>All women are just selfish slu-
All women are just selfish slu-
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What's cold about this is she doesn't actually like him.
Now he's gonna get attached thinking she likes him and then she's gonna leave him.
>All women are just selfish slu
He's probably smart enough to know they don't. Even a downy isn't that dumb.
>I love you!
Holy fuck poor kid. w*Men are horrible.
Dude come on you just know he's thinking shit like "she really likes me!" and has NO IDEA she's virtue signalling.
every time i see something like this happen i feel conflicted because it's so disingenous yet that was probably the best (albeit temporary) moment of that guy's life.
I can barely fucking finish this video with his dopey face and the toy story music
even regular people get tricked into thinking someone likes them
he's literally retarded
And now he knows what he's missing out on and there will be an empty void inside for the rest of his life. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
I hope he can settle down with a nice downy chick someday, poor fella.
Glad the government is doing what it needs to to stop school shootings.
>she looks directly at the camera in the last frame
>implying literal downies do school shootings
Not anymore. Thanks, Big Brother!
Honestly it is sweet. Im conflicted because she felt the need to film and upload it. But some people have big hearts be honest would any of you fuckin losers take an ugly retarded girl to prom if you knew it would make her year, no. Didnt have the balls to go stag. This board is pathetic.
Can you imagine the reaction a robot would have to this situation? I have a feeling he'd see through it for what it really is then would cause a scene by rejecting the virtue signaling parade.
Then people would call HIM the bad guy for not falling for roastie tricks.
>leading a man on who otherwise never gets female attention is "sweet"
Roastie get out
Yeah, I noticed that too. You can tell she doesn't give a shit about the kid and she's doing this for imaginary internet points.
>would any of you fuckin losers take an ugly retarded girl to prom if you knew it would make her year
I never went to prom.
>never gets female attention
It is clear they had a friendly relationship prior.
Still, you can't dismiss the fact that she literally said "I love you" to him in that video.
How fucking cruel can you be?
Maybe they're good friends, and they both say it often. Don't you love your friends, user?
not even going to open the video. I can tell she's doing something for attention since she's looking at the camera
>Don't you love your friends, user?
Men and women can't be friends.
You just know the downie is head over heels in fucking love with her after that event.
Then after prom is over, then what? She probably maintains friendly relations with him, then eventually she gets a real bf and the downie is left wondering "what the heck I thought she loved me?"
That's actually pretty sweet. But I feel like she's using such charitable gestures as a means of making her seem kinder and more generous.
Those are opposites.
This so much. What is gonna happen after the prom?
Was it the camera footage uploaded to twitter and the team of females handing-out flowers and holding-up signs that tipped you off to the virtue signalling?
How is this a good thing exactly? Somehow I doubt she's gonna marry the poor kid. It's just an empty gesture with temporary results that will only leave him feeling worse than ever when he realizes she doesn't actually love him.
>she tells him "I love you"
>"I did this all for you"
I wonder if that will prove to be true in the future.. hope she is not spewing lies. If you love him so much introduce him to all your friends and your parents as your boyfriend and stay with him for a decade or more not one event.
Are you sure you didn't do this all as some kind of stunt?
fuck this stupid roastie whore. you know she's already bragging to her fellow normalfaggot friends saying shit like:
oh yeah, and don't forget she's gonna totally ditch his ass after that too.
Surely you have an online friend or two. That's not totally abnormal here.
People take advantage of others all the time anyways, I'm sure you're guilty of it. It doesn't mean nice things can't be nice temporarily.
I guess it's relative.
>lies to a retarded kid, setting him up for failure to improve social power
I have downsyndrome, don't jinx this shit my friend ;)
>People take advantage of others all the time anyways, I'm sure you're guilty of it. It doesn't mean nice things can't be nice temporarily.
Roasties, everybody. It's okay to take advantage of others as long as you feel good about it.
Robots would be too keen to roastie tricks and considered a creep.
She picks on the retard because he's like a lamb. Vulnerable and easy to get fame off of.
I'm a man.
>he's so out of touch he doesn't know that everyone uses everyone
>People take advantage of others all the time anyways, I'm sure you're guilty of it. It doesn't mean nice things can't be nice temporarily.
This is my argument against Age of Consent.
Girl increase her instagram and twitter after that for sure.
Literally using the weak to improve her social status.
Wanna get more angry? Read the twitter comments saying that they are crying because of watching it
Those people don't care at all. When a down or some ugly guy gets close to them they are disgusted. It's false empathy , only to make themselves feel better or look better in other people's eyes.
This. In a few months after she's capitalized off the attention she'll move on from the retard, unless there's more fame to gain from fucking with him. She'll drop him like garbage as soon as other people stop giving a shit.
Imagine how disgusted you feel at fucking a fat ugly amerishartn walmart slob bitch, that's how women feel about fucking a beta male
It's not that they hate you, it's just they are reputed by you when it comes to sex
I know this because I tried panhandling at a bunch of super hot roasties gave me a decent amount of money yet I'm still a virgin
I'm 21 so I kind of have a baby face, but when I asked for money I got a lot of responses like ''awww how much do you need?''
but men turned their noses up at me
>filmed and posted on social media
dead giveaway that it was done solely for attention.
it's that simple
*repulsed by you
I thought his shirt says 'LOVESDICKS'
Yeah and now she'll go back home and fuck chad while that retard goes back to his care centre and obsesses over her.
Being fat and ugly is a choice, being a beta male isnt. Women are in the wrong because they judge on traits men cant control.
Try panhandling. it's really easy to tug on a woman's mother hood instinct heart strings even if you're ugly or not attractive sexually
>"Let me take this retard to prob because I pity him and I also want to look generous. After Prom I'm going to dump him and leave forever"
Yeah soooooo lovely. That's the reason why she staged all that shit with so much effort in the first place.
I'll keep that info in mind when I become homeless kek
>tfw no retard privilege
>Why is he yelling?
Not that serious, man.
I'm not yelling, I'm typing.
Who are you quoting?
not sure if serious. there are plenty of ways to be ugly that you can't control either.
dude, i cried while watching it.
but for other reasons
>thinks Im literally quoting
>isnt familiar with the fact cap text is equivalent of yelling irl
Youre ok user
You people need help, perhaps you're so miserable because you give in to your awful confirmation bias and misogynistic worldviews. Just because Stacy made you feel bad doesn't mean everyone else is terrible
>All women are just selfish slu-
of course all of them aren't
but the majority are because society encourages it
When will we be proven wrong in our beliefs?
It seems everyone is corrupt.
>reverse samefagging
>see things for what they really are
>You people need help!
You mean we need to be (((reconditioned)))
If she genuinely meant it, why film and upload it to the internet? BEHOLD EVERYONE I AM A GENUINELY GOOD HUMAN BEING
End yourself.
>he's so out of touch he doesn't know that everyone uses everyone
But if you actually think this, then you too should find her attempt to capitalize on this contemptible.
The entire point of the exercise for her is to demonstrate how "giving" she is. If by definition that doesn't exist, then she's inherently a scammer.
I had a look at her account.
The video is barely two days old, she already has him plastered all over it. She'll probably stay with him because she can take advanteage of the fame she's gained now (the video has 350k "likes" and 100k "retweets" already).
I feel like this shit will be on the news.
Forgot the link, sorry.
She's on a natural high right now, probably checking every 30 mins to see how many more likes/RTs she got
>implying a raging tard with a hammer isn't more dangerous than Randy Stair
>Im conflicted because she felt the need to film and upload it
It's called virtue signaling, dumbass.
>roastie pressures her degeneracy on others
>Never in my life did I think asking my childhood best friend to prom would amount to something like this.... I am speechless.
HOLY FUCK. You already know that Chad and Tyrone already have this bitched line up for a double down dicking the hour after prom ends.
>roastie calling others roastie to try and blend in
Stay toastie ya dumb ass meat flap
Another woman parading around the mentally handicapped like a zoo animal for their own social benefit
It's the perfect gotcha situation. You can't call out their behavior without society turning it around on you. "Why do you have to be so bitter user???"
Alright you dumb whore.
I looked at her profile after reading It seems this school has a tradition of parading tards as the prom king?
Reminds me of when I was awarded a superlative in the highschool yearbook among all of the normal people. Gotta love empty, self-gratifying, virtue signaling.
I've always believed that we should have our eyes open to the truth even if it's ugly, but I wonder if you guys just tell yourselves that all the world is so terrible so you don't have to feel the pain of knowing that there are nice things in the world but they will never belong to you.
what in this situation is actually 'nice'?
Raising his expectations to ridiculous levels just to obliterate them 3 days later?
I don't believe in nice things happening to people like me. Unfortunately, that man looks like a foolish and downs-syndrome version of me. He won't know it's all a joke and he's the bag of shit everyone pretends to put up with for a single night only until he's alone in his room for years looking back on his memories.
They will say: "Why did he kill himself? He never gave us any indication he was suicidal!"
>gotta always use a fucking buzzword
Get fucked, cunt.
>I'll take Virtue Signaling Stacies for $200, Alex
I'll take "Examples of Virtue Signaling" for $200, Alex!
Want to know why most people know this is nothing but a publicity stunt? If it was not, she would not have filmed it and posted it on social media.
He would've never gone to prom with a pretty girl if she hadn't given him the chance. He had a day in the spotlight and some wonderful memories from it which he otherwise never would've had.
>He would've never gone to prom with a pretty girl if she hadn't given him the chance. He had a day in the spotlight and some wonderful memories from it which he otherwise never would've had.
I wonder if those memories will always be nice?
oh wow, a whole day that he can spend the rest of his life reflecting back upon until he jumps off a bridge because his life will never be that good
no shit and it worked just look at all the attention she is getting on social media. she is just a virtue signaling cunt. a genuine person would not post it all over social media and without cameras rolling.
Flap flap flap flap your life is calling you back
>Virtue signaling by dating a downy.
Sickening how she makes him believe he actually has a chance with her.
So it's her fault his life sucks and he can't handle it? Just because you give a man some food doesn't mean you're obligated to feed him the rest of his life. The entitlement of you losers is unbelievable, no wonder women don't want anything to do with you.
>He would've never gone to prom with a pretty girl if she hadn't given him the chance.
But the entire basis for it is that he's so retarded that he thinks it's real. Don't you see that?
If I talked to him and convinced him I was a doctor who had developed a way to cure retardation, and that all he needed to do was lie down in a pile of shit for five days...he'd fucking do it. I'd be able to trick him, because he's fucking retarded. And during those five days, he'd be...happy! He'd have five days where he thought he was about to be normal.
Would that mean my trickery was "nice"?
there's some parable about treating a poor man to a luxury dinner but I don't remember what it is so fuck you
Feel free to flaunt your fake love. We'll always see through it.
You retards do realize that even if she has an ulterior motive here, this still is going to be the best night that downie will ever have, right?
Except now that's going to be the new "peak" of his life.
He'll never experience anything like that again, and will be haunted by the memories of what he could have but doesn't. He'll turn into an empty husk of a man in time, always seeking that high but never being able to recreate it.
she has nice boobies
I like boobies
I won most likely to become a millionaire almost 1/10th of the way there so idk
And now he'll have pain he'll never forget