy mass of people who do nothing and hold them back, then hating is fine.
If the girl doesn't like her family because "they were really strict with me and are boring lol" then she's worthless.
>describes herself as a feminist
>"ethical" non-monogamy
Why do they wear the hats? What are they hiding?
>Not only left-wing political views. I say political anything is shit, no matter what wing.
>Any kind of personality disorder, especially borderline
>Drug and/or alcohol addict and/or doesn't shuts up about drugs/alcohol
>Has tattoo's and/or piercing
>Dyes hair in unnatural colours
>Owns more than one cat/dog
should either be total fuckng slut, bicycle tier. Or church virgin waiting for marraige. anything between is dishonesty
>does not have a penis
>only humour is sex jokes or doesn't stop talking about sex
>over 25
>no hobbies or interests
>bad relations with family (unless the family is genuinely awful)
now you telling me user
>wears anything pic related
what should they wear?
A dress that reaches under the knees and covers arms up to the wrists, obviously.
No cap, no high waisted ripped jeans, no leggings and the shirt should be wear normal
Besides of that she can wear everything
my fresh spunk
Why do you want to dictate what a woman should wear?
can confirm, know several
The correct answer. I'll order some pls
I don't but women who dress like that are stupid sluts
>fucked in the head
This made me laugh because it's true
>has ever been meaningfully exposed to the outside world
>won't be my gf
>a t shirt and jeans are slutty
Those exact black high waisted ripped jeans are. Every girl who dress like that is the same and they are all sluts
>tied shirt
>ripped skinny jeans
don't act stupid
>isn't suicidal
>is suicidal but not for philosophical reasons
>smocks and/or do drugs
>untamed alcoholism
>left wing
>left wing, better make it twice
>is uneducated
>over 25 yo
>below 22 yo
>absurdly ugly and/or fat
>dresses like a pure slut
>listen to rap music
>hats and horses, as and said
>watches disney movies
>philosophical reasons
>having red flags
I just want to know what it's like to go down on a girl. Does it really matter if she has blue hair?
>t. red flag
Dubs of truth
[Spoiler] especially the children part[/spoiler]
it's disgusting and it smells like old dead rotten fish
And what are these "philosophical" reasons you want to off yourself?
Fuck off. You're being disrespectful and don't deserve a response.
It's because you want to justify you cowardliness with pseudo-intelligence
>Why do you want to dictate what a woman should wear?
If I wore a retard helmet everywhere, women wouldn't date me.
>Why do you want to dictate what a man should wear?
And you want to justify the way you put other people down by pretending it's bravery.
If you think being a gladiator is something to be proud of more power to you. I don't.
>uses reddit
>durrr left wing is a red flag
mentally disabled
screaming "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" at you
>all these brainlet rightwing virgins from Jow Forums
>Has a belly piercing
>Dated outside our race
>Goes out with her friend
>Prefers the city over the village
>Left wing views
I just think it's silly to believe your reason to want to kill yourself is superior to others reasoning
You all end up in the same place regardless
I don't think it's superior, where the hell did you get that from? I just want someone I can relate to.
>Describes self as a feminist
>Left wing
>Has no interest in children
>Does drugs
>Only listens to rap
>has one night stands
>dates black people
these are the only two I care about because both show terrible personality traits and recklessness
oh also
>doesn't believe women are more privileged than men
>is suicidal but not for philosophical reasons
>poltards that want to date normalfaggot women
>le no left wingers
>le wanting christfaggot anit-fun conservative church 50s gf
I'm no fag, so my red flags are
>is a right winger
>is christian or any abrahamic religion
>doesn't watch anime or read novels in entire life
>redneck or nigger
>is over twenty-one
>isn't an antinatalist
>has never done anal
>won't give bj
>likes new video games
>likes widescreen
>has facebook, twitter, instagram, etc
I'm still not getting it. Seems like you have a certain impression of me and you're too much of an idiot to realize that it is only that.
>gets trips but not for philosophical reasons
Idk man, there are some comfy Disney movies if we're talking animation.
holy shit lad stop you're making a mug of yourself
>she has a vagina
women are only here to extract resources from men and exploit you.
>flebbity you should care about what anonymous dickmunches think
You're the "mug" you faggoty buttfucker.
>if u follow the law: u a communist
This is how retarded you sound.
Shut the fuck up. Someone antagonizes me and I'm the one who's "making a mug" of myself? I literally used the word philosophical in order to differentiate between people who are suicidal because of trauma and concrete events and those who are suicidal because there's something they just fundamentally don't like about living.
So what. I get triggered easily and have a thin skin. It doesn't matter. This person misunderstood me and then decided to use their own misunderstanding against me. Fucking people.
if people shouldn't care what anons think why would you bother insulting me?
It's fun to get a rise out of idiots.
I know it is, that's why I enjoyed it when you gave me a (you)
>left wing political views
this, Ideally I would want my dream woman to not care about politics at all, but her being far left would be a big turn off
Here's another one.
You're a pathetic copycat of a human shitpile. Go back to the manure heap that you were first shoveled from.
black girls are the worst and I had the worst experience with black women. the black community is full of STD's,paternity fraud, crime and single mothers.
because men should have a strong pimp hand like the Muslims and they should obey men.
>making a mug of yourself but not for philosophical reasons
>Has a roastie
>likes horses
>ever served in the military
>breast implants
but anons I live in a place where winter is a thing
Holding political views solely for peer group approval indicates indifference and lack of understanding. It is literally impossible to have a broad knowledge of history while also being a marxist.
I don't think they meant beanies and things. I think they meant ballcaps and the like.
Wearing a hat for warmth in the winter counts as a philosophical reason.
>has never hooked up with anyone before
>doesn't like animals
>talks obsessively about work