>Chad body, face and dick
>Don't have the chad smell
Chad body, face and dick
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw smelllet
If you shower regularly and have good hygiene your natural body odor is Chaddy
>reading a japanese sex comic clearly written by a man who has little/no experience with women and somehow interpreting this as how sexuality works and inventing a reason to feel bad about yourself
>t. smellyboi
How often do you shower, Chad?
t. smelllet
No as a female inhaling a guys scent through his clothes is hawt
How does it feel, knowing that you'll never get a girl to hold herself against you, intoxicated in your aroma?
every day, like a normal person?
I was more ridiculing the idea that there is a certain kind of body odour that is instantly orgasmic, since you seemed to miss the point
>like a normal person
>every day, like a normal person?
fucking normie
lmao thanks for falling for the obvious bait and both making the same unoriginal reply
>unoriginal reply
Where do you think you are, normalfaggot?
>heh... i-i was just baiting
go take a shower you normal fuck
wait, so now I'm simultaneously showering too often to be a robot so am a normie... while also needing to go take a shower? I'm confused
All i can say is that since i started exercising regularly, my smell has totally changed. Way more of a musky man smell now, and stronger in general.
You take too many showers. You obviously need to leave our board immediately. Go back to taking showers.
if you love showers so much, why don't you just fucking marry them?
Smell your armpit after running then smell your armits after a fap.
They're very diffrent. Not surprising girls can pick up on a males scent.
lmao, this is hilarious. it's worth pointing out that my original point had nothing to do with showering.
getting back to that for a bit, i think anyone with a brain would know that someone's scent being attractive is mostly to do with initially already attracted to that person. obviously, being clean and so on (wearing cologne or what have you) goes part of the way, but being fatalistic about ones chances with women due to not having a 'chad scent' is fucking moronic.
anyway im out, smell ya later
>you'll never be a strong musk scented smellchad
>you'Il never be a strong musk scented smellchad
Learn to use Jow Forums, kid.
>I was more ridiculing the idea that there is a certain kind of body odour that is instantly orgasmic, since you seemed to miss the point
Ajax in that doujin got raped multiple times in her sleep and got trained to cum just from the smell. How? Ask Asanagi.
Reverse imagesearch can't pick up crops mate.
It's from Asanagi or Fatalpulse, one of his latest works. Girl is from Azur Lane and is named Ajax.
Yeah just found it after the above post mentioned asanagi. I'll post anyway:
(C93) [Fatalpulse (Asanagi)] Kuso Namaiki na Do S Musume ni Suiminyaku o | Sleeping Pills for this Shitty Cheeky Sadist (Azur Lane) [English]
OP put the source in the filename when you're making a crop
>tfw pheremonlet
how do i cope ITS NOT FAIR
Back into your pit. No one wants to smell you.